Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Апреля 2013 в 00:33, курсовая работа
People have used and studied language for many years. Language is used as means for communication, getting, exchanging and keeping information. Language is used to inform, influence, insist, inspire and to entertain.
People have always tried to use language to communicate with other nations.
Sometimes there are some difficulties in translating words from one language into another. And this coursework is aimed at studying the translation of the words “обработка” and “обрабатывать” from Russian to English.
The meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in the Russian
Translating the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English…………………………………………………………………………………5
Complex sense relations of the English lexical equivalent of the words “обрабатывать”
and “обработка”……...…...……………………………………………………12
Translating of the other senses of the found equivalents from English into Russian…………..………………………………………………………………..…..16
Comparison of all of the senses of the Russian word “обрабатывать” with all of its interlingual synonyms……………………………………………….……………...... 19
The list of literature……………………………………………………………………22
As for Oxford dictionary it is to complete the manufacture or decoration of (an article) by giving it an attractive surface appearance. And the dictionary gives us some examples: the interior was finished with American oak; a reduction in prices for finished cattle.
According to Macmillan dictionary this word has the following translation: to rub a surface, or to put a substance on it, in order to make it smooth and attractive. And example: The table was beautifully finished.
According to Longman dictionary to finish means to give the surface of something, especially wood, a smooth appearance by painting, polishing, or covering it. Example:
The furniture had been attractively finished in a walnut veneer.
As for Roget's Thesaurus, to finish is to put a coating on; perfect and the dictionary offers us the following synonyms: coat, develop, elaborate, face, gild, lacquer, polish, refine, smooth, stain, texture, veneer, wax.
Обрабатывать землю - to till
Merriam-Webster says that to till means to work by plowing, sowing, and raising crops.
According to Longman dictionary to till means to prepare land for growing crops. And the example: till the soil/land/fields.
As for Roget's Thesaurus, to till is to develop land for growing and the dictionary offers us the following synonyms: breed, crop, dress, farm, fertilize, garden, harvest, labor, manage, mature, plant, plow, prepare, propagate, raise, ripen, seed, tend.
Having found all these definitions, using rather different explanatory dictionaries, we can conclude that all the dictionaries' comments are similar to each other although all the authors of these dictionaries used rather different technics to explain the meaning of the words. Now we fully know the meaning of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in English language and the next our step will be to find all the meanings of found English equivalents in the fullness of their meanings.
Complex sense relations of the English lexical equivalent of the words
“обрабатывать” and “обработка”.
In our course work we are interested in lexemes that belong to the major parts of speech (nouns, verbs and adjectives, and some subclasses of adverbs) which are lexically full words:.
Trying to explain such words in the dictionaries scientists rely basically on “the notion of interlingual synonymy”. The notion of synonymy (intralingual, rather than interlingual) is also used in monolingual dictionaries. “But monolingual dictionary definitions will usually combine paraphrase, in terms of partial intralingual synonymy, with analysis and description”. [1].
We must notice here that traditionally “dictionary definitions can be seen as defining two different, but complementary, aspects of lexical meaning: denotation and sense”. [1].
For this work we will use the majority of explanatory English monolingual dictionaries such as Macmillan, Longman, Oxford, Merriam-Webster and Roget's Thesaurus dictionary and also bilingual dictionary as Apresyan activator.
Above we have considered translation of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English, and we singled out 11 items. Also we have found all the interpretations, using different explanatory dictionaries, fully understand the meaning of found words which have the meaning “обрабатывать” and “обработка”. And in this part of work we'll try to find all the meanings of the found words. Here we consider some of them, using the dictionary to fully analyze the value of found words. Besides the dictionary meanings we will give a lot of examples.
At first, let's look at the noun “обработка”. Longman dictionary offers the following four definitions to express the meaning of the word treatment: something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill; a particular way of behaving towards someone or of dealing with them ; a particular way of dealing with or talking about a subject ; a process by which something is cleaned, protected.
As for the word cultivation, this dictionary gives the next expressions: the preparation and use of land for growing crops; the planting and growing of plants and crops; the deliberate development of a particular quality or skill.
Oxford dictionary gives the following expressions for the word medication: a drug or other form of medicine that is used to treat or prevent disease; treatment using drugs.
