Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Kremlin cash revives home loans

08 Февраля 2011, контрольная работа

Cash injections from state-controlled banks are due to breath life into the flagging mortgage market as it seeks to recover from the economic crisis.

Labor market in Russia

13 Февраля 2011, курсовая работа

This particular work intends to make a deeper insight into the situation on the Russian labor market from 1990 and until the present days, analyzing various aspects of market, its peculiarities and main drivers that caused the market changes. At the same time the analyses, made in this work, give an opportunity to see the main tendencies and dynamics of the Russian labor market and to determine the factors that had influence on them.

Language Learning and Teaching

25 Октября 2010, Не определен


Language World Picture and National-Cultural Specificities in Oral and Written Text

24 Марта 2011, курсовая работа

The problem of conceptualization of national world picture with the help of other language cultures attracts interests of many linguists, philologists, philosophers and anthropologies. Necessity to establish the concept of “language world picture” in literary language can be explained by the necessity to understand the situation of polyvariance existing in this sphere. Moreover, the concept of World Picture can be determined in 2 ways: by the description of inner society and with the help foreign observers.

Law and order

15 Ноября 2010, Не определен

The present British legal system forms the basis of the Judiciary – the third branch of the government – and comprises three separate systems – that for England and Wales, that for Scotland and that for Northern Ireland

Layers of vocabulary

12 Мая 2013, лекция

Stylistics as a linguistic discipline studies expressive and figurative means of the language inter-relations between the content and form of the text functional styles of the language.
The central category is functional style which can be characterized as a unity of language means chosen and arrangeв in such a way as to serve some particular purpose in the process of speech communication opposed to other such unities fulfilling
Stylistics is closely connected with all other branches of linguistics. Like lexicology it studies vocabulary, like grammar it analyses morphological forms and syntactic structures, like phonology – sounds and their combination. Unlike them it analyses only those lexical, grammar means that have stylistic coloring either in hearing or under certain contextual conditions.

Legal system

28 Марта 2013, доклад

Legal system the body or system of rules recognized by a community that are enforceable by established process.
In general, legal systems around the world can be split between civil law jurisdictions, on the one hand, and systems using common law, on the other.
The term civil law, referring to a legal system, should not be confused with civil law as a group of legal subjects, as distinguished from criminal law or public law. A third type of legal system — still accepted by some countries in part, or even in whole — is religious law, based on scriptures and interpretations.

Legends today

20 Марта 2011, реферат

Об'єктом даного дослідження стали легенди різних часів і народів. Однак, перевага віддається старовинним та сучасним легендам англомовних країн.

У ході роботи були використані не тільки книги легенд, а і періодичні видання, енциклопедії та підручники англійських видавництв.

Метою нашої роботи було зібрати зразки легенд різних країн, різних часів, перекладених на англійську мову, проаналізувати їх і простежити спільне та відмінне, стиль викладення подій, щоб мати уявлення про легенду як літературний твір у цілому, так і про легенди англомовних країн зокрема.

Leonardo da Vinci

09 Марта 2015, реферат

The term "Renaissance man" comes from fifteenth-century Italy and refers to the idea of a person with knowledge and skills in a number of different areas. Perhaps, no single individual defines the idea of a Renaissance man better than Leonardo da Vinci – an artist, scientist, architect, engineer and inventor.

Letter about Student's life

12 Марта 2011, сочинение

Sometimes I go to the Institute’s libriary to prepare for the seminars : I read articles and books, make notes. I really like studying. I have favorite subjects such as English and literature, phonetics, and other items is not like such as Politology , Philosophy.

Lexicography as a science and practice of compiling dictionaries

05 Декабря 2010, Не определен

1. Lexicography as a science
2. Dictionary: notion, functions, classification, components
3. The characteristics of Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners
List of used literature

Lexicologie du français moderne

10 Марта 2011, аттестационная работа

La lexicologie descriptive s'intéresse au vocabulaire d'une langue dans le cadre d'une période déterminée, elle en fait un tableau synchronique. La lexicologie descriptive bénéficie des études typologiques qui recherchent non pas à établir des rapports généalogiques, mais à décrire les affinités et les différences entre des langues indépendamment des liens de parenté.

Liebe Studieninteressierte

26 Февраля 2011, статья

Unsere Universität hat ein besonderes Profil: Neben rein fachlichem Wissen möchten wir Ihnen die Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche persönliche Bildung vermitteln. Wir möchten Sie ermuntern, Eigenverantwortung zu übernehmen.

Das ist die Kernidee unserer, im Zuge der Bologna-Reform, konzipierten Studienarchitektur mit Bachelor- und Master-Abschlüssen. Unsere Studierenden schätzen diesen Ansatz. Sie zeichnen sich durch Eigeninitiative und Engagement, auch neben dem Fachstudium, aus. Sie gestalten ihr Studium selbst: Als «Unternehmer» in eigener Sache.

