Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Марта 2013 в 19:03, реферат
The term ‘translator’s false friends’ (les faux amis) was introduced by the French theorists of translation M. Koessler and J. Derocquigny in 1928.160 This term means a word that has the same or similar form in the source and target languages but another meaning in the target language. Translators’ false friends result from transferring the sounds of a source language word literally into the target language. P. Newmark calls them deceptive cognates,161 as their meanings are different and they can easily confuse the target text receptor.
Some words are false friends of translator in some contexts only:
The word pair pathetic - pateettinen is more difficult to describe. Originally, pateettinen means
'high-flown' (and English pathetic in its modern meaning, as opposite to its old dictionary meaning, is translated e.g.
as säälittävä or surkea). But it seems that the impact of
English has changed things so that pateettinen now very often means 'pathetic'.
(In the Finnish version of The Lion King on video, Zazu's words about Simba becoming a pretty pathetic king
has been translated as "sinusta tulee hyvin pateettinen kuningas". In this context,
both interpretations are plausible, and perhaps the translator intentionally
created the ambiguity!)
The English words brandy and brand and their use in Finnish is an interesting
phenomenon, too. Probably the words don't get confused with each other
in English, but in Finnish things might be different.
The word brandy has been used in Finnish a long time. The use of brand is
newer, and fashionable, and it is typically written as brandi or brändi (where the final -iis pronounced roughly as -y in English brandy). In this case, and in some other
cases mentioned above, false friends reflect similarity of two words
(or even polysemy) within the English language. But the problem is that
a Finn is inclined to associate a word wrongly much more probably than
an Englishman might confuse the two English words with each other. For
example, English has liquor and liqueur, but only the latter has a counterpart
in Finnish; and since films and books in English mention liquors more
often than liqueurs, a Finn might easily understand liquor as likööri.
The problem of “false friends of translator” is considered not only
in the translation theory. It is considered also in the methods of language
It is undoubtful that the language learning becomes more and more popular.
The positive tendencies in this sphere are the language teaching in
the primary school and the possibility of the acquiring the complementary
profession of the interpretor in universities.
But the language learning causes some difficulties. The transmission
of knowledges and skills from the mother tongue on the foreign language
makes a negative influence.
The pupils often transmit their verbal skills on the foreign language.
The mother tongue makes them to do the wrong analogies. This phenomena
is known as an interlingual interference. In the lexical sphere the
interference is expressed in “false friends of translator”.
The Russian language borrowed many words from English. Making the analogy
like менеджер — manager, the pupils begin to think that
such English words are the “friends” by their form and meaning.
Really, these are the “false friends of translator”, because many
English words borrowed by Russian did not keep their initial meanings.
In new language, the borrowed word acquires easily new meaning, which
differs from the initial word. The pupils seeing the similarity of words
translate the wordsмагазин, сатин as magazin
The list of “false friends of translator” is not limited by the
words borrowed from English. The words of the cognate languages represent
a particular difficulty. Let’s consider some “false friends of translator”
in the languages which are cognate with Russian:
Chapter 2 The translation of “false friends of translator”
2.1 The causes of the “false friends” formation
The false friends can be created in several ways:
For example, German Rat (
In another example, the word bra in the Swedish language means good, like in the sentence "this is a good song."
In English, bra is short for the French brassière, which is an undergarment that supports the breasts. The English spelling, brassiere,
is now a false friend in and of itself (the modern French term for brassiere
is "soutien-gorge").
For example, in German: Oldtimer refers to an old car (or antique aircraft) rather than
an old person, while Handy refers to a mobile telephone.
Japanese is replete with pseudo-anglicisms, known as wasei-eigo ("Japan-made English").
A particularly complicated one is the word naitā which means night-time baseball game.
It is derived from the American twi-nighter which is short for twi-night doubleheader, baseball slang
meaning two games played by the same teams in a single day, one in the
afternoon and the other in the evening, usually starting at twilight
and continuing into the night.
The Japanese naitā is strictly Japanese baseball slang, and is unknown to
American baseball fans. In English, nitre (of very similar pronunciation) is a name forpotassium nitrate.
For example I'll call you back means that I will return your call, or make
a later attempt to call you again.
However, translating literally to Spanish would end up in something
like te llamaré para atrás. Although this phrase has no meaning
whatsoever in Spanish, it is used frequently in Puerto Rico, and can
be confusing when heard by other Spanish-speakers. The correct translation
would be te volveré a llamar or te devuelvo la llamada (I'll return your
As we said above, there are many borrowed English words in Russian.
It seems that this fact should to make easy the learning the English
words. But many of these words are the “false friends of translator”.
For example, the words "фабрика" и "fabric"
(ткань). The word was borrowed and then acquired its own meaning.
In other cases only one meaning was borrowed or the English word while
the English language developing has acquired new meanings. For example,
the word "invalid" besides "инвалид" can
mean "недействительный".
False cognates, also know as "false friends", are Russian
words that sound or look similar to words in English but have different
meaning. Here is several false cognates with definitions and examples
that illustrate the difference.
^ Аккуратный vs Accurate
Аккуратный -- neat, punctual
Accurate -- правильный, точный
Он выглядит аккуратным. = He looks neat.
Он аккуратен и никогда не опаздывает.
= He is punctual and never comes late.
Артист vs Artist
Артист -- actor
Artist -- художник
Он - известный артист. = He is a well-known actor.
Аудитория vs Auditorium
Аудитория -- audience
Auditorium -- зал
Это была внимательная
Декорация vs Decoration
Декорация -- setting
Decoration -- украшение, убранство
Мне не понравились
Интеллигентный vs Intelligent
Интеллигентный -- cultured
Intelligent -- умный, разумный
Он интеллигентный человек. = He is a cultured
Кабинет vs Cabinet
Кабинет -- office, study
Cabinet -- шкаф с ящиками; кабинет министров
Он в своём кабинете. = He is in his office (study)
Комплекция vs Complexion
Комплекция -- constitution
Complexion -- цвет лица
У него крепкая комплекция. = He has a robust constitution.
Композитор vs Compositor
Композитор -- composer
Compositor -- наборщик
Она -- известный композитор. = She is a famous composer.
Магазин vs Magazine
Магазин -- shop
Magazine -- журнал
Я купил этот журнал в магазине. = I bought
this magazine in a shop
^ Марка vs Mark
Марка -- stamp
Mark -- знак; метка, пометка
Он купил машину новой марки. = He bought a
car of a new mark.
Новелла vs Novel
Новелла -- short story
Novel -- роман
Он прочитал интересную
Оператор vs Operator
Оператор -- cameraman
Operator -- механик, машинист; связист, радист
^ Мне понравились съёмки. Кто
оператор? = I liked the camerawork. Who is the cameraman?
Проспект vs Prospect
Проспект -- avenue
Prospect -- вид, перспектива
Машина едет по широкому проспекту. =
The car is going along a broad avenue.
^ Фамилий vs Family
Фамилия -- surname
Family -- семья
Как ваша фамилия? = What is your surname?
Физик vs Physique
Физик -- physicist
Physique -- телосложение
Мой папа - физик. = My father is a physicist.
The analysis of dictionaries show that the number of “false friends”
is rather considerable:
accord - согласие, единодушие (не аккорд)
accurate - точный (а не аккуратный)
agitator - подстрекатель (не только агитатор)
alley - переулок (не аллея)
Alsatian - немецкая овчарка (а не только эльзасский)
amber - янтарь (а не только амбра)
ammunition - боеприпасы (а не амуниция)
angina - стенокардия (а не ангина)
arc - дуга (а не арка)
artist - художник (а не только артист)
ball - мяч (а не балл)
balloon - воздушный шарик (не баллон)
band - лента, музыкальная группа (не банда)
brilliant - блестящий (редко бриллиант)
сabin - хижина (не только кабина)
cabinet - шкафчик, чулан, витрина (не кабинет)
camera - фотоаппарат (а не тюремная камера)
cataract - водопад (а не только катаракта)
(to) champion - поддерживать кого-либо (а не
быть чемпионом)
chef - шеф-повар (а не шеф или шофер)
circulation - тираж газеты (а не только циркуляция)
cistern - бак, бачок унитаза (а не цистерна
- tank)
clay - глина (а не клей)
climax - высшая точка, кульминация (а не климакс)
cloak - плащ (а не клоака)
compositor - наборщик (а не композитор)
conductor - дирижер (не только кондуктор)
corpse - труп (не корпус)
data - данные (а не дата)
decade - десятилетие (а не декада)
decoration - орден, знак отличия, украшение
(а не декорация)
Dutch - голландский (а не датский)
^ E
engineer - машинист (не только инженер)
fabric - ткань (а не фабрика)
family - семья (а не фамилия)
figure - чертеж, цифра (не только фигура)
film - пленка (не только фильм)
^ G
gallant - храбрый, доблестный (не только галантный)
genial - добрый (а не гениальный)
gymnasium - спортзал (а не гимназия)
honor - честь, долг (а не гонор)
^ I
instruments - измерительные приборы (реже инструменты)
intelligence - ум, интеллект; разведка (а не интеллигенция)
lily of the valley - ландыш (а не лилия долины!)
(to) liquidize - превращать в жидкость (а не ликвидировать)
list - список (а не лист)
magazine - журнал (а не магазин)
mark - метка, пятно (а не марка)
matron - старшая медсестра, кастелянша (не
только матрона)
mayor - мэр города (а не майор)
monitor - староста класса (а не только монитор)
multiplication - размножение, умножение (а не
^ N
number - число, количество (а не только номер)
officer - чиновник, должностное лицо (а не
только офицер)
partisan - сторонник, приверженец (а не только
prospect - перспектива (а не проспект)
(to) pretend - притворяться, делать вид (а не
только претендовать)
production - производство (а не только продукция)
professor - преподаватель вуза вообще (а не
только профессор)
(to) realize - ясно представлять, понимать (а
не только реализовать)
(to) rationalize - объяснять (не только рационализировать)
record - запись, отчет (а не только рекорд)
replica - точная копия (а не реплика)
resin - смола (а не резина)
satin - атлас (а не сатин)
sodium - натрий (а не сода)
spectacles - очки (а не спектакли)
speculation - размышление, предположение, догадка
(а не только спекуляция)
spinning - прядение (не только спиннинг)
stamp - марка (а не только штамп)
stool - табурет (а не стул!)
talon - коготь (а не талон)
tax - налог (а не такса)
tender - нежный (а не только тендер)
tent - палатка (а не только тент)
terminus - конечная остановка (а не термин)
trap - капкан, ловушка (не трап)
trace - след (а не трасса)
trek - поход (а не трек)
troop - отряд, эскадрон (а не труп и не труппа)
tunic - солдатская куртка (а не туника)
turkey - индейка (а не Турция, турецкий)
uniform - постоянный, одинаковый (а не только
urn - электрический самовар (а не только
urbane - учтивый (а не городской, урбанистический)
utilize - использовать (а не только утилизировать)
vacuum - пылесос (а не только вакуум)
valet - лакей, камердинер (а не валет)
velvet - бархат (а не вельвет - corduroy)
venerable - почтенный (а не венерический)
verse - стихи (а не версия)
vice - порок, тиски (а не только вице-)
vine - виноградная лоза, (а не вино)
virtual - фактический (а не виртуальный)
virtuous - целомудренный (а не виртуозный)
We would like also to present the table with the “false friends”
which would help while translation from Russian into English.
^ False friend |
We have studied the theoretical works on the translation theory and
have made the practical research. We came to the conclusion that the
false friends of translator are pairs of words in two languages or dialects (or letters in two alphabets) that look and/or sound similar, but
differ in meaning.
One kind of false friends of translator can occur when two speakers
each speak different varieties of the same language. Speakers of British English and American English sometimes have this
problem. For example, in the UK,
to "table" a motion means to place it on the agenda, while
in the U.S. it means exactly the opposite—to remove it from consideration.
The problem of “false friends of translator” is considered not only
in the translation theory. It is considered also in the methods of language
teaching. False friends of translator can cause difficulty for students
learning a foreign language, particularly one that is related to their native language, because students are
likely to misidentify the words due to linguistic interference. Because false friends of translator are a common problem for language
learners, teachers sometimes compile lists of false friends of translator
as an aid for their students.
As the Russian language, there are many borrowed English words in Russian.
It seems that this fact should to make easy the learning the English
words. But many of these words are the “false friends of translator”.
For example, the words "фабрика" и "fabric"
(ткань). The word was borrowed and then acquired its own meaning.
In other cases only one meaning was borrowed or the English word while
the English language developing has acquired new meanings. For example,
the word "invalid" besides "инвалид" can
mean also "недействительный".
The list of “false friends of translator” is not limited by the
words borrowed from English. The words of the cognate languages represent
a particular difficulty. We presented in our work some “false friends
of translator” in the languages which are cognate with Russian: Polish,
Byelorussian, Ukranian.
Concluding all that was said above we came to the conclusion that the
translator during his work has to select the best linguistic means to
express well the image or the idea, given in the original text. Making
the translation the interpretor had to remember the main task – to
reconstitute the substance of the translated work.
The list of the used literature
1. Алимов В.В. Теория перевода. Перевод
в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.
– М.: КомКнига, 2006.