16 Ноября 2011, реферат
Shortening (including abbreviation) in communication is the process or result of representing a word or group of words by a shorter form of the word or phrase. The problems of shortened lexical units as specific language phenomena in modern languages attracted attention of many researchers. These problems are considered to numerous articles and separate researches of Russian and foreign authors.
21 Февраля 2011, статья
This paper is based on 3 articles: “Anticipatory Guidance for Prevention of Childhood Obesity: Design of the MOMS Project” by Judith A. Groner, MD and colleagues, “Breastfeeding and the Risk of Childhood Obesity” by Alan S. Ryan and “Childhood Obesity: What’s Health Care Policy Got To Do With it?” by Charles Homer and Lisa A. Simpson, The authors undertook a research study to examine the results of multiple studies on relationship between breastfeeding and obesity. My examination systematically focuses on aspects of the articles in terms of effects of educating our population about breastfeeding and it’s positive effects.
26 Декабря 2011, курсовая работа
There is a well-known law of nature: “the fittest survive” but it is not only about animals and plants, it also applies to humans and all sides of their lives including economic one. The world is developing in direction of mind power but people and companies still try to find their strong points and the best strategy to win in the struggle for survival.
20 Ноября 2012, реферат
American children start school at the age of five years. The first year at school is called kindergarten. It is required of all American children enrolled in the American education system. The second year at school is considered the first year of primary school and is referred to as first grade. In America, the word grade has two meanings: (1) the score achieved on an exam or in a course, and (2) a year of education in primary or secondary school. Primary school most commonly consists of five years of education, referred to as first through fifth grades.
14 Января 2011, реферат
We live in toxic times. Never before in recorded history have human beings been packed so closely together, under such toxic and stressful conditions, as in our cities today. Never before have we exposed our planet and our bodies to so many different kinds, and increasing quantities of toxins (poisons). This includes chemicals, heavy metals, toxic fumes, radiation, and other poisons in our air, food, and water. No one knows the full consequences of all these different toxins building up and interacting inside human bodies. But we can see some of the effects in bodies around us, or by looking in a mirror.
23 Февраля 2011, реферат
Youth is a very important period in the life of man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them and do not differ much from those that once their parents had to deal with. At the same time every generation is unique. It differs from the one that preceded it in its experience, ideals and a system of values.
12 Июля 2015, доклад
Production management is an activity that relates to the creation of goods and services by converting the required resources of all kinds in the finished goods and services.
This is one of the most common functional areas of management activity in all spheres of national economy.
Quality management of key business processes,
underlies the efficient functioning of any organization whose purpose is the creation of wealth.
16 Сентября 2012, реферат
Today, no one of the spheres of public life is impossible to imagine without such entity as an organization.
The organization has a defined, ordered structure and a certain internal structure, consisting of parts. These parts of the internal structure of the organization are small groups - a few on the composition of groups, whose members share a common social activity and are in direct personal contact, which is the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships, group norms and group processes.
16 Марта 2010, Не определен
Слово, обозначающее предмет или признак предмета, но не называющее его, называется местоимением. Местоимения делятся на несколько групп, каждая из которых имеет свои собственные грамматические характеристики.
Pronouns many, few, a few, much, little, a little. Местоимения "много, мало, немного, несколько".
Местоимения "many"- много и "few" - мало употребляются только как определения к исчисляемым существительным во множественном числе.
They have many friends in London.
У них много друзей в Лондоне.
03 Декабря 2010, Не определен
Данные материалы включают теоретические сведения о звукобуквенных соответствиях в английском языке, упражнения для совершенствования навыков чтения, а также материалы для чтения и заучивания наизусть. Материалы могут быть использованы как для аудиторной, так и самостоятельной работы учащихся.
04 Апреля 2011, реферат
The field known as Kashagan lies in the north–west Caspian off the coast of Kazakhstan and is reported to cover an area 47 miles (75 km) long by 22 miles (35 km) wide. The discovery well, Kashagan East, was a single vertical well, drilled to a total depth of 4500 m.2 The contracting companies continued to explore other structures in the North Caspian Sea contract area and they found considerable reserves in 2002 at the Kalamkas field (Oil and Gas Journal—OGJ, 2002a, b).
