Translation into English of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка”

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Апреля 2013 в 00:33, курсовая работа

Описание работы

People have used and studied language for many years. Language is used as means for communication, getting, exchanging and keeping information. Language is used to inform, influence, insist, inspire and to entertain.
People have always tried to use language to communicate with other nations.
Sometimes there are some difficulties in translating words from one language into another. And this coursework is aimed at studying the translation of the words “обработка” and “обрабатывать” from Russian to English.

Содержание работы

The meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in the Russian
Translating the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English…………………………………………………………………………………5
Complex sense relations of the English lexical equivalent of the words “обрабатывать”
and “обработка”……...…...……………………………………………………12
Translating of the other senses of the found equivalents from English into Russian…………..………………………………………………………………..…..16
Comparison of all of the senses of the Russian word “обрабатывать” with all of its interlingual synonyms……………………………………………….……………...... 19
The list of literature……………………………………………………………………22

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The meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in the Russian


Translating the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English…………………………………………………………………………………5

Complex sense relations of the English lexical equivalent of the words “обрабатывать”

and “обработка”……...…...……………………………………………………12

Translating of the other senses of the found equivalents from English into Russian…………..………………………………………………………………..…..16

Comparison of all of the senses of the Russian word “обрабатывать” with all of its interlingual synonyms……………………………………………….……………...... 19


The list of literature……………………………………………………………………22



People have used and studied language for many years. Language is used as means for communication, getting, exchanging and keeping information. Language is used to inform, influence, insist, inspire and to entertain.

People have always tried to use language to communicate with other nations.

Sometimes there are some difficulties in translating words from one language into another. And this coursework is aimed at studying the translation of the words “обработка” and “обрабатывать” from Russian to English.

It is necessary to consider the following points, which are included in this coursework:

To list the meanings of the words “обработка” and “обрабатывать” using Russian dictionaries.

To find the translations of the words from Russian into English using Russian-English dictionaries. Here we use Multitran.

To determine the meanings of these English words in the fullness of their meanings using the explanatory dictionaries and activators. Here we use Macmillan, Longman, Oxford, Webster's dictionary, Merriam-Webster and Roget's Thesaurus dictionary.

To study all possible translations of English words into Russian using English-Russian dictionaries.

To match all meanings of a Russian word “оформлять” with all complex of its interlingual synonyms.

To list briefly the conclusion for each item and summarize all the material.



The meanings of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” in the Russian language.


As a beginning, it will be useful for our research to observe the variety of meanings of the words “обработка” и “обрабатывать” have in Russian language. For this research we use such dictionaries as: Dal Dictionary, Efremova Dictionary and the Explanatory Dictionary of Russian language.

Dal Dictionary gives the following explanation of the word “обрабатывать”. The word means “улучшать работой, уходом, приложением труда”. This meaning is illustrated by some examples: Мука́ отлично обработана, смолота.  Пушкин тщательно обрабатывал свои стихи.

Efremova Dictionary offers the following interpretation for the verb “обрабатывать”.  The first meaning according to this dictionary is “подвергать производственной операции, делая готовым или приводя в готовность к чему-л”. The dictionary gives some examples: Обработать продукты пред употреблением. Обрабатывать землю перед посевом. One more meaning of this word is “придавать окончательный, завершенный вид; упорядочивать, совершенствовать, отделывать”. Examples: Обрабатывать фотографии. Обрабатывать информацию. And one more meaning given in this dictionary:“воздействуя на кого-л., склонять к чему-л”.  Example: Молодца обработали, уломали, уговорили, склонили к чему, или обыграли, обобрали.

Explanatory dictionary of Russian language offers the following meanings: first meaning according to this dictionary is “подвергнуть выделке, отделке, какой-нибудь производительной операции” and also there are some examples: Обработать руду. Обработать кожу. The second meaning is “подвергнуть производственной операции; готовя для посева, возделать”. Example: …Крестьяне получили возможность обработать трудно обрабатываемые в условиях индивидуального труда заброшенные земли и целину. The third interpretation given in the dictionary is “отделать, привести в законченный вид, сделать более совершенным”. Example: Обработать материалы переписи. Обработать статью. Обработать стиль. Проза наша еще так мало обработана. And one more meaning given in the dictionary is “воздействовать на кого- нибудь, что-нибудь в желательном направлении, склонить на свою сторону, внушить кому-нибудь, что-нибудь”. Example: Тещу свою, между прочим, обработал чудесно: вексель ей подсунул.

As for the word “обработка” we found in all chosen dictionaries two meanings of this word: the first one is “действие по глаголу обработать-обрабатывать” and dictionary gives us following examples: Стоит только улучшить использование машин и тракторов, стоит только улучшить обработку земли - и мы добьемся того, что увеличим количество наших продуктов вдвое, втрое. Обработка металла. Обработка статьи. And the second meaning:“результат такого действия”. And example: Сказки Пушкина - обработки народных сказочных сюжетов.

After we've found the explanations of these words, it's become clear that the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” have rather wide range of use.