Lieber Thomas

08 Апреля 2013, реферат

Lieber Thomas,
wie geht es dir? Ich sitze hier gerade an meinem Schreibtisch und schaue aus dem Fenster: Es regnet in Strömen. Deshalb vertreibe ich mir die Zeit ein wenig und schreibe dir mal wieder. Das Wetter geht mir auf die Nerven, seit fast zwei Wochen regnet es hier; ich bin echt urlaubsreif! Ich brauche die Sonne!! Aber bald geht's ja los!!!

Limnic eruption

15 Февраля 2011, доклад

A limnic eruption, also referred to as a lake overturn, is a rare type of natural disaster in which carbon dioxide (CO2) suddenly erupts from deep lake water, suffocating wildlife, livestock and humans. Such an eruption may also cause tsunamis in the lake as the rising CO2 displaces water. Scientists believe landslides, volcanic activity, or explosions can trigger such an eruption. Lakes in which such activity occurs may be known as limnically active lakes orexploding lakes

LInguistic needs of young Language Learners

28 Марта 2012, курсовая работа

The object of my paper is to report on the process of teaching young language learners.
The subjects of research paper are methods and ways of teaching phonetics, vocabulary and grammar.
This paper focused on linguistic needs of young language learners.
I think that pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary are the most important things for all learners.

Linguistic Аspects of Black English

05 Апреля 2015, курсовая работа

The topic of Black English is very actual in terms of sociolinguistics and language interaction development, in racial relations and ethnic cultures. Through understanding Linguistic Aspects of Black English we can observe peculiarities of language development and culture of people.

Liquid cementation

17 Апреля 2016, доклад

The conventional thermal treatment for hardening does not alter the chemical composition of steel, ie, the material starts treatment with 0.4% carbon and it ends with 0.4% carbon. However, sometimes it is necessary to bring the steel to complete modifications on their chemical composition to improve the properties of its surface. These changes are obtained through thermo-chemical treatment. This treatment aims primarily to increase the hardness and strength of the material wear of the surface and at the same time maintaining the core ductile (soft) and tenacious.

Listening comprehension

20 Февраля 2011, реферат

And this is a little Princess. One morning Princess Elizabeth came to the Zoo. Guy looked at the Princess and thought that she was very beautiful. He liked her very much. He wanted to show her his and he said: "Please, look. This is my best trick." Guy took a ball put it on his head and jumped up and down, up and down, with the ball on his head.

Literature Review

03 Апреля 2011, реферат

Literature review is about the features of monopoly that leads to customer dissatisfaction, random pricing and lack of innovation due to absence of perfect competition.


10 Декабря 2010, контрольная работа

The main facts about London, its history, architecture, regions, sightseeings.


07 Сентября 2011, доклад

London is the capital of Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is an old city, its history counts more than two thousand years. London is both the capital oi the country and a huge port. London is situated upon both banks of the Thames, about forty miles from the mouth and is divided into two parts by the river: north and south. There are 17 bridges that cross the river. The population of London is more than 9 million people.


11 Сентября 2011, сочинение

London is one of the world`s most exciting cities. It was founded by the Romans in about 43 Ad as a trading port, and has remained a centre of commerce ever since. It is also the capital city, the home of monarchs and government since 1066. London`s history is to be found on every street, but above all London is a city for people to enjoy.


21 Марта 2013, реферат

L’imparfait est un temps qui exprime le passé. C’est un temps qui exprime une durée indéfinie et qui nous sert à expliquer le décor de l’action, la répétition dans le passé, etc.
Pour la plupart des verbes, le radical de l’imparfait est la première personne du pluriel (nous) du présent de l’indicatif.
L’imparfait de répétition et d’habitude d’accompangne généralement d’un complement circonstanciel de temp : parfois, chaque fois, souvent, toujours, etc.

M.Blokh. A Course in Theoretical Grammar

01 Апреля 2011, реферат

Man is not well defined as “Homo sapiens” (“man with wisdom”). For what do we mean by wisdom? It has not been proved so far that animals do not possess it. Those of you who have pets can easily prove the contrary. Most recently anthropologists have started defining human beings as “man the toolmaker”.

Main Features in Functioning of American College Slang

06 Ноября 2009, Не определен

Эссе по лексикологии


21 Ноября 2011, реферат

/kælɪˈfɔrnjə/ is the most populous state in the United States, and the third largest by land area, after Alaska and Texas; it is also the second most populous sub-national entity in the Americas, behind only São Paulo, Brazil. California is located on the West Coast of the United States, bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada to the northeast, Arizona to the southeast, the Mexican state of Baja California to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Its four largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco.

Management styles

07 Октября 2010, Не определен

What is management and who are managers?
What makes a good manager?
Different styles of management
Advantages and disadvantages of each style of management

Many have been the victims of racial discrimination.

13 Марта 2011, контрольная работа

Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций (см. образец выполнения 1).

Margaret Tetcher

13 Февраля 2011, доклад

Conservative government came to power in 1979, with a leader - vigorous Margaret Thatcher, which proposed an entirely new economic development program, differs radically from all previous programs. Such a strategy of economic development came to be known as neo-conservatism.