Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Апреля 2012 в 18:42, автореферат
Цель и задачи исследования – разработать научно обоснованные предложения и рекомендации, по совершенствованию управления индустриально-инновационной технологической системы производства в современных условиях экономики, разработать методы и пути обеспечения эффективного управления данным сектором экономики с привлечением по возможности инновационных способов его прогресса в новых условиях хозяйствования. В связи с этим в диссертационной работе поставлены следующие задачи:
изучить основы и тенденцию управления индустриально-инновационной технологической системы производства в экономике Республики Казахстан;
провести анализ функционирования индустриально-инновационной технологии производства в нефтегазовом секторе экономики Казахстана, и поэтапное развитие;
Қорғауға ұсынылатын жағдайлар:
Зерттеудің ғылыми – тәжрибелік маңыздылығы: Ізденушінің ұсынылып отырған индустриалды инновациялық өндірістерді басқаруды жетілдірудің бағыттары көрсетілген шаралар Қазақстан Республикасының инновациялық экономиканың даму процесстеріне ықпал етеді. Индустриалды инновациялық өндірістерді басқаруды жетілдірудің бағыттарын дамытуды жүзеге асырудың дүрыс жолдарын іздестіре отырып, олардың экономикалық тиімділігін артыруға ықпалын тигізеді.
Adilova Zhaniya Zheksenbekovna
08.00.05 – Management in national economy
The development of innovation management in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan sector of oil and gas) 08.00.05 - Economic Management of the economy (industrial economy).
Relevance of the research topic. Research on the development of innovation management in the economy
is relevant, because the study of new industrial and economic innovation
processes in the production of the country it is the most important
The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of
the study - to develop science-based suggestions and recommendations
on improving the management of industrial and technological innovation
system of production in the modern economy. In this regard, in the dissertation
the following objectives covered:
- To examine trends in the management of industrial and technological
innovation system of production in the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- To analyze improvements in the management of industrial and innovative
technologies at different levels of market development;
- To substantiate the scientific and practical approaches and define
the criteria of innovation development of economy in Kazakhstan and
economic evaluation of industrial and innovative performance in the
manufacturing sector in the republic and its regions;
- To formulate trends of the scientific sphere to improve the management
of innovation development of economy and particularly in the industrial
production of innovative products, to assess the efficiency of production;
- To provide recommendations on implementation of techniques to improve
management of innovation and efficiency in the economy of Kazakhstan;
Subject and object of study. Learning new systems of industrial innovation management of the economy
in the Republic of Kazakhstan and their improvement.
Theoretical and methodological bases of research served as the writings
of economists of Kazakhstan and abroad, policy and regulatory documents
on improvement of management innovation in the economy of Kazakhstan,
enterprises and institutions oil and gas industry, official information
agency of Statistics.
Information served as the development and recommendation of the Ministries
of RK and information of subordinate organizations, annual reports on
primary documents calculations of consumers for the delivery of products
are also used and some other documents for the reconstruction of oil
and gas production.
The search for solutions to problems have been made in the widespread
use of various methods of economic research. In the course of research
work on applied abstractly logical, statistical, economic, systemic
methods of economic analysis, monographic and cash-constructive methods.
Scientific novelty of the study are:
- The author clarified the formulation of new industrial and innovation
of technology and scientific evidence submitted to ensure the conditions
for control of industrial-innovative technologies;
- Suggest ways to create new industries for the considered conditions
of industrial-innovative development of the market of production instead
of the former;
- To develop scientific and practical bases of improving the management
of industrial and innovation processes in economy, management and marketing,
designed to comprehensively and accurately develop the productive sectors
of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Make recommendations and the management of industrial and innovation
in a market economy to produce competitive goods;
- Recommended by scientific and practical ways to improve the management
of industrial-innovative enterprises for the development of an innovative
- Unsubstantiated and offered to introduce to improve the economic
efficiency of management of industrial and innovative production in
the economy.
Main provisions put forward by the defense:
Scientific and practical importance of the work:
Proposed by the applicant indicators aimed at improving the management of industrial and innovative production processes are characterized by the development of innovation and economic system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The solutions are obtained for the possible directions for further improvement and development of management practices of industrial-innovative enterprises, which affect their economic performance.
Информация о работе Совершенствование управления инновациями в экономике Республики Казахстан