Тексты для чтения и лексический минимум по дисциплине "Английский язык"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Ноября 2010 в 10:03, Не определен

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  KKK is a famous computer manufacturer based in... (the name of the country).

  The Head Office is in ... (the capital of the country), and there are offices in other cities.

  KKK is a leader in the field of minicomputers and business microcomputers, and it is a major software producer It has a large customer service division, with a wide network of dealers and agents.

  KKK has three main production workshops and is planning to expand manufacturing capacity in the next two years.

  ККК started business in 1981, and produced small electronic components for the first few years. Then it launched its first micro and moved into the computer market in 1986. Now it has five branch offices; in 1991 it opened its overseas subsidiary.

  In 1997 KKK launches the famous L66 models and gets the contract to build control systems for the Space Program.

  The Company's total sales exceed.... The turnover in 2000 exceeded.... Its profits reach ....

  KKK works through five divisions: Research & Development, Production & Engineering, Software, Administration fc Central services, Sales & Marketing. 


1. A world leader in construction materials, ZZZ holds top-ranking positions in all six of its core businesses: cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, gypsum, specialty products and roofing. ZZZ employs 65,000 people and generates annual sales of $ .... It is committed to the development of construction materials which bring greater comfort, aesthetic appeal and safety to our everyday lives. Net operating income reached $ .... Net earnings (Group share) reached $..., net earnings per share rose to $ .... These increases are the highest in ten years.

  1. XXX is a multinational technical service company employing 63,500 people and operating in more than 30 countries. Last year the company generated $... in revenue from its main activities. XXX has been active in this country since December 1998, through a joint venture with ODD.
  2. Established in 1996, BBB broke away from ADD in 1999. . Balance loss was .... The statutory fund is .... Realizing that its chances of remaining on the market on its own are slim, the company initiated a plan for merging with ADB, the main supplier in the& industry.

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about a company:

  • to be established in 19... быть образованным в 19...
  • to have a strong position in the market иметь сильную позицию на рынке
  • to enjoy an excellent reputation иметь отличную репутацию
  • to have qualified / skilled / technically trained employees иметь квалифицированных / обученных / технически подготовленных служащих
  • to be a state-owned enterprise быть государственным предприятием
  • to be in the process of transformation into a joint-stock company находиться в процессе преобразования в акционерное общество
  • to provide services to ... обеспечивать обслуживание / услуги
  • to offer high-quality products and innovative technologies предлагать высококачественные товары и новейшие технологии


Система социального обеспечения  служащих

Welfare                           социальное  обеспечение; материальная помощь; благополучие, благосостояние
medical insurance  медицинская страховка
annual leave  ежегодный отпуск
sick leave  отпуск по болезни
maternity leave  послеродовой  отпуск
creche  детские ясли
Noncontributory (non-contributary)                пенсионное  обеспечение за счет нанимателя
pension scheme (plan) relief /dole пособие по безработице
incentive  стимул, поощрение
flexible working hours  гибкий рабочий график
fringe benefits  дополнительные льготы
benefit  преимущество, привилегия, пособие (пенсионное, по страхованию и т.д.)
remuneration  вознаграждение
dental benefits  зубоврачебное обслуживание
relocation  переезд, перемещение
allowance  пособие, содержание (годовое, месячное и т.п.), скидка
parking facilities  стоянка для  автомашин
sports facilities  условия для  занятий спортом
canteen  столовая (на предприятии)
subsidy  субсидия, денежная помощь
furnished accomodation      меблированная жилплощадь
rent                                        квартирная  плата
airfare  авиабилет
for self and dependents  для себя и членов семьи
gratuity   денежный подарок, пособие
reward  (денежное) вознаграждение


   The benefits package of a company can contain medical insurance, annual leave, sick leave, paid maternity leave, creche facilities, pension scheme (noncontributary pension scheme), relief (dole), regular incentives, flexible working hours, paid overtime, fringe benefits. Also, big companies may offer their staff some benefits for remuneration package: dental benefits, relocation costs to and from the company, car allowance, free parking and sports facilities, the company's canteen, educational subsidies for children, furnished accomodations at nominal rent, annual leaves with airfares for self and dependents, annual gratuities, etc. Such benefits packages and rewards are usually commensurate, and the opportunities for a person who performs well may be considerable. 


Виды деловой деятельности

production производство, изготовление
manufacturing производство, обработка
raw materials сырье
provision обеспечение, снабжение
accommodation помещение; жилье
ministrations (pi.) помощь
maintenance техническое обслуживание
entertainment развлечение
accounting бухгалтерский учет
legal services юридическая служба
stock brokerage биржевые брокерские операции
advertising реклама, рекламирование
demand спрос
acquisition приобретение
utilization использование
keep accounts вести учет, отчетность
check accounts проверять счета
data processing обработка данных
store хранить
database - база данных
currency валюта
securities ценные бумаги
distribution распределение, раздача, распространение
delivery поставка, доставка, разноска
advertisement рекламное объявление
accomplish objectives осуществить цели
retail розничная торговля
cash flow поток наличности
run a business управлять компанией, предприятием
attitude отношение, положение
mode of live / living образ жизни
sale ability возможность сбыта
luxury products товары роскоши
prosperity процветание
staple products основные товары (продукты)
business cycle деловой цикл
pricing установление  цены
unfeasible невыполнимый
comparable сравнимый
merchandise товары
variables переменные  величины
profit прибыль
specified определенный, указанный
return on investments прибыль на инвестированный  капитал
discounts скидки
in quantity (ies) в (большом) количестве
persuade убеждать
decision making принятие решения
product line ассортимент изделий
promotion меры по увеличению сбыта, по продвижению товара на рынке
channels of distribution каналы доставки (товара)
warehouse склад
human resource человеческие  ресурсы, кадры
HRM division отдел кадров
hire / recruit нанимать
compensation plan система вознаграждения (за труд)
benefit package пакет пособий  (пенсионного, страхового и т.д.