Also the explanatory dictionary offers the next definitions to describe the meaning of the word handling: the part by which a thing is held, carried, or controlled; a name or nickname; the feel of goods, especially textiles, when handled; the way in which someone deals with a particular situation,problem, or person; the way in which you touch, use, or deal with something, especially with your hands; the management or movement of goods; the way in which someone or something processes and manages information; the handling of a vehicle is how easy it is to control.
Now let's consider the verb “обрабатывать” and try to find all meanings of these words to understand how many meanings may have only one English word. We're going to start with the word combination to work up. Longman explanatory dictionary has the following explanations of this word: to make yourself feel interested, brave ; to make yourself hungry or thirsty, or make yourself sweat, especially by doing physical exercise; to make someone very angry, excited, or upset about something; to develop and improve something such as a project or a piece of writing.
Next word is to process. Longman; explanatory dictionary singles out the following meanings: to make food, materials, or goods ready to be used or sold, for example by preserving or improving them in some way; to deal with an official document, request etc in the usual way; to deal with information using a computer; to print a picture from a photographic film.
Next word is to treat. We have Oxford which may help us to find the all possible meanings of this word. Oxford says: behave towards or deal with in a certain way; regard something as being of a specified nature with implications for one's actions concerning it; give medical care or attention to; try to heal or cure; apply a process or a substance to (something) to protect or preserve it or to give it particular properties; provide someone with (food, drink, or entertainment) at one's own expense; negotiate terms with someone, especially an opponent.
As for the word to machine, Longman explanatory dictionary singles out the following meanings: to fasten pieces of cloth together using a sewing machine; to make or shape something using a machine.
The word to cultivate is the next one. According to Macmillan to cultivate has the following meanings: to make land suitable for growing crops or plants; to grow crops or plants, especially in large quantities; to develop something such as an attitude, ability, or skill.
Let's consider the verb to shape. Longman dictionary underlines the following meanings: to influence something such as a belief, opinion etc and make it develop in a particular way; to make something have a particular shape, especially by pressing it; to improve your behaviour or work; to make progress in a particular way.
As for the verb to edit, this explanatory dictionary has the following explanations: to prepare a book, piece of film etc for printing or broadcasting by removing mistakes or parts that are not acceptable; to prepare a book or article for printing by deciding what to include and in what order; to prepare a film by deciding what to include and in what order; to be responsible for the information that is included in a newspaper, magazine.
As for the word combination to dress, Oxford explanatory dictionary singles out the following meanings: put on one's clothes; wear clothes in a particular way or of a particular type; put clothes on (someone); put on clothes appropriate for a formal occasion; decorate (something) in an artistic or attractive way; treat or prepare (something) in a certain way, in particular; clean and prepare (food, especially poultry or shellfish) for cooking or eating; add a dressing to (a salad); apply a fertilizer to (an area of ground or a plant); complete the preparation or manufacture of (leather or fabric) by treating its surface in some way; smooth the surface of (stone); arrange or style (hair); draw up (troops) in the proper alignment; have the genitals habitually on one or the other side of the fork of the trousers; make (an artificial fly) for use in fishing.
Next word is to manipulate. We have Oxford which may help us to find the all possible meanings of the word. Oxford says: handle or control (a tool, mechanism, information, etc.) in a skilful manner; alter, edit, or move (text or data) on a computer; examine or treat (a part of the body) by feeling or moving it with the hand; control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously; alter or present (data) so as to mislead.
As for the word to finish, Macmillan explanatory dictionary singles out the following meanings: to do the lastpart of something so that it is complete; to stop happening; to eat, drink, or use all of something so that there is noneleft; to be in a particular position at the end of a race or competition; to rub a surface, or to put a substance on it, in order to make it smooth and attractive.
The last word is to till. Longman dictionary offers the following definition to express the meanings of the word: to prepare land for growing crops.
Having done this research, it becomes clear enough that English language is multifarious: one word may have around 10 different meanings, however all they are intralingual synonyms.
According to John Lyons, intralingual relations are “relations which hold between a lexical expression and one or more other lexical expressions in the same language”. [1].
We see that semantic field is a term which describes a set of words grouped by meaning in a certain way. “It defines the meaning of words, simultaneously, in terms of the external, interlexical, relational structures - the semantic fields - in which semanti-cally related and interdefinable words, or word-meanings, function as units and also in terms of the internal, intralexical and as it were molecular, relational structures in which what I am here calling the atoms of word-meaning function as units”. [1]. Then we can say that the majority of words that we've found belong to one semantic field.
Translating of the other senses of the found equivalents from English into Russian.