10 Марта 2010, Не определен
Unter viel Widerspruch wird nun prдzisiert, was anfangs wie eine vage Absichtserklдrung klang – wie genau der Kьndigungsschutz gelockert werden soll, wann der Anspruch auf Arbeitslosengeld endet, wie Arbeitslosenhilfe (fьr Langzeitarbeitslose) und Sozialhilfe (fьr Bedьrftige) ineinander aufgehen oder die Nettolцhne sinken sollen, indem die Arbeitnehmer kьnftig hцhere Sozialbeitrдge fьr die Absicherung ihres Krankengeldes aufbringen mьssen. Man hat damit in Kurzfassung die Kernpunkte dieses Projektes „Agenda 2010“ zusammen. Allerdings ist das alles abstrakt formuliert, wodurch es nach eher harmlosen Eingriffen in das Sozialsystem klingen mag. Allein das Zusammenlegen von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe betrifft ьber eine Million Menschen und ein organisatorischer Kraftakt ist es obendrein. So viel dabei auch umstritten ist, so groЯ das Risiko, dass nur neue Bьrokratien entstehen, es zeichnet sich ab: Die Bundesrepublik versucht einen Paradigmenwechsel. Ernsthaft will die Politik Konsequenzen daraus ziehen, dass die Zahl der Kinder dramatisch gesunken ist und sinkt, die Basis fьr die solidarische Umverteilung zwischen den Generationen damit aber dahinschmilzt. Sozialstaatsleistungen werden insgesamt reduziert, was immerhin ein Eingriff in die Grundstrukturen des gewachsenen Sozialsystems ist, einmal, um dem Staat Kosten zu ersparen, zum anderen, um auch die „Lohnnebenkosten“ – auch so ein deutsches Wort! – zu senken, und damit die Kosten fьr Arbeit.
Сейчас детализируется то, что поначалу выглядело как туманное заявление о намерениях: а именно, как конкретно должна быть ослаблена защита от необоснованного увольнения, когда прекращает действовать право на пособие по безработице, как будет происходить слияние пособия безработным по бедности (для хронических безработных) с пособием по бедности (для нуждающихся) или как будет снижаться чистая зарплата, если в будущем наемные работники будут платить более высокие взносы в страховые больничные кассы, чтобы обеспечить себе выплату пособия по болезни в период заболевания. Таковы вкратце основные пункты «повестки». Однако все сформулировано столь абстрактно, что может показаться, что речь идет о безобидных изменениях в социальной системе. Однако лишь сведение воедино выплаты пособия безработным по бедности и пособия по бедности затронет свыше миллиона человек и потребует к тому же больших организационных усилий. И сколько бы это не вызывало споров, как бы не был велик риск, что все это приведет к возникновению новой бюрократии, вырисовывается только одно: Германия пытается провести смену парадигм. Политики всерьез намеренны сделать выводы из того факта, что число детей резко снизилось и снижается, что база для солидарного перераспределения средств между поколениями тем самым размывается. Объем услуг, предоставляемых социальным государством, в целом сокращается, что является хирургическим вмешательством в основные структуры сложившейся социальной системы, чтобы, во-первых , сократить государственные расходы, а во-вторых, и «побочные расходы на заработную плату», - еще одно немецкое выражение! – а тем самым и расходы на рабочую силу.
10 Ноября 2014, доклад
What is the purpose of a government? Why does a government need to exist? An oversimplified answer would be - 'to serve the people'. For a deeper explanation, that identifies the complexities involved, read further.
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men..."
18 Марта 2011, реферат
Record-keeping of waterfowls of Issyk-Kul lake is carried out. Materials of registration have been processed on Issyk-Kul oblast as well as materials of tagging of birds. New tools for birds catching have been repaired and created. Biological samples from 20 birds have been taken.
12 Декабря 2010, статья
Some Air Navigation Service Providers (e.g. Airservices Australia, The Federal Aviation Administration, NAV CANADA, etc.) have implemented Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) as part of their surveillance capability. This new technology reverses the radar concept. Instead of radar "finding" a target by interrogating the transponder, the ADS-equipped aircraft sends a position report as determined by the navigation equipment on board the aircraft.
23 Августа 2011, реферат
People have many ways to get information and become more competent in something: watching TV, listening radio, reading… For my opinion, the most advantageous way is reading. Because when, how much and what to read depends on your decision, while you can’t stop programs on TV or radio in inappropriate time for you.
11 Февраля 2011, статья
On Sept. 22 in New York, the NATO-Russia Council met for the first time after ties were severed in the aftermath of the Russia-Georgia war of 2008. On the eve of the meeting, Ivo Daalder, U.S. ambassador to NATO, dropped a hint about future NATO membership for Russia. While referring to Article 10 of the alliance’s charter, which says NATO membership is open to any European country, he stressed that this article certainly applies to Russia — as long as it meets the alliance’s requirements. Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, head of a panel working on a new mission statement for NATO, and former NATO Secretary-General George Robertson have also supported the idea of working toward NATO membership for Russia. In addition, Igor Yurgens, head of the liberal Institute for Contemporary Development think tank, has said repeatedly that NATO membership is in Russia’s best interest
22 Марта 2011, реферат
1. Wie immer gern unternehmen viele Menschen Reisen. 2. Man kann aus Meer, in die Berge, in die berühmten Hauptstädte oder aufs Land fahren. 3. Man lernt neue Orte und kennen Menschen, besucht verschiedene Städte, Museen, Erholungsgebiete.
14 Декабря 2011, доклад
Development of renewable energy is one of the most pressing tasks facing the global energy sector. In the foreseeable future, hydrocarbon fuel will retain its dominant position in the world energy balance, however the share of renewable energy sources will increase year by year. Despite the changing economic situation, depressions and crises, the demand for renewable energy is growing by the year.
24 Марта 2015, курсовая работа
This increasing quantity of CO2 leads to the warming of our planet and becomes the main reason of the so-called Global Warming Effect. One of the ways to answer this challenge is to replace current technologies by alternative ones. They usually have comparable or better performance and at the same time they allow avoiding the usage of carbon dioxide. These sources are often called the Alternative energy.
17 Марта 2011, статья
Communication is an integral part of tasks where participants engage in interaction, production, reception or mediation, or a combination of two or more of these. These tasks are a central unit in many syllabuses, textbooks, classroom learning experiences and tests, they are chosen on the basis of learners’ needs outside the classroom. According to CEFcommunicative pedagogic tasks aim to actively involve learners in meaningful communication; they are relevant, challenging but feasible and have identifiable outcomes
24 Февраля 2011, контрольная работа
Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
24 Декабря 2012, лекция
26 Декабря 2010, доклад
A robber has attacked a bank in New York, armed with a bunch of flowers and a note reading “Don’t be a hero”. The thief approached the cashier’s window in the United States with a large bouquet of flowers and handing over a hold-up note. Police told The New York Post they were examining a large bunch of blooms – yellow chrysanthemums, orange and red daisies, and gladioli buds, among others flowers – used by the man in the robbery last week.
20 Февраля 2011, реферат
Emperor Claudius invaded Britain in 43 AD, and until 410 AD Britain was a province of the Roman Empire. Almost immediately native Britons started to be Romanized. One of the major influences of the Roman Empire on the ancient Britain was introduction of new eating habits.
If not for the Romans, modern British diet wouldn’t be the same. Such important products as garlic, onions, leeks, peas, walnuts, cabbages, shallots, turnips, celery, cherries, asparagus and apples were first introduced by them. Also new ways of farming and new types of meat became an integral part of life in Britain after the Roman invasion.
11 Марта 2013, реферат
Scotland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. Occupying the northern third of the island of Great Britain, it shares a border with England to the south and is bounded by the North Sea to the east, the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and the North Channel and Irish Sea to the southwest. Scotland includes over 790 islands.
20 Декабря 2010, реферат
A lot has been said and written about the inscrutable ‘Russian soul’ – yet, it still keeps its mystery. Here are some of our thoughts about the common traits of the people inhabiting this multiform and contradictive country. Certainly, the picture is only approximate, as those traits vary greatly depending on an age group, region, education, profession, belief, etc.
27 Марта 2015, реферат
The weight of the emerging countries in the world economy has grown rapidly and as a result their political importance has also been on the rise. Perhaps the most visible manifestation of this is the establishment of the G20 group of countries and its expanding role as a discussion forum. At the same time, the large emerging economies have tried to strengthen their mutual cooperation within the framework of the unofficial alliance of the BRICS group.
08 Января 2011, реферат
Pupil 1: Today is February the 14th. We all have been awaiting this day eagerly, because it is the day when people tell each other nice things, give presents to their loved ones, speak and sing about love. Yes, today is Saint Valentine’s Day.
Pupil 2: There are many different stories about the origin of Saint Valentine’s Day. We know that Valentine was a priest in Rome a long time ago. He was a very good priest and many people liked him.
Pupil 3: Roman emperor Claudius did not want young men to get married. He wanted all men to go to war instead. He said no one could get married without his permission.