Анализ влияния двигательной активности на умственную и физическую работоспособность учащихся

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Декабря 2014 в 13:51, реферат

Описание работы

Здоровье – это первая и важнейшая потребность человека, определяющая способность его к труду и обеспечивающая гармоническое развитие личности. Поэтому значение двигательной активности в жизнедеятельности людей играет значимую роль.
Как известно, двигательная активность несет в себе как огромный оздоровительный потенциал, так и способна причинять разрушительное действие.

Содержание работы

1.1Двигательная активность. Роль ее в жизнедеятельности человека.____9-12
1.2 Значение двигательной активности для здоровья человека_________12-19

2.1 Методы повышения физической работоспособности._____________26-27
2.2 Формы двигательной активности______________________________27-30

3.1. Методика и материалы____________________________________30-31
3.2. Исследование физической работоспособности обучающихся____ 32-35
3.3. Влияние физических упражнений на умственную
Заключение._______________________________________________ 37-38
Список литературы____________________________________________39-40

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4.1 Look at the pictures and write the questions.

  1. Are you watching it? – No, you can turn it off.
  1. Are going out? –Yes, see you tomorrow.
  1. Is it raining? –No, not at the moment.
  1. Are you enjoying the film? – Yes, it`s very funny.
  1. Is that clock working? –No, it`s broken.
  1. Are you writing a letter? – Yes, to my sister.


4.2 Look at the pictures and complete the questions. Use one of these:

cry eat go laugh look at

  1. What are you reading?
  2. Where is she going?
  3. What are you eating?
  4. Why are you crying?
  5. What are they looking at?
  6. Why is he surprising?

4.3. Write questions from these words, Use is or are and put the words in order.

  1. (working / Paul / today?)         -Is Paul working today?
  2. (what / doing / the children?)    -What are the children doing?
  3. (you / listening / to me?)   -Are you listening to me?  
  4. (where / going / your friends?)  -Where are your friendsgoing? 
  5. (your parents / television / watching?)  -Are your parents  watching television? 
  6. (what / cooking / Ann?)               -What is Ann cooking?   
  7. (why / you / looking / at me?)     -Why are you looking at me?  
  8. (coming / the bus?)      -Is the bus coming?


4.3. Write short answers (Yes, I am. /No, he isn`t, etc.)

  1. Are you watching TV? – Yes, I am.
  2. Are you wearing a watch? – Yes, I am.
  3. Are you eating something? – No, I`m not.
  4. Is it raining? – Yes, it is.
  5. Are you sitting on the floor? – No, I am not.
  6. Are you feeling well? – No, I`m not.


Look at the pictures. What has happened? Choose from:

go to bed     clean his shoes    stop raining   close the door   fall down   have a bath

  1. He has cleaned his shoes.
  2. She has closed the door.
  3. They have gone to bed.
  4. It has stopped raining.
  5. He has had a bath.
  6. The picture has felt down.



Complete the sentences with a verb from the list.

break /buy/decide /finish/forget/go/go/invite/see/not/see/take/tell

  1. Can I have this newspaper? - Yes, I`ve finished with it.
  2. I have boughtsome new shoes. Do you want to see them?
  3. Where is Liz? – She has gone out.
  4. I’m looking for Paula.  - Have you seenher?
  5. Look! Somebody is breakingthat window.
  6. Does Lisa know that you’re going away?- Yes, I  has toldher.’
  7. I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody has takenit.
  8. I’m looking for Sarah. Where has she gone?
  9. I know that woman but I have forgottenher name.
  10. Sue is having a party tonight. Shehasinviteda lot of people.
  11. What are you going to do?  What have you decided?
  12. Where are my glasses?’ ‘I don’t know. I haven`t seen them.
    1. Write the negative.
    1. I play the piano very well. – I don`t play very well.
    2. Jane plays the piano very well. - Janedoesn`t play the piano very well.
    3. They know my phone number. - They don`t know my phone number.
    4. We work very hard. - We don`t work very hard.
    5. He has a bath every day.- He doesn`t have a bath every day.
  1. You do the same thing every day. – You don`t do the same thing every day.

6.2.Study the information and write sentences with like.








  1. Do you like classical music?

- Bill and Rose like classical music.

- Carol doesn`t classical music.

- I like classical music.

  1. Do you like boxing?
  • Bill and Rose don`t like boxing.
  • Carol likes boxing.

- I don`t like boxing.

  1. Do you like horror films?

- Bill and Rose like boxing.

- Carol doesn`t like boxing.

- I don`t like boxing.


  1. Write about yourself. Use: I never... or I often... or I don’t... very often.
  2. (watchTV)               I don`t watch TV very often.
  3. (go to the theatre)  I don`t go to theatre very often.
  4. (ride a bicycle)         I often ride a bicycle.
  5. (eat in restaurants) I never eat in restaurants.
  6. (travel by train) I often travel by train.
  1. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t + one of these verbs: costgoknowreadseeusewear
  1. I buy a newspaper every day but sometimes I don`t readit.
  2. Paul has a car but hedoesn’t useit very often.
  3. They like films but theydon`t goto the cinema very often.
  4. Amanda is married but shedoesn`t weara ring.
  5. I don`t knowmuch about politics. I’m not interested in it.
  6. It's not an expensive hotel. It doesn`t costmuch to stay there.
  7. Brian lives near us but wedon`t see him very often.
  8. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.
  9. Margaret speaks four languages - English, French, German and Spanish.
  10. I don`t likemy job. It’s very boring.
  11. ‘Where’s Martin?’ ‘I’m sorry I  don`t know.
  12. Sue is a very quiet person. She talksvery much.
  13. Jim drinksa lot of tea. It’s his favorite drink.
  14. It’s not true! I don`t believeit!
  15. That’s a very beautiful picture. I likeit very much.
  16. Mark is a vegetarian. He doesn`t eatmeat.




  1. Write these verbs + -s or -es.
  2. (read) - she reads 3. (fly) it flies 5. (have) she has
  3. (think) - he thinks4. (dance) he dances  6. (finish) it finishes
  4. Complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use theseverbs: eat golive play playsleep
  5. He playsthe piano. 4. They playtennis.
  6. They  livein a very big house. 5. They goto the cinema a lot.
  7. She eatsa lot of fruit. 6. He sleeps eight hours a night.
  8. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:

Boilclose   costcostlike likemeet open speakteach wash

  1. Margaret speaks four languages.
  2. In Britain the banks usually opens at 9.30 in the morning.
  3. The City Museum closes at 5 o’clock in the evening.
  4. Tina is a teacher. She teaches mathematics to young children.
  5. My job is very interesting. I meet a lot of people.
  6. Peter washes his hair twice a week.
  7. Food is expensive. It costs a lot of money.
  8. Shoes are expensive. They cost a lot of money.
  9. Water  boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  10. Julia and I are good friends. I  like her and she likes me.
  11. Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form (arrive or arrives etc.).
  12. (always / early / Sue / arrive)  - Sue alwaysarrives early.
  13. (basketball / I / play / often) I  -  I often play basketball.
  14. (work / Margaret / hard / usually) -  Margaret usually works hard.
  15. (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear)  -Jenny always wears nice clothes.
  16. (dinner / we / have / always / at 7.30)    -We always have dinner at 7.30.
  17. (television / Tim / watch / never)  - Tim never watchestelevision.
  18. (like / chocolate / children / usually)  - Children usually like chocolate.
  19. (Julia / parties / enjoy / always)  - Julia enjoys parties always.
  20. Writesentencesaboutyourself. Use always/never/often/sometimes/usually.
  21. (watch television)- Inever watchtelevision./I usually watch television in the evening.
  22. (read in bed) - I read in bed sometimes.
  23. (get up before 7 o’clock)  - I always get up before 7 o’clock
  24. (go to work/school by bus)  - I go to work by busoften.
  25. (drink coffee)   - I never drink coffee.



  1. Write questions with Do...? and Does... ?
  2. I like chocolate. And you? - Do you like chocolate?
  3. I play tennis. And you? – Do you play tennis?
  4. Tom plays tennis. And Ann? –Does Ann play tennis?
  5. You live near here. And your friends? – Does your friends live near here?
  6. You speak English. And your brother? – Does your brother speak English?
  7. I do exercises every morning. And you? – Do you do exercises every morning?
  8. Sue often goes away. And Paul? – Does Paul often go away?
  9. I want to be famous. And you? – Do you want to be famous?
  10. You work hard. And Linda? – Does Linda work hard?