In this part of our research we will try to find and study all possible translations of found English words into Russian language to have the opportunity to compare the different usage of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in two languages. For this work we need English-Russian dictionaries as Multitran dictionary and Apresyan dictionary.
At first, we'll consider the nouns. According to Apresyan dictionary, there are several translations into Russian language of the word “treatment”: обращение, обхождение; трактовка, обсуждение; исследование; освещение; лечение; уход; обработка; перевоспитание малолетних правонарушителей; протравливание (семян); разработка киносценария. [7] As for Multitran, this dictionary offers much more translations: обращение; обхождение; трактовка; лечение; уход; обработка (чем-либо);пропитывание; пропитка; излечение; помощь; отношение; обогащение; изложение материала в книге. [2]
As for Apresyan dictionary, there are also 3 translations into Russian language of the word “cultivation”: обработка (почвы); культивация, возделывание; рыхление (почвы); культивирование, разведение, выращивание; развитие, поощрение. The dictionary gives the following examples: cultivation area - посевная площадь; field in /under/ cultivation - обрабатываемое поле; возделанное поле. [7] As for Multitran, this dictionary offers much more translations again:обработка; культивация; возделывание (земли); рыхление (почвы); культивирование;разведение (растений, бактерий и т. п.); развитие (путём упражнения); поощрение;культура; выращивание сортов (с.-х. культур); улучшение сортов (с.-х. культур). [2]
The next noun is “medication”. According to Apresyan dictionary, there are 3 translations of this word: лечение; средство для лечения; обработка, насыщение, пропитывание лекарством. [7] As for Multitran, this dictionary offers these translations: лечение; средство для лечения; обработка; насыщение; пропитывание лекарством;лекарство; лекарства; насыщение лекарствами. [2]
The word “handling” has the next meaning according to Multitran dictionary: обхождение; обращение (кем-либо, чем-либо); трактовка (темы); уход;обработка данных; подход к решению (вопросов и т. п.); разделывание (напр., теста). As for Apresyan dictionary, there are 3 translations into Russian language of the word “handling”: обхождение, обращение (с кем-л.); обращение (с чем-л.); способ эксплуатации; обслуживание; манипулирование; владение мячом; игра руками; передача мяча (рукой); трактовка; разбор, обсуждение; подход (к решению вопроса); переработка грузов; уход; управление; регулирование; обработка. And here we have an example: data handling - обработка данных /информации/ [2]
Now we'll consider the translations of the verbs and gives some examples using Apresyan dictionary. The first word is to work up. The dictionary singles out the majority of translations of this word. The first meaning is обрабатывать, отделывать; придавать законченный вид. Examples: to work up a lump of clay into a statuette - из комка глины сделать статуэтку; to work up a sketch into a picture - развернуть эскиз в картину; to work up a collection of facts into a magazine article - написать статью в журнал на основе собранных фактов. The second meaning is возбуждать, разжигать (чувства, страсти); вызывать, провоцировать. The third is добиваться; завоёвывать. The fourth is приближаться; доходить. And the last is лезть вверх. [7]
The second word is to treat. According to the Apresyan dictionary, we have the following translations: 1. обращаться, обходиться. Examples: to treat smb. badly - обращаться с кем-л. Плохо; don't treat me as a child - не обращайтесь со мной как с ребёнком; to treat smb. like a lord - носиться с кем-л.; не знать куда посадить; to treat smb. like dirt /like a dog, worse than a dog/ - плохо обращаться с кем-л., третировать кого-л., относиться к кому-л. по-скотск; to treat smb. white - амер. честно /справедливо/ отнестись к кому-л.; he is a man to be treat ed with respect - он человек, заслуживающий уважения; books should be treated carefully - с книгами следует обращаться бережно. 2. относиться, рассматривать. Examples: please treat this information as strictly private - пожалуйста, считайте эти сведения совершенно конфиденциальными; you shouldn't treat that as a laughing matter - это совсем не шутки. 3. трактовать, рассматривать, обсуждать (вопрос и т. п.). Examples: he treated the subject thoroughly - он рассмотрел предмет полно и всесторонне; this essay treats of the progress of medical science - в очерке рассказывается о прогрессе медицинской науки. 4. Лечить. And one example: to treat with penicillin - лечить пенициллином. 5. обрабатывать, подвергать воздействию (чего-л.). And also the dictionary provide us with examples: to treat (a substance) with acid - обрабатывать (какое-л. вещество) кислотой; to treat leather with grease - размягчать кожу жиром; to treat fruit trees with chemical mixtures - обрабатывать /опрыскивать/ фруктовые деревья химикатами; to treat smth. with rubber - прорезинивать что-л.; to treat smth. with glue - проклеивать что-л. 6. Угощать; 7. оплачивать расходы; приглашать; 8. вступать в деловые отношения; нести переговоры; 9. обогащать (уголь, руду). [7]