  Production - the activity of making or growing something. Manufacturing - making goods to sell from raw materials.

  Services - the provision of work, accommodations, or ministrations desired by a consumer. Services familiar to most consumers are in the field of maintenance and repair, transport, travel, entertainment, education, and medical care. Business-oriented services include computer applications, management consulting, banking, accounting and legal services, stock brokerage, and advertising.

  Marketing - the actions of identifying, satisfying and increasing the buyer's demand for a company's products; the movement of goods and services from manufacturer to customer in order to satisfy the customer and to achieve the company's objectives.

  Finance - money as a resource for business and other activities; the acquisition and utilization of capital in order to start up, operate, and expand a company; the management of money for business and other activities. Accounting - the handling of large amounts of information generated by business operations; the work of keeping or checking accounts. Data processing - using a computer to analyze and classify information stored in a database; the measurement and communication of financial information, computerized control of statistical data.

  Trading - the buying and selling of goods, services, currencies or securities. Exporting - sending goods, services, ideas or people to other countries. Importing - bringing goods, services, ideas or people into a country from another country.

  Transportation - the movement of goods or people from one place to another, the movement, or distribution, of goods to places where they can be sold; the arrangement made for this. Delivery - taking letters, messages, goods, etc to the places or people they are addressed to.

  Advertising - business that deals with making, distributing and. selling advertisements; activities for making a product, a service, a job vacancy, an event, etc publicly known. It is done on television, radio, signboards; in newspapers, magazines, and catalogues; and through direct mail to the consumers.

  Management - the activities guiding a company io accomplish its objectives; the control or organization of people, a business, a department of a firm, a project or a process (e.g. financial, information, product, retail, cash flow, staff, database management).


  A variety of operations keep businesses, especially large corporations, running efficiently and effectively. Common business operation divisions include production, marketing, finances, and human resource management.

  Production includes those activities involved in conceptualizing, designing, and creating products and services. Marketing research is conducted to study consumer behaviour. Changing attitudes and modes of living directly affect the sale ability of products. The purchase of durable or long-lived goods, such as refrigerators, cars, and houses, or luxury products may be deferred when the economy is declining and may increase rapidly in periods of prosperity. Staple products, such as food and clothing, tend not to be seriously affected by the business cycle. Consumers today expect product innovations. Competition between manufacturers of similar products naturally accelerates the speed of changes made in those products.

  The two basic components that affect product pricing are costs of manufacture and competition in selling. It is unprofitable to sell a product below the manufacturer's production costs and unfeasible to sell it at a price higher than that at which comparable merchandise is being ottered. Other variables also affect pricing. Company policy may require a minimum profit on new product lines or a specified return on investments, or discounts may be offered on purchases in quantity.

  Marketing concentrates primarily on the buyers, or consumers, determining their needs and desires, developing strategies to persuade them to buy. Marketing management includes planning, organizing, directing, and controlling decision making regarding product lines, pricing, promotion, and servicing. In addition, the marketing department of a busi ness firm is responsible for the physical distribution of the products, determining the channels of distribution that will be used and supervising the transportation of goods from the factory or warehouse. Marketing and sales departments pre pare documentation, handle cargo, do packing for clients, advise on insurance and the best means of transport, handle customs procedures.

  Finance involves the management of money, controlling capital on hand to pay their bills, seek extra capital to expand their operations. Other common financial activities include granting, monitoring, and collecting on credit or loans, and ensuring that customers pay bills on time. The financial division of any business must also establish a good working relationship with a bank. This is particularly important when a business wants to obtain a loan.

  Businesses rely on effective human resource management (HRM) to ensure that they hire and keep good employees, and that they are able to respond to conflicts between workers and management. HRM specialists are responsible for recruiting new employees to replace those who leave and for filling newly created positions. A business's HRM division also trains or arranges for the training of its staff. Human resource managers create workers' compensation plans and benefit packages for employees. 


Названия  должностей и функции  персонала

chairman of the board 

(of directors)             

председатель  правления /совета


chief/general manager  генеральный директор
managing director  директор-распорядитель
deputy managing director  заместитель директора-распорядителя
commercial director  коммерческий директор
accounting manager  главный бухгалтер
financial manager  финансовый  директор
export manager  директор по экспорту
marketing manager  директор по сбыту
office manager  руководитель конторы
personnel manager  начальник отдела кадров
production manager  директор по производству
sales manager  коммерческий  директор
training manager  заведующий  отделом повышения квалификации / подготовки кадров
transport manager  заведующий  транспортным отделом
supervisor  инспектор
goods expert  товаровед
secretary  секретарь
post-room manager  заведующий  почтовой службой
clerk  офисный служащий
receptionist  секретарь в  приемной
typist  машинистка
accomplish (achieve) objectives  достигать цели
data processing  обработка данных

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