Контрольная работа по «Английскому языку»

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Марта 2013 в 21:51, контрольная работа

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Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола «to be» в Present, Past, или Future Simple.
I …tired. I want to go to bed.
…this student Russian or English?
They … not at the conference yesterday.
If don, t go now, I … late for the film.
She …very nice 20 years ago.
Where … you?-It,s time to have lunch.

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ФГБОУ ВПО  «Уральский государственный экономический  университет»



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Контрольная работа

по дисциплине: «Английский язык»

Вариант №3


Исполнитель: студентка I курса

                                        заочного факультета 


                                                   «Экономика предприятий и 

                                            организаций. Торговля»

                         Лукина Е.М.



Екатеринбург 2012

    1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола «to be» в Present, Past, или Future Simple.
    1. I …tired. I want to go to bed.
    1. …this student Russian or English?
    2. They … not at the conference yesterday.
    3. If don, t go now, I … late for the film.
    4. She …very nice 20 years ago.
    5. Where … you?-It,s time to have lunch.



    1. I am tired. I want to go to bed.( Present Simple)
    2. Is this student Russian or English?( Present Simple)
    3. They were not at the conference yesterday.( Past Simple)
    4. If don, t go now, I will be late for the film.( Future Simple)
    5. She was very nice 20 years ago.( Past Simple)
    6. Where are you?-It ,s time to have lunch.( Present Simple)



    1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола «to have» в Present, Past, или Future Simple.

1.     I  … no idea where they are now.

2.     This text …a difficult structure.

3.     Some of my friends… their own cars.

4.     Last  year we …big problems but he helped us.

5.     I,m sure people … cheap energy sources 50 years from now.

6.     Yesterday I … a very unpleasant conversation.



    1. I have no idea where they are now.( Present Simple)
    2. This text have a difficult structure. ( Present Simple)
    3. Some of my friends have  their own cars. ( Present Simple)
    4. Last  year we had big problems but he helped us. ( Past Simple)
    5. I ,m sure people will have cheap energy sources 50 years from now.     (Future Simple)
    6. Yesterday I had a very unpleasant conversation. ( Past Simple)



    1.  Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в соответствующую форму  Present Simple. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. I (to go) to work in morning. So I (to get up) early.
    1. My father is a doctor. He (to work) at hospital.
    2. My granny (to like) to read a book after lunch.
    3. It (to take) him ten minutes to get to the office.
    4. Granny often (to tell) us long stories.
    5. They(to look) funny in these green hats.


    1. I go to work in morning. So I get up early.
    2. My father is a doctor. He  works at hospital.
    3. My granny like to read a book after lunch.
    4. It took him ten minutes to get to the office
    5. Granny often  told  us long stories
    6. They looks funny in these green hats.


    1. Я хожу на работу утром. Поэтому рано встаю.
    2. Мой отец врач. Он работает в больнице.
    3. Моя бабушка любит читать книги после обеда.
    4. Ему потребовалось десять минут, чтобы добраться до офиса.
    5. Бабушка часто рассказывает длинные истории.
    6. Они выглядят смешно в этих зеленых шляпах.
    1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы  в соответствующую форму Present Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. Its midnight. I ( to revise) for my English test.
    2. Where is your sister? – She (to do) her homework in the next room.
    3. I cant  speak  loud, we (to sit) in the waiting room at the doctors.
    4. Sue (to talk) on the phone at the  moment.
    5. We (to wait) for you. Hurry up!


    1. It’s midnight. I review for my English test.
    2. Where is your sister? – She does her homework in the next room.
    3. I can’t speak loud, we sit in the waiting room at the doctor’s.
    4. Sue talking on the phone at the moment.
    5. We are waiting for you. Hurry up!


    1. Полночь. Я просматриваю мой тест по английскому.
    2. «Где твоя сестра?»-«Она делает домашнее задание в соседней комнате.»
    3. Я не могу говорить, мы сидим в зале ожидания у врача.
    4. Сью говорит по телефону в данный момент.
    5. Мы ждем Вас. Спешите!


    1. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в форму Present Simple или Present Continuous.
    1. She (to do) all housework in their house.
    1. The children often (to sleep) in afternoon.
    2. The children (to play) in the yard now.
    3. Mary (to like) classical music and she (to play) the piano.
    4. Henry usually (to wear) glasses and now he (to wear) sunglasses.
    5. Do you know the young man who (to dance) with Lisa?


    1. She does all housework in their house.
    2. The children often sleep in afternoon.
    3. The children playing in the yard now.
    4. Mary likes classical music and she plays the piano.
    5. Henry usually wearing glasses and now he wears sunglasses.
    6. Do you know the young man who dancing with Lisa?


    1. Она делает всю работу в их доме.
    2. Дети часто спят во второй половине дня.
    3. Дети играют во дворе сейчас.
    4. Мари любит классическую музыку и играет на пианино.
    5. Генри обычно носит очки и сейчас он в темных очках.
    6. Знаете ли Вы молодого человека, который танцевал с Лизой.


    1. Напишите форму Past Simple для следующих глаголов.
    1. to give                5. to start                 9. to live
    1. to drink               6. to begin                10. to improve
    2. to return              7. to bring                11. to go
    3. to play                8.  to stay                 12. to ask      


1. to gave                5. to started                9. to lived

2. to drank               6. to began                   10. to improved

3. to returned           7. to brought                11. to went

4. to played              8.  to stayed                12. to asked    


    1. Подчеркните сказуемое, стоящее в форме Past Continuous. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. My sister was reading the whole evening yesterday.
    1. When we went out into the garden, the sun was shining and birds were singing.
    2. I didnt understand what she was talking about.
    3. When we came they were still laughing.
    4. At that moment I looked back and didnt see  that she was crossing the road.


 1. My sister was reading the whole evening yesterday.

2. When we went out into the garden, the sun was shining and birds were singing.

3. I didn’t understand what she was talking about.

4. When we came they were still laughing.

5. At that moment I looked  back and didn’t see  that she was crossing the road.


1.Моя сестра читала  весь вечер вчера.

2. Когда мы вышли в  сад светило солнце.

3. Я не понимаю, что  она имела в виду.

4. Когда мы вошли, они  все еще смеялись.

5. В тот момент я  оглянулся и не увидел, что  она переходила дорогу.

VIII.     Поставьте сказуемое предложения в форму Future Simple.

    1. I (to bring) it back tomorrow.
    2. They (to start) the project next year.
    3. She (to come) to the airport to say us goodbye.
    4. We (to return) at 6 the latest.
    5. I don’t   think  this kite (to fly).
    6. The teacher (to check) the test tomorrow.


    1. 1.  I shell bring it back tomorrow.
    2. They will start the project next year.
    3. She will come to the airport to say us goodbye.
    4. We will return at 6 the latest.
    5. I don’t   think this kite will fly.
    6. The teacher will check the test tomorrow.
    1. Подчеркните сказуемое, стоящие в форме Future Continuous, переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. The expert will be examining the picture tomorrow at 5.
    2. Next time well be playing on the better court.
    3. I hope when I come, you will be finishing the translation.
    4. She will be waiting for your call.
    5. Im sure he  will be still sleeping at 8.


1. The expert will be examining the picture the picture tomorrow at 5.

2. Next time we’ll be playing on the better court.

3. I hope when I come, you will be finishing the translation.

4. She will be waiting for your call.

5. I’m sure he will be still sleeping at 8.


1.Эксперт будет исследовать  картину завтра в 5.

2. В следующий раз мы будем играть  с лучшим судьей.

3.Надеюсь, что когда  я приду, вы закончите с переводом.

4.Она будет ждать вашего  звонка.

5.Я уверен, что в 8 Вы еще будете спать.

X.         Определите, какой частью речи является слово с окончанием –s и какую функцию это окончание  выполняет, т.е. является ли оно:

   а)       показателем 3-го лица глагола  в Present Simple;

   b)      признаком множественного числа существительного;

   с)      показателем притяжательного падежа  имени существительного.

Переведите предложения  на русский язык.

1. She goes to her English classes on Mondays.

2. My son’s computer is quite modern.

3. There were potatoes on Nick’s plate and fish on Tom’s.

4. She buys fruit and vegetables at the market.

5. In the bedroom of this flat there are two beds, two bedside tables and some chairs.

6. The boys walked along the streets of the town, visited museums and shops.


1. а)goes b) classes

2. c)son’s.

3.  c) Nick’s Tom’s.

4. a)buys b)vegetables.

5.b)beds, tables, chairs.

6. b)boys, streets, museums, shops.


1.Она ходит к ней на уроки английского по понедельникам.

2.Компьютер моего сына  вполне современен.

3.Картофель был на тарелке  Ника и рыба на тарелке тома.

4.Она покупает фрукты  и овощи на рынке.

5.В спальне этой квартиры  имеются две кровати, две тумбочки  и стулья.

6. Мальчики шли по улицам города, посетили музеи и магазины.


XI.  Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами места и времени.


1. In south … (of, in, on) our country the weather is quite different.

2.  … (at, on, in) Sunday I usually get up … (at, on, in) nine o’clock.

3. America was discovered (with, by, at) Columbus.

4. They came … (since, from, by) the beach at sunset.

5. They waited Melanie … (during, for, since) two hours.

6. She entered the room and sat … (at, over, on) the sofa.


1. In south of our country the weather is quite different.

2.  On Sunday I usually get up at nine o’clock.

3. America was discovered  by Columbus.

4. They came since the beach at sunset.

5. They waited Melanie during two hours.

6. She entered the room and sat  at the sofa.


XII. Заполните пропуски соответствующими личными местоимениями в именительном и объектном падежах.


1. Look at that man. Do you know  …?

2. I like apples, I eat … a lot.

3. This CD-player doesn’t work, … is broken.

4. She is not guilty. Don’t cry at ….

5. I hope that you believe … .

6. We don’t know her well. … is very unsociable.


1. Look at that man. Do you know him?

2. I like apples, I eat of them a lot.

3. This CD-player doesn’t work, it is broken.

4. She is not guilty. Don’t cry at ….

5. I hope that you believe it.

6. We don’t know her well. It is very unsociable.


XIII. Заполните пропуски соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями.


1. She always tells about … kids.

2. I like … friends very much.

3. He is fond of red colour. No wonder …car is also red.

4. Say it louder, I hardly hear … voice.

5. We are now living in … summer house.

6. Don’t be sorry. It’s not … fault.


1. She always tells about her kids.

2. I like my friends very much.

3. He is fond of red colour. No wonder his car is also red.

4. Say it louder, I hardly hear your voice.

5. We are now living in their summer house.

6. Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault.


XIV.  В каждом предложении подчеркните неопределенные местоимения, переведите предложения на русский язык.


  1. We didn’t find cherries, so we bought some cherry jam instead.

2. Do you have any books by Dickens?

3. Here are some English books. Take any book you like.

4. Do you have any questions?

5. Some people don’t like animals. It’s strange.


1. We didn’t find cherries, so we bought some cherry jam instead.

2. Do you have any books by Dickens?

3. Here are some English books. Take any book you like.

4. Do you have any questions?

5. Some people don’t like animals. It’s strange.


1.Мы не нашли вишни,  поэтому купили другую в вишневом варенье.

2.Есть ли у тебя какие-либо  книги Дикенса?

3.Вот некоторые книги  на английском. Возьмите любую  понравившуюся.

4.Есть ли у вас какие-либо  вопросы?

5.Некоторые люди не  любят животных. Это странно.


XV. В каждом предложении подчеркните подлежащее и сказуемое, переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. They train my brother.

2. Her French leaves much to be desired.

3. Then he took a chest X-ray.

4. His business trip will last 2 days.

5. Her car broke down yesterday.


1.  They train my brother.

2. Her French leaves much to be desired.

3. Then he took a chest X-ray.

4. His business trip will last 2 days.

5. Her car broke down yesterday.


1.Они тренируют моего  брата.

2.Ее французский оставляет желать лучшего. 
3. Затем он взял рентген грудной клетки.

4.Ее командировка продлится  2 дня.

5.Ее автомобиль сломался  вчера.



XVI. Прочтите и письменно переведите весь текст.


Winston Churchill


Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), British leader in the Second World War, was English on his father’s side, American – on his mother’s. W. Churchill went to Harrow School but he never got into the upper school because he didn’t want to study Latin and Greek. After leaving school he became an officer.

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