The third word is to process and there are a lot of meanings in the dictionary: 1. возбуждать дело, начинать процесс. 2. 1) подвергать обработке, обрабатывать. And the dictionary gives us an example: to process leather - обрабатывать кожу.2) обрабатывать (документацию, книги, поступающие в библиотеку ) An example: to process data - обрабатывать данные. 3. воспроизводить фотомеханическим способом. 4. оформлять (визу, документы). [7]
The fourth word is to machine. According to the Apresyan dictionary, we have the following translation: подвергать механической обработке; обрабатывать на станке. [7]
The next word which we will consider is to cultivate. Apresyan dictionary gives the following translations of this word: 1. пахать, обрабатывать, возделывать; 2. культивировать (землю, растения); 3. развивать, улучшать, совершенствовать. The dictionary offers us some examples: to cultivate the mind - развивать ум; to cultivate love of art - прививать любовь к искусству; to cultivate medicine - поощрять развитие медицины; writers who cultivate style - авторы, которые работают над стилем. [7]
The last word which we will consider is to shape. According to the Apresyan dictionary, we have the following translation: 1. 1) придавать форму; делать по какому-л. образцу; 2) делать, создавать (из чего-л.). 2. придавать чёткую форму; приводить в порядок, обрабатывать. Examples: to shape a plan - разработать план; to shape one's ideas - приводить мысли в систему. 3. принимать форму, вид; выходить, получаться; 4. Приспосабливать. [7]
We highlighted the needed words which has the meaning “обрабатывать”, “обработка” in bold. Having done this research we can make the following conclusion. The majority of found Russian words are intralingual synonyms. Their relations of these words “hold between a lexical expression and one or more other lexical expressions in the same language”. [1].
Comparison of all of the senses of the Russian word “оформлять” with all of its interlingual synonyms.
As we see from John Lyons' work, there are two types of synonymy: interlingual and intralingual. The author of the book illustrates the meaning of these two terms. He says that bilingual dictionaries always rely on the notion of interlingual synonymy: e.g., “by saying, in an English-French dictionary, that (the English word) 'dog' has (more or less) the same meaning as (the French word) 'chien'”. [1]. Also monolingual dictionaries use the notion of intralingual synonymy rather than interlingual.
Let's observe what we've done. First of allwe foud out the meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in Russian language. Using monolingual Russian dictionaries, we singled out 2 meanings for the word “обработка” and 4- for the word “обрабатывать”. The next step was the translation of these words into English language. We used bilingual dictionaries and distinguished 4 meanings for the noun “обработка” and 11 meanings for the verb “обрабатывать”. Our next step will be the matching of Russian variants with English ones.
We have 2 meanings for the noun “обработка”in Russian language:
действие по глаголу обработать-обрабатывать;
результат такого действия.
There are 4 words which have the meaning of the Russian word “обработка” in English language:
Обработка (с помощью средств) - treatment
Обработка почвы - cultivation
Обработка на станке - handling
Обработка данных --processing
Обработка (придание законченного вида) - editing
Обработка медикаментами - medication;
If we compare the found meanings of one word in two different languages, we will be able to make the following conclusion. If there is only one word “обработка” in Russian language and it serves a lot of different meanings, for instance, обработка документов, обработка земли, обработка медикаментами. In all these examples we used one word: “обработка”, although all these word combinations have different meanings. There are a lot of words which serves different meanings in English language, for instance, treatment, cultivation, handling. However when we translate these words from English into Russian language we have the Russian equivalent “обработка”. Let's compare the equivalents of the word “обработка” in 2 languages. We can refer 5 words treatment, cultivation, handling, processing, medication to one Russian meaning “действие по глаголу обрабатывать”. The words editing refer to the second Russian meaning of the word “обработка”- “результат дествия обработки”.
So, we see that there are at least 5 words in English language for transferring one Russian meaning.
The same picture we can notice studying the verb “обрабатывать”. There are 4 meanings of this word in Russian language:
Информация о работе Translation into English of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка”