Отчет по педагогічной практике

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Января 2011 в 00:57, отчет по практике

Описание работы

Метою педагогічної практики є розвиток у студентів уміння здійснювати навчання іноземної мови в навчально-виховних закладах на базі сформованої у них іншомовної компетенції та знань основ теорії методики, педагогіки та психології, уміння поєднувати теоретичні знання майбутніх учителів з практичною діяльністю навчання учнів; забезпечення практичного пізнання студентами закономірностей професійної діяльності та оволодіння способами її організації, вміння вирішувати конкретні методичні завдання згідно з умовами педагогічного процесу; виховання у студентів потреби систематично поновлювати свої знання і творчо застосовувати їх у практичній діяльності

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                       Lesson plan: timing, pace and demands 

NB: note how long each section takes

  • Was there a “warm-up” or “ice-breaker”( in order to “tune-in” the pupils to English)?
  • Was homework reviewed ?Was everyone checked, were all the items checked, marks?
  • Presentation/introduction .Was a new language feature/topic introduced, if so, how ?

-   explanation/definition,  given items as illustration

  • examples of new structure
  • vocabulary lists, translation, transcription on blackboard
  • vocabulary guessed from context during reading/listening activities
  • Was a reading/listening text presented?
  • was the text presented “cold” (without any preparation)?

-    was there prior discussion to orientate the pupils?

  • was old, relevant vocabulary rehearsed, new words given? 

-    was comprehension checked by questions/translation/summary?

  • Practice/consolidation
  • was a language feature practised orally or in exercises?
  • Personalization/development
  • was there opportunity for pupils to relate the vocabulary to their own interests, experiences, opinions, imagination?
  • Problem-solving/application
  • was a practical task set where the new language, knowledge could be used in a “real” situation?
  • Summary and review
  • was time allowed for pupils to show the work they had done                              

     individually, in pairs/groups?

  • Conclusion

-   was homework set? 

     Consider how active or passive the pupils were during the lesson.

What percentage of the pupils spoke in the whole class context, or in any pair/group work contexts? Did some pupils participate more in one rather than the other of these contexts? 

How motivated were the pupils? How did the teacher motivate them? How much of the lesson was conducted in Ukrainian (L1), English(L2)? 


                   Focus on resources

Which textbook did the student use?

         how – systematically(slavishly), selectively, randomly 

Which supplementary books were used?

         how – regularly, occasionally; stimulus, practice, test 

Which audio-tapes were used?

         how – listening comprehension exercises, story, songs? 

Which visual materials were used?

           how – introduce new vocabulary, discussion, comparison 

Which teacher-made materials were used?

           how – support/stretch specific pupils, supplement text 

Which items brought by pupils were used?

           how – discussion, role-play 

Which authentic materials were used?

           verbal e.g. brochures, magazines, papers, menus…

           visual e.g.  postcards, poster, tickets, coins… 

Which opportunities were taken to use the pupil as resources?

           e.g. their likes / dislikes, favourite stars, holidays, their opinions on

                  current issues, teenage interests… 

     How did different pupils respond to different kinds of materials? Were some more motivating than others? 

     What differences are there for the teacher in preparing and in using different kinds of materials? 

     Is the work arising from different materials harder or easier to mark for the pupils or the teacher? 

                 Самоаналіз уроку студента-практиканта


     Complete the following as soon as you can after you have finished teaching. Be as open, honest and constructive as you can.

  1. My feelings immediately after the lesson are/were:




  1. The things I liked about the lesson were:


  1. The things I was not happy with were:


  1. Make suggestions about how you would change the lesson plan to be used in the future to improve the lesson:



                       Анкета студента-практиканта (2)


     You are just finishing your first teaching practice. This follow-up questionnaire is designed to find out how you got on and to see what changes there have been (if any) in your attitudes towards teaching in general and your ability to perform certain teacherly skills.

  1. How do you feel about the teaching practice which you have just          completed? Use the 5 – 1 rating scale given below:

                                 5        4        3        2        1

  1. You almost certainly had mixed feelings about certain aspects of this teaching experience. Using a similar rating scale, indicate how you feel you were able to do the following:

         a) use accurate English in the classroom          5      4      3      2      1

         b) give appropriate instructions                        5      4      3      2      1                                                                                 

         c) explain a grammar point                              5      4       3      2      1

         d) establish rapport with a class of pupils        5       4      3      2      1

         e) keep control of a class                                  5       4      3      2      1

         f) plan a 45-minute lesson                                5       4      3      2      1

         g) get pupils to work in groups                        5       4      3      2       1

         h) adapt materials from a course book             5       4      3      2       1

         i) recognize good and bad teaching by others  5       4      3      2       1

         j) evaluate your own teaching skills                 5       4      3      2       1

        k) learn from your own mistakes                       5       4      3      2      1    

        l) learn from the advice/criticism of others        5       4      3      2      1

  1. Please indicate any areas in which you feel you learned or gained something from the TP experience (e.g. confidence, classroom management, understanding of how learning takes place etc.).


  1. Were your worries and fears about this experience justified?




  1. How were you able to cope with problem situations?



  1. What skills or knowledge do you feel you need to work on most in order to improve your overall competence as a teacher?


  1. How well you feel the methodology classes prepared you for this teaching practice?

                               5        4        3        2        1

  1. How do you rate your commitment to becoming a teacher of English in comparison with your feelings before this teaching practice?

                        More         the same           less


               Зразки звітної документації з педагогічної практики



                             Студента 4 курсу

                        англійського відділення

                       факультету іноземних мов

           Львівського національного університету

                       імені Івана Франка

                     (прізвище, ім’я, по батькові)

        про навчально-виховну педагогічну  практику,

                що проходила у СШ № ….      міста …….

            з    ….    лютого     до    ….. березня    200….  року


     Навчально-виховна педагогічна практика проходила в СШ № … міста …. . За час практики я був/була/  прикріплений/прикріплена/ до учителя школи (прізвище, ім’я по батькові), який/яка/ працює в …. класах, і до …. класу як класний керівник.

     За час практики я відвідав/відвідала/ 10 уроків своєї вчительки та 12 уроків інших учителів англійської мови школи (перелічити їх).

     За програмою практики підготував/підготувала/ і провів/провела/ два залікові уроки на теми ………..

      Провів/провела/    …. березня у …. класі залікову виховну годину на тему………

     За час педагогічної практики  ознайомився/ознайомилася/ з планами роботи школи, класу, з поурочними планами вчителя ….., вивчив/вивчила/ навчальні програми з англійської мови.

Информация о работе Отчет по педагогічной практике