Here we can see several examples which help us clearly understand the meaning of the words. According to these three dictionaries, the word “обработка” has 2 different meanings and the word “обрабатывать” is used in 4 meanings in Russian language.


Translating the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English.


On this stage of our research we will try to find all the translations of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка” from Russian into English, using Multitran dictionary and Apresyan dictionary.

In Russian language we have only one word “обработка” which is used for different purposes. Examples: обработка земли, обработка документов, обработка фотографий and the like. In comparison with Russian language, there are much more words which express different meanings in English. The noun “обработка” is translated into English in the following way according to Multitran dictionary:

Обработка (с помощью средств) - treatment

Обработка почвы - cultivation, working

Обработка фотоматериалов - development

Обработка на станке - handling

Обработка данных --processing

Обработка  (придание законченного вида) - editing

As for the verb “обрабатывать”, it also has a lot of different equivalents in English according to Multitran dictionary :

Обрабатывать (подготавливать)  - to work up;

Обрабатывать (составом) - to treat;

Обрабатывать (данные, заказ, почту) - to process;

Обрабатывать (на станке) - to machine;

Обрабатывать (землю) - to cultivate

Обрабатывать (придавать законченный вид) - to shape

Обрабатывать (редактировать) - to edit

Обрабатывать (отделывать) - to dress

Обрабатывать (воздействовать на мысли, настроения) - to manipulate, to brainwash

We can notice that  English language has more means to express the meaning of the words “обрабатывать ” and “обработка” than Russian one.

As for Apresyan dictionary, it gives us the following translations into English for the word “обработка”:

Обработка медикаментами - medication;

Обработка данных-  handling;

Обработка художественного произведения - adaptation;

Обработка (промышленная) - manufacturing.

For the word “обрабатывать” this dictionary offers the following English equivalents:

Обрабатывать (доводить до совершенства) -  to finish;

Обрабатывать химикатами - to treat;

Обрабатывать землю - to till.

Having compared all these translations which are given us by two different dictionaries we have seen again that a lot of English words have the meaning “обрабатывать” and “обработка”.

So, we have the following translations of the word “обрабатывать” according to two dictionaries:

Обрабатывать (подготавливать)  - to work up;

Обрабатывать (составом) - to treat;

Обрабатывать (данные, заказ, почту) - to process;

Обрабатывать (на станке) - to machine;

Обрабатывать (землю) - to cultivate

Обрабатывать (придавать законченный вид) - to shape

Обрабатывать (редактировать) - to edit

Обрабатывать (отделывать) - to dress

Обрабатывать (воздействовать на мысли, настроения) - to manipulate, to brainwash;

Обрабатывать (доводить до совершенства) -  to finish;

Обрабатывать землю - to till.

Now we will find the explanations of some of these words, using explanatory dictionaries. And also we'll consider some examples to fully understand the meaning of the words. According to two dictionaries, the noun “обработка” has ten translations into English. We will consider some of the found words.

Обработка с помощью специальных средств - treatment

According to Oxford dictionary it is the use of a chemical, physical, or biological agent to preserve or give particular properties to something. This dictionary gives us the example: the treatment of hazardous waste is particularly expensive.

Macmillan dictionary gives the following definition of this word: a process in which a substance is put on something, for example in order to preserve or clean it. And the example: This is a new product for the treatment of industrial waste.

Merriam-webster dictionary has the following explanation: a substance or technique used in treating.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation: a process by which something is cleaned, protected. Example: the treatment of polluted rivers.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, treatment is medical care and has the following synonyms: analysis, cure, diet, doctoring, healing, hospitalization, medication, medicine, operation, prescription, regimen, remedy, surgery, therapeutics, therapy.

Обработка почвы - cultivation

According to Oxford dictionary it is the action of cultivating land, or the state of being cultivated. Example: the cultivation of arable crops.

As for Macmillan, cultivation is the use of land for growing crops or plants. This dictionary gives us the example: Every inch of fertile land was under cultivation.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation: the preparation and use of land for growing crops. The dictionary offers us the example: soil cultivation.

Merriam-Webster says that cultivation is the act or art of cultivating or tilling.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, cultivation is development of land for growing and has the following synonyms: agrology, agronomics, farming, gardening, planting, plowing, tillage, tilling, working.

Обработка медикаментами - medication

According to Oxford dictionary it is treatment using drugs. And the dictionary gives us the examples: chronic gastrointestinal symptoms may require prolonged medication.

Merriam-Webster says that medication is the act or process of medicating.

Обработка данных - The word “handling” has the next meaning according to Multitran dictionary:

As for Macmillan, handling is the way in which someone or something processes and manages information. And there  we can find an example: Data handling skills are in  short supply.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, handling is management and has the following  synonyms: administration, approach, care, charge, conduct, direction, manipulation, running, styling, superintendence, supervision, treatment.

And now let's consider some explanations of English equivalents of the verb “обрабатывать”.


Обрабатывать (подготавливать) - to work up

According to Oxford dictionary it is to bring something gradually to a more complete or satisfactory state. And there is also an example: painters were accustomed to working up compositions from drawings.

As for Macmillan, to work up is to develop something. Example: I'd like you to work up the next set of guidelines.

Обрабатывать (данные, заказ, почту) - to process

According to Oxford dictionary it is to operate on (data) by means of a program.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation: to deal with an official document, request etc in the usual way. Example: All university applications are processed through this system.

Обрабатывать (составом) - to treat

According to Oxford dictionary it is apply a process or a substance to (something) to protect or preserve it or to give it particular properties. And the example: the lawns were treated with weedkiller every year.

As for Macmillan, to treat is to put a substance on something in order to protect it or make it stronger. And there  we can find an example: The wood is treated with chemicals to preserve it.

Merriam-Webster says that to treat is to act upon with some agent especially to improve or alter.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation: to put a special substance on something or use a chemical process in order to protect, clean, or preserve it. And the example: sewage treated so that it can be used as fertilizer.

Обрабатывать (на станке) - to machine

According to Oxford dictionary it is to make or operate on with a machine. And the dictionary gives us an example: a decoratively machined brass rod.

As for Merriam-Webster, to machine means to to process by or as if by machine.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation: to make or shape something using a machine.

Обрабатывать (землю) - to cultivate

According to Oxford dictionary . the dictionary also offers us an example: the peasants who cultivated the land became its owners.

As for Macmillan, to cultivate is to make land suitable for growing crops or plants. And also we can observe an example: Most of the world's fertile land is already being cultivated.

Merriam-Webster says that to cultivate is to to prepare or prepare and use for the raising of crops.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation : to prepare and use land for growing crops and plants. And an example: The land was too rocky to cultivate.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, to cultivate is to develop land for growing and it offers the following synonyms: breed, crop, dress, farm, fertilize, garden,harvest, labor, manage, mature, plant, plow,prepare, propagate, raise, ripen, seed, tend, till,work.

Обрабатывать (придавать законченный вид) - to shape

According to Oxford dictionary it is to make (something) fit the form of something else. And we have an example: suits have been shaped to fit so snugly that no curve is undefined.

As for Merriam-Webster, to shape is to to adapt in shape so as to fit neatly and closely.

As for Longman dictionary, it offers us the next explanation :to make something have a particular shape, especially by pressing it.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, to shape is to devise, plan and the dictionary offers us the following synonyms: accommodate, adapt, become, define, develop, form, frame, grow, guide, modify, prepare, regulate, remodel, tailor, take form, work up.

Обрабатывать (редактировать) - to edit

According to Oxford dictionary it is to choose material for and arrange it to form a coherent whole. And we can observe an example given in the dictionary: edited highlights of the match.

Merriam-Webster says that to edit means to alter, adapt, or refine especially to bring about conformity to a standard or to suit a particular purpose.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, to edit is to refine and the dictionary gives the following synonyms: adapt, alter, amplify, analyze, annotate, arrange, assemble, assign, blue-pencil, boil down, butcher, censor, check, choose, compile, compose, condense, correct, cut, delete, discard, doctor, draft, emend, excise, feature, fine-tune, finish, fly speck, go over, make up.

Обрабатывать (отделывать) - to dress

As for Oxford dictionary it is to treat or prepare (something) in a certain way, in particular. And the dictionary dives us some examples: she washed the wound and dressed it with fresh bandages; dressed crab; the field was dressed with unrotted farmyard manure; leather that had been dressed with alum; dressed Cotswold stone.

According to Macmillan dictionary this word has the following translation: to to prepare something such as a chicken or crab (=a sea animal) by cleaning it and takingout the parts that you cannot eat.

Merriam-Webster says that to dress means to add decorative details or accessories to.

According to Longman dictionary to dress means to clean and prepare meat or fish so that it is ready to cook or eat. And also the dictionary gives us an example: dressed crab.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, to dress is to physically prepare; groom and the dictionary offers us the following synonyms: adjust, align, arrange, comb, decorate, dispose, do up, fit, make ready, ornament, set, straighten, trim.

Обрабатывать (воздействовать на мысли, настроения) - to manipulate

As for Oxford dictionary it is to control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously.  Example: the masses were deceived and manipulated by a tiny group.

According to Macmillan dictionary this word has the following translation: to influence someone, or to control something, in a clever or dishonest way. Examples: He knows how to manipulate an audience. She accused the party of manipulating the figures.

Merriam-Webster says that to manipulate means to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage.

According to Longman dictionary to dress means to make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skilfully deceiving or influencing them. Example: He was one of those men who manipulated people. You have the constant feeling you are being manipulated.

As for Roget's Thesaurus, to manipulate is to fool and the dictionary offers us the following synonyms: betray, bluff, cheat, chisel, con, deceive, delude, double-cross, dupe, entice, exploit.

Обрабатывать (доводить до совершенства) -  to finish

Информация о работе Translation into English of the words “обрабатывать” and “обработка”