Translation into English of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка”

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Апреля 2013 в 00:33, курсовая работа

Описание работы

People have used and studied language for many years. Language is used as means for communication, getting, exchanging and keeping information. Language is used to inform, influence, insist, inspire and to entertain.
People have always tried to use language to communicate with other nations.
Sometimes there are some difficulties in translating words from one language into another. And this coursework is aimed at studying the translation of the words “обработка” and “обрабатывать” from Russian to English.

Содержание работы

The meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in the Russian
Translating the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English…………………………………………………………………………………5
Complex sense relations of the English lexical equivalent of the words “обрабатывать”
and “обработка”……...…...……………………………………………………12
Translating of the other senses of the found equivalents from English into Russian…………..………………………………………………………………..…..16
Comparison of all of the senses of the Russian word “обрабатывать” with all of its interlingual synonyms……………………………………………….……………...... 19
The list of literature……………………………………………………………………22

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подвергнуть выделке, отделке, какой-нибудь производительной операции;

подвергнуть производственной операции; готовя для чего-либо;

отделать, привести в законченный вид, сделать более совершенным;

воздействовать на кого- нибудь, что-нибудь в желательном направлении, склонить на свою сторону, внушить кому-нибудь, что-нибудь.

There are 11 words which have the meaning of the word “обрабатывать” in English language. Three different English words correspond to the first Russian meaning: to machine, to treat, to process. Three words correspond to the second Russian meaning: to till, to cultivate, to work up. Four words correspond to the third Russian meaning: to finish, to dress, to edit, to shape. And one word corresponds to the fourth Russian meaning: to manipulate.

Having conducted this research, we have the opportunity to make the following conclusion. Often there is only one word to serve the abundant variety of meanings in Russian language when there are many absolutely different words in English language to express these meanings.



Our main aim was to find out as much English equivalents of the Russian words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” as possible. We used different monolingual and bilingual dictionaries to achieve this aim.

The first our step was to point out the meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка”using Russian dictionaries. We found 2 meanings for the word “обработка” and 4 - for the word “обрабатывать” in the Russian language.

The second step was to single out the translations of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка”. Here we used Russian-English Multitran dictionary. We had 11 items for the verb “обрабатывать” and 4 - for the noun “оформление”.

The next our step was to find out the meanings of these English words in the fullness of their meanings using the explanatory dictionaries and activators. Here we used Macmillan, Longman, Oxford, Merriam-Webster and Roget's Thesaurus dictionary.

Then we studied all possible translations of English words into Russian using English-Russian dictionaries.

And last our step was to match all meanings of a Russian word “обрабатывать” with all complex of its interlingual synonyms.

Having done this research, we know a lot about interlingual and intralingual synonymy, the semantic fields. Also we learned only one word can express the majority of different meanings in the Russian language. However in English language, there is may be a lot of words to express the different meanings.



The list of literature

Lyons John Linguistic semantics. An introduction. - Cambridge University Press, 1995.-380c.

Кронгауз М. А. Семантика: Учебное пособие / Кронгауз Максим Анисимович; Рец. Т. Е. Янко. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - М.: Академия, 2005. - 352с.

Кобозева И. М. Лингвистическая семантика: Учебное пособие. - М.: Эдиториал УРСС, 2000. - 352с.

Комлев Н. Г. Компоненты содержательной структуры слова / Комлев Н. Г. - 3-е изд., стер. - М.: КомКнига, 2006. - 192с.








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