Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Сентября 2017 в 15:55, курсовая работа
Financial planning is necessary to protect the company from the effects of negative externalities, to ensure financial stability, achieve high results of financial and economic activity. In a market economy where competition is developed, where the tax laws in their harsh rules, planning to protect the company and to protect against unexpected deterioration in the financial condition and perhaps even bankruptcy.
The main tasks of financial planning of the company in the marketplace are:
provision of necessary financial resources, production, investment and financing activities;
Identifying ways of effective capital investment, assessment of its rational use;
Identification of internal reserves to increase profits at the expense of the economical use of funds;
1. Economical characteristics of products of enterprise 5
1.1 The essence and types of results of production 5
1.2 Assortment and nomenclature of goods 6
1.3 Cost parameters of production volume 6
2.1 The budget of sales and sales budget. 10
2.2 Budget of production 11
2.3 Budget of costs for basic materials 12
2.4 Budget of direct labor costs 13
2.5 Budget of production overheads 14
2.6 The budget of the administrative and commercial overhead 15
2.7 The cost of production and sales costs calculation 16
2.8 The calculation of net income from operation activity 18
2.9 Budget of funds 18
2.10 Forecast balance 20
3.1 Vertical and horizontal analysis of assets and liabilities 22
3.2 Financial ratios analysis 26
On the theme: «Development and analysis of the budget funds
On subject «Economy and Finance of the Enterprise»
Executed by: student of group BF-14b Ruslana Milashenko
Student's record-book № 14/029
Mark «_______________»
Teacher: _____________
Kharkiv 2016
1. Economical characteristics of products of enterprise 5
1.1 The essence and types of results of production 5
1.2 Assortment and nomenclature of goods 6
1.3 Cost parameters of production volume 6
2.1 The budget of sales and sales budget. 10
2.2 Budget of production 11
2.3 Budget of costs for basic materials 12
2.4 Budget of direct labor costs 13
2.5 Budget of production overheads 14
2.6 The budget of the administrative and commercial overhead 15
2.7 The cost of production and sales costs calculation 16
2.8 The calculation of net income from operation activity 18
2.9 Budget of funds 18
2.10 Forecast balance 20
3.1 Vertical and horizontal analysis of assets and liabilities 22
3.2 Financial ratios analysis 26
A very important element of business - planning, including financial. Effective management of enterprise finance is possible only if the planning of financial flows, processes and enterprise relations.
The company's financial planning should be regarded as a targeted effect on economic activity as a whole, to individual sites and business entities in order to support the effectiveness of adopted economic and social decisions with regard to their security financing sources, optimizing the planned spending and positive outcomes.
Financial planning as a subjective human activity only gives positive results when based on knowledge of the objective laws of social development, the financial resources of the movement trends, the study of the impact of the source database prior activities and financial transactions.
The main value in this process is the use of modern methods of planning and evaluation solutions, multiple calculations based on the latest computer technology, which ensures the development of science, technology professionals highly qualified.
Justification of the financial indicators of