Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Sandro Botticelli „Die Geburt der Venus“

14 Мая 2013, реферат

Im Mittelpunkt des Bildes 'Die Geburt der Venus' steht die Venus. Sie wird von einer nackten Frau
dargestellt, welche mit ihren langen, blonden Haaren, die nur mit einem Band zusammengehalten
werden, und ihrer rechten Hand ihre Scham bedeckt. Die linke Hand liegt auf ihrer Brust. Sie
entsteigt einer übergrossen Muschelhälfte, die auf dem Meer liegt, welches einen Grossteil des
Hintergrundes bedeckt.
Zu ihrer rechten Seite befinden sich ein männlicher und ein weiblicher Engel. Eng umschlungen,
jeweils nur mit einem Tuch bedeckt schweben sie über dem Meer. Die grossen, dunklen Flügel an ihren
Rücken schimmern golden im Sonnenschein.

Say, Say, Say Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney

03 Октября 2009, Не определен

Песня на английском с переводом

Scientia nihil est quam veritatis imago

18 Ноября 2011, реферат

Зміст освіти ¬¬¬¬– система наукових знань, умінь і навичок, оволо¬діння якими забезпечує всебічний розвиток розумових і фізичних здібностей осіб, формування їх світогляду, моралі та поведінки, підготовку до суспільного життя, до праці.


07 Ноября 2012, доклад

Scotland is famous for its dismal greyness, cold, endless rain, a little gloomy beauty of the picturesque valleys, heather-covered uplands, ancient castles, is known worldwide for its Loch Ness monster, bagpipes and Scottish cloth and avarice (greed) of local residents. Traditional Scottish ("cattle") cookbook begins: "If you came to visit, go and take an egg from a neighbor."

Scotland today

23 Сентября 2011, реферат

There are more than five million people in Scotland. Most Scots live in the south, in or near the big cities of Edinburg and Glasgow (see the map on page 19). Most of the north of the country is very empty – not many people live there. Aberdeen – the oil city of Scotland – is the only big city in the north.


23 Февраля 2011, творческая работа

Winter, spring, summer and autumn are the seasons of the year. December, January and February are winter months The weather is cold usually it snows. The days are short and the nights are long.

Section A (Grammar reference)

28 Февраля 2011, контрольная работа

They will sign the contract next week. Они подпишут контракт на следующей неделе.

Когда подлежащее является лицом / предметом, подвергающимся действию со стороны другого лица / предмета, глагол употребляется в форме страдательного залога:

Semantic and stylistic aspect of euphemisms in modern english

03 Января 2011, дипломная работа

The practical value of the paper consists of the application of the results of the investigation in the course of stylistics, text interpretation, theory and practice of translation.

The following methods have been applied:

2.comparative analysis of literature on stylistics, phraseology, semaseology, psycholinguistics;
3.analysis of euphemistic, stylistic projections in the English literature.
The materials of our study are:

1.examples from classical English literature;
2.Russian – English dictionaries.

Semantic changes

21 Января 2011, реферат

The meaning of a word can change in the course of time. Changes of lexical meanings can be proved by comparing contexts of different times. Transfer of the meaning is called lexico-semantic word-building. In such cases the outer aspect of a word does not change.
The causes of semantic changes can be extra-linguistic and linguistic, e.g. the change of the lexical meaning of the noun «pen» was due to extra-linguistic causes. Primarily «pen» comes back to the Latin word «penna» (a feather of a bird). As people wrote with goose pens the name was transferred to steel pens which were later on used for writing. Still later any instrument for writing was called « a pen».

Semantic changes and borrowing from French

14 Ноября 2010, Не определен

Loans and native words

Shops and shopping

08 Апреля 2013, сочинение

Shopping is a part of our everyday life, when we want to buy something, we go to the shops. These days there are several ways of shopping and you can choose the most convenient one for you.
The evident difference between all ways of shopping is the shopping method they offer.
For example, if your life is too busy to go traditional shopping, you can do all your shopping over the Internet, just clicking on your computer. The advantages of this way are saving your time, more reasonable prices and the greatest choice. If you ask me, I don’t like it, because I can’t see, touch and check the goods I want to buy.

Show business is communication

23 Декабря 2010, реферат

Communication is the process of giving information or of making emotions or ideas known to someone. As it has already been said by the previous speakers, in every act of communication there is a source of a message, its receivers and a channel between them. There is also a feedback in every successful act of communication. Show business, sometimes shortened to show biz, is a vernacular term for the business of entertainment.

Similarities and differences Germanic languages ​​with other IE (Indo-European) languages

18 Декабря 2014, реферат

Germanic languages are part of the Indo-European family. That`s why they have both similarities and differences with other IE (Indo-European) languages.
There is no doubts, all the IE languages have shared words for certain animals, plants, topographical formations, and certain meteorological phenomena.

Sistem Client-Server pentru administrarea la distanţă a calculatoarelor

14 Марта 2011, курсовая работа

Pascal este unul dintre limbajele de programare de referinţă în ştiinţa calculatoarelor, fiind cel care a definit programarea calculatoarelor. Pascal a fost dezvoltat de elveţianul Niklaus Wirth în 1970 pentru a pune în practică programarea structurată, aceasta fiind mai uşor de compilat. Unul din marile sale avantaje este asemănarea cu limbajul natural limba engleză, ceea ce îl face limbajul ideal pentru cei care sunt la primul contact cu programarea. Pascal este bazat pe limbajul Algol şi a fost denumit astfel în onoarea matematicianului Blaise Pascal, creditat pentru construirea primelor maşini de calcul numeric. Wirth a mai dezvoltat limbajele Modula-2 şi Oberon, similare cu Pascal.

Six barriers to intercultural communication

26 Марта 2011, сочинение

Communicating across cultures carries myriad challenges, and scholars have studied the process for decades. Intercultural communications can present complex obstacles that cover the full communication spectrum, but six important oral and nonverbal factors can make a significant difference when communicating with individuals from another culture

Social categorization in companies

27 Марта 2011, курсовая работа

1. Introduction

2. Definition and description of ‘social categorization’ linked to case study

2.1 criteria of categorization (culture, geographical location, nationality, functions etc.)

2.2 intergroup behavior

3. How social categorization create enduring divisions across nationality

4. How social categorization generate polarization of subgroups in global teams

5. Conclusion

Solar Energy

04 Сентября 2013, творческая работа

Solar energy, radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar energy technologies include solar heating, solar photovoltaics, solar thermal electricity, solar architecture and artificial photosynthesis, which can make considerable contributions to solving some of the most urgent energy problems the world now faces.

What is solar energy used today?
Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy.


08 Февраля 2011, доклад

Sophocles (pronounced /ˈsɒfəkliːz/ in English; Greek: Σοφοκλῆς, Sophoklēs, probably pronounced [sopʰoklɛ̂ːs]; c. 497/6 BC – winter 406/5 BC)[1] was the second of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose work has survived. His first plays were written later than those of Aeschylus and earlier than those of Euripides. According to the Suda, a 10th century encyclopedia, Sophocles wrote 123 plays during the course of his life, but only seven have survived in a complete form: Ajax, Antigone, Trachinian Women, Oedipus the King, Electra, Philoctetes and Oedipus at Colonus.[

Speak about the global problems of world economy

16 Февраля 2011, реферат

Carried along by the current wave of human society development, we`re now successfully entered a new period called “Informational society”.

Speak on the following topic and discuss the problem: What is economics? Microeconomics vs Macroeconomics. Three sectors of the economy

25 Марта 2010, Не определен


Spelling and dialect: Comparisons between speakers of African American Vernacular English (AAVE ) and White speakers

22 Декабря 2014, реферат

The primary focus of the paper is to study and review the effects of dialects (African American Vernacular English and General American) on spelling among adults and children. This study is an attempt to address the issues of generality, phonology comparing AAVE and General American. The phonological characteristic of AAVE of interest in the given work was the devoicing of final obstruents which was compared to the absence of this feature in General American

Sport and а healthy mode of life

03 Марта 2011, сочинение

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions. Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news.

Sport Marketing As a Part of Promotion

17 Февраля 2011, статья

Sport marketing is a part of marketing which focuses both on the promotion of sports events and teams as well as the promotion of other products and services through sporting events and sports teams. It is a service in which the element promoted can be a physical product or a brand name. The goal is to provide the client with strategies to promote the sport or to promote something other than sport through sports.

Sports USA

21 Ноября 2009, Не определен

Контрольная работа

Starbucks doesn't sell coffee

17 Декабря 2012, статья

There are million cafés worldwide that boast a variety of high-quality coffee drinks but
their popularity cannot be even compared to the one that a chain of Starbucks coffee shops
has. So what is a secret? What is so special about this brand? Why do people come back to
Starbucks’ cafes over and over again while there are a lot of other places for them to choose
from? The trick is that Starbucks actually does not sell coffee. It provides its customers with a
unique unforgettable experience that touches the right chords of their souls instead. In his
book Brand Success: How the World’s Top 100 Brands Thrive and Survive (2011) Haig
mentions that Starbucks success is based on three main factors.

Strange inventions

06 Февраля 2011, творческая работа

The outline.

◦Interesting inventions.
◦Questions about them.
◦Questions for discussing

Stress Management

19 Февраля 2013, реферат

People like work that is rewarding and gives them satisfaction. For this, a reasonable amount of pressure may be necessary: many employees want work that stretches them, to have the feeling that it can sometimes be difficult, but that it is also stimulating and challenging. This is necessary if one is to have pleasant feelings of achievement. But nowadays increasing job insecurity, fear of redundancies, working long hours are becoming common across the world. The general consensus is that most jobs have become more demanding, with longer hours and greater pressures.

Student makes electronic music using head and thumbs

03 Апреля 2011, реферат

A teenage girl sits in a dimly-lit room wearing sunglasses playing the prelude to Bach's cello suite. A clip of this performance can be found on the internet.

There is nothing remarkable about this until you learn that she is playing every crotchet and quaver using only the slightest movements of her head and thumbs.

At the age of 11, Charlotte White suffered a blow to the head which caused her to lose all movement in her body.

Stylistic Features of Oscar Wilde

06 Декабря 2010, Не определен

Оскар Уайльд


06 Ноября 2010, Не определен

the annual project