  1. Write questions. Use the words in brackets (...) + do/does. Put the words in the right order.
  2. (where / live / your parents?) - Where do your parents live?
  3. (you / early / always / get up?) – Do you always get up early?
  4. (how often / TV / you / watch?) - How often do you watch TV?
  5. (you / want / what / for dinner?) - What do you want for dinner? 
  6. (like / you / football?) -  Do you like football?
  7. (your brother / like / football?) - Does your brother like football? 
  8. (what / you / do / in the evenings?) - What do you do in the evening? 
  9. (your sister / work / where?) - Where does your sister work? 
  10. (to the cinema / often / you / go?) – Do you often go to the cinema?
  11. (what / mean / this word?) – What does this word mean?
  12. (often / snow / it / here?) – Does it often snow here?
  13. (go / usually / to bed / what time / you?) – What time do you go to bed?
  14. (how much / to phone New York / it / cost?) – How much does it cost to phone New York?
    1. (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what?) – What do you usually have for breakfast?


7.3. Complete these questions. Use this verbs: dodoenjoygolikestart teachwork

    1. What do you do?    - I work in a bookshop.
    2. Do you enjoyit? – It`s OK.
    3. What time do you start in the morning? – At 9 o`clock.
    4. Do you work on Saturdays? - Sometimes.
    5. How do you goto work? – Usually by bus.
    6. And your husband? What does he do? – He`s a teacher.
    7. What does he teach? – Science.
    8. Does he like his job? – Yes? He loves it.


7.4. Write short answers (Yes, he does. / No, I don’t, etc.).

  1. Do you watch TV a lot? – No, I don`t.
  2. Do you live in a big city? – No, I don`t.
  3. Do you often ride a bicycle? – Yes, I am.
  4. Does it rain a lot where you live? – Yes, it is.
  5. Do you play the piano? – No, I don`t.


    1. Answer the questions about the pictures





    1. Does he take photographs? – Yes, he does.  Is he taking a photograph? –No, he isn`t.What is he doing? – He is having a bath.
    2. Is she driving a bus? – No? he isn`t. Does she drive a bus? Yes, she does. What is she doing? – She is playing the piano.
    3. Does he clean windows? – Yes, he does. Is he cleaning a window? – Yes, he is. What is he doing? He is cleaning a window.
    4. Are they teaching? – No, they aren`t. Do they teach? – Yes, they do. What do they do? – They are watching TV.


    1. Put in am\is\are or do\don`t\does\doesn`t
    1. Excuse me, do you speak English?
    2. Where’s Ann? – I don`t know.
    3. What’s funny? Why  areyou laughing?
    4. Whatdoes your sister do? – She is a dentist.
    5. Itisraining. Idon`twant to go out in the rain.
    6. Wheredoyou come from? – Canada.
    7. How much does it cost to phone Canada?
    8. George is a good tennis player but hedoesn`tplay very often.
    1. Put the verb in the Present Continuous (I am doing) or in the Present Simple (I do).
    1. Excuse me. Do you speakEnglish?
  1. ‘Where s Tom? He is having a shower,
  1. I don`t watchtelevision very often.
  2. Listen! Somebodyis singing.
  3. Sandra is tired; shewants to go home now.
  4. How often doyouread a newspaper?
  5. Excuse me butyouare sitting in my place. - Oh, I’m sorry.
  6. I`m sorry, Ido notunderstand. - Can you speak more slowly?
  7. It's late, Iam going home now. Are you coming with me?
  8. What timedoes your father finish work in the evenings?
  9. You can turn off the radio. I am not listening to it.
  10. ‘Where’s Paul?’ ‘In the kitchen. Heis cooking something.’
  11. Martin does not drive to work usually.He walksusually.
  12. Sue does notlike coffee. Shepreferstea.
    1. Write the short form (we`ve got\he hasn`t got, etc.)
  13. We have got - we`ve got
  14. He has got –he`s got
  15. They have got – they`ve got
  16. She has got – she`s got
  17. It has got – it`s got
    1. Write questions
  18. (you / an umbrella?) - Have you got an umbrella? 
  19. (you / a passport?) - Have you got a passport?
  20. (your father / a car?)  - Has your father got a car?
  21. (Carol / many friends?) – Has Carol got many friends?
  22. (you / any brothers or sisters?) - Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  23. (how much money / we?) - How much money have we got?)
  24. (what / kind of car / Julia?) – What kind of car has Julia got?


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