Контрольная работа по "Иностранному языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Февраля 2011 в 14:51, контрольная работа

Описание работы

1.Предмет та статус теорії перекладу. Роль-перекладу у розвитку світової культури та зміцненні міжнародних зв'язків.
2.Загально-лінгвістичні аспекти перекладу. Мова і реальний світ. Система мови. Співвідношення систем різних мов
3.Переклад як засіб комунікації. Види перекладацької діяльності. Письмовий та усний переклад. Послідовний та синхронний переклад. Машинний переклад: стан, перспективи.
4. Значення слова та переклад. Багатозначність та широта значення слова. Лінгвістичний та екстралінгвістичний характер перекладу. Лексичне значення, конотація та асоціація.

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    Functional Styles

    The study of different languages reveals that there exist a lot of varieties of any language. We are concerned with variations caused by the sphere of application. The same should be treated differently in:  science, newspaper, official document, fiction.

    All the differences come into play when we deal with translation. The choice of means of the TL aimed at achieving adequacy in translation is determined by each functional style.

    A style is a system of interrelated language devices intended to fulfill a specific function of communication. The main distinction of communication made between spoken and written varieties of language.

    The spoken variety is represented by:

  1. the language of everyday communication;
  2. oratorical style.

    The written:

  1. official style;
  2. publicistic;
  3. newspaper;
  4. scientific
  5. the style of fiction.

    They are divided into substyles: poetry, prose, novels etc.

    Peculiarities of functional style vary between languages. However, each style has specific features (in grammar, vocabulary).

    Official style:

    • language of business documents;
    • legal documents;
    • diplomacy;
    • language of military documents.

    The main aim: to reach agreement between parts.


    1) a special system of clichés, which have standard equivalents (on behalf and instruction – от имени и по поручению);

    2) vocabulary – the highest degree of formality;

    3) the use of words in the non-emotive meanings;

    4) words of the 1st dictionary meanings;

    5) Latin expressions (ad hoc);

    6) archaic words (hereby);

    7) names of countries;

    8) compositional design;

    9) gerundial and participial structures;

    10) passive constructions;

    11) SHALL – rendered into Russian by the Present forms ( The parties shall be responsible. – Сторони несуть відповідальність);

    12) long sentences.

    In translation follow compositional patterns, use clichés, preserve formality.

    Publicistic style:

    • rhetorical;
    • essays;
    • articles.

    The main aim: to convey introduction (denotative), to convince (impressive).

    In Russian achieved by solemn tone (торжественный тон). Russian prefers long sentences, emotional words, emphatic speech. English is different: personal relation to the receiver, emotional pressure is unacceptable. The sender presents the information, the emotional assessment is left for the receiver. English avoids bookish words.

    E.g. Сутність цієї літератури полягає у полум’яному прагненні до вирішення поза літературних завдань. – These writers strive towards goals that lie outside literature.

    To reject – to turn down, to admire – look up to, to tolerate – to put up with, to compensate – to make up for, to support, to stand behind.

    It is essential that she should make an attempt to achieve the state of relaxation. – She must try to relax.

    Newspaper style:

    • brief news items;
    • press reports;
    • advertisements;
    • editorials.

    The main aim: to influence, to give information.

    Features: 1) specific terminology (political, economic);

               2) clichés (vital issues);

               3) abbreviations;

               4) neologisms and vogue words (модные слова) – globalization, ozone-layer, politically correct, agenda, google – повисеть, приколоться,  up-to-date, Frankenstein food, glitzy – пафосный.

               5) grammar: complex sentences, noun structures;

               6) headlines;

               7) Present for Past, Infinitive for Future.

    Headlines voc-ry: to hit, to ban, to quit, to quiz – производить допрос, bit – инициатива, red – коммунист.




    English newspaper style is more colloquial.

    Scientific style:

    • specific terminology;
    • words in one meaning;
    • passive structures;
    • use of impersonal structures;
    • quotations, references;
    • data and figures;
    • abbreviations.

    Translation requires to use the same equivalents. The use of the synonyms may give the impression that reference is made to another notion. 

    10. Особливості перекладу  матеріалів офіційно-ділового  стилю. Жанрові  особливості тексту  та вибір слова  з синонімічного  ряду.

    Unlikely literary texts, the texts of official documents are highly standardized.

    Structure of official documents:

  1. macro level:
  • preamble;
  • main text body;
  • concluding part.
  1. micro level: the arrangement of individual paragraphs and sentences.  

    frame – a set of language structure with unchangeable elements


                      slots – changeable elements within the text frame 

    Blank spaces that should be filled with slot fillers (date, company, name, address).

    Official styles:

  • business documents;
  • legal documents;
  • diplomacy documents;
  • military documents.

    Features of the official style:

  • usage of abbreviations;
  • use words in their logical dictionary meaning;
  • absence of emotiveness.

    The task of a translator of official documents is to find target language equivalents of the source text frames and use them in translation as standard substitutes, filling the slots with frame fillers in compliance with the document content.

    11. Збіжності та розходження  граматичних моделей  мови-джерела і  мови-мети. Трансформації  при перекладі.  Регулярні та оказіональні  трансформації.

    There are 3 types of translation: syntactic, semantic, pragmatic.

    Transformation is any change of the source text at the syntactic level during translation.

    The majority of syntactic transformations in English-Ukrainian translation are occasional, that means that the translator transforms the source syntactic structures on case-by-case basis, each case being dependent on the context, situation, pragmatic intent and many other factors some of which are unknown and the translator’s decisions relevant to the case are often intuitive.

    In English-Ukrainian translation occasional transformations are often the matter of translator’s choice and, in general, strongly depend on stylistic peculiarities and communication intent of the source text.

    In Eng-Ukr translation there are also cases of regular syntactic transformations, where a translator is expected to observe certain transformation rules more or less strictly.

    Regular syntactic transformations are the matching rules for the grammars of the two languages involved in translation. The goal of a translation manual is to show how and why the matching rules of the grammatical system of the two languages involved in translation are violated.

    For example: Gerund – is a peculiar English language phenomenon missing in Ukrainian. As a rule Gerund is translated into Ukrainian by Infinitive or Verbal Nouns.

    Regular transformations do not presenta serious problem for translation because of their regularity and predictability: what is needed is to know the relevant rule and use it in translation practice, unlike occasional transformations and equivalents which require individual and sometimes unique solutions.

    The relationship between the source and target word forms is occasional rather than regular. Example:

    (1)The sea is warm tonight – Сьогодні ввечері море тепле

    (2)Staff only – Службове приміщення

    First instance- the equivalencies are regular and the concept may be divided into individual components; sea-море, tonight-сьогодні ввечері, is warm-тепле. The second instance – the equivalencies between the original sentence and its translation is occasional and the concept cannot be divided into individual components.

    12. Граматичні трансформації  при перекладі:  зміна порядку  слів, перестановка, зміна частин мови  та членів речення.  Трансформація добавлення  та заміщення.  Членування та  об'єднання речень  при перекладі. Антонімічний переклад.

    The basic set of translation devices usually comprises partitioning and integration of sentences, transposition of sentence parts, replacement, addition and omission of words and word combinations as well as a special type of transformations called antonymous translation.

    Partitioning is either replacing in translation of a source sentence by two or more target ones or converting a simple source sentence into a compound or complex target one. There are inner partitioning and outer partitioning. In.part. is used when translating English verbal complexes into Ukrainian: Come along and see me play one evening – Приходь коли-небудь увечері – побачишб як я граю. Outer part. is more a matter of personal translator’s choice based on the proper account of stylistic and genre peculiarities and communication intent of both the source text and its translation: There was a real game too, not a party game played in the old school hall and invented by my eldest brother Herbert, who was of an adventurous character until he was changed by the continual and sometimes shameful failures of his adult life. – Була і справжня, а не солона гра, у яку ми грали в актовому залі старої школи. Цю гру вигадав мій старший брат Герберт – людина винахідлива і схильна до всіляких пригод, доки постійні і часом ганебні негаразди дорослого життя не змінили його вдачу.

    Integration is the opposite of partitioning, it implies combining two or more source sentences into one target sentence.

    Олена Філіп’єва любить усі свої ролі. Якщо якусь із них довго не танцює – починає сумувати. – Olena Filip’eva loves all her roles and even misses them should too much time pass without performing them.

    Transposition is a peculiar variety of inner partitioning in translation meaning a change in the order of the target sentence syntactic elements (Subject, Object) as compared with that of the source sentence dictated either by peculiarities of the target language syntax or by the communication intent: “The flight will be boarding at Gate 17 in about fifteen minutes, “ the girl added with a smile – “Приблизно за 15 хвилин на цей рейс буде посадка біля виходу номер 17”, - посміхаючись, додала дівчина.

    Replacement is any change in the target text at the morphological, lexical and syntactic levels of the language when the elements of certain source paradigms are replaced by different elements of target paradigms.” No sooner did he start his speech than the President was interrupted.” – Не встиг президент розпочати промову, як його перервали.

    Addition in translation is a device intended for the compensation of structural elements implicitly present in the source text or paradigm forms missing in the target language. “ Green Party federal election money – гроші Партії зелених, призначені на вибори на федеральному рівні”.

    Omission is reduction of the elements of the source text considered redundant from the viewpoint of the target language structural patterns and stylistic. (omission is the opposite of addition) :fuel tax protests – протести пов’язані з підвищенням податку на паливо – protests related to the increase of the tax fuel.

    Antonymous translation – affirmative in structure language unit is converged via a negative (in sense or structure but identical in language unit or vice versa).

    Take it easy – не хвилюйся;

    Немає лиха без добра – Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

    The antonymous translation is employed in the cases.

    1. When in the TL there is no direct equivalent for the sense unit of the source language.

    2. When the sense unit of the source language has two negations of its own in which create an affirmation.

    3. In order to achieve the necessary expressiveness.

    I don’t think it will hurt u – Думаю, вам вони не зашкодять.

    4. To avoid using the same structures (stylistic aim). 

    13. Лексичні трансформації  при перекладі.  Засоби диференціації,  генералізації, конкретизації,  смислового розвитку значення.

    Лексико-семантические  замены - это способ перевода лексических  единиц оригинала путем использования  в переводе единиц ПЯ, значение которых  не совпадает со значениями исходных единиц, но может быть выведено из них  с помощью определенного типа логических преобразований. Основными видами подобных замен являются конкретизация, генерализация и модуляция (смысловое развитие) значения исходной единицы.

    1)Конкретизацией  называется замена слова или  словосочетания ИЯ с более  широким предметно-логическим значением словом и словосочетанием ПЯ с более узким значением. В результате применения этой трансформации создаваемое соответствие и исходная лексическая единица оказываются в логических отношениях включения: единица ИЯ выражает родовое понятие, а единица ПЯ - входящее в нее видовое понятие:

    Concretization is used when something in the TL is usually expressed using concepts with narrower meaning or when preserving the original concepts with broader meaning would result in an awkward translation.

    E.g. There were pictures on all the walls and there was a vase with flowers on the table. – На всех стенах комнаты висели картины, а на столе стояла ваза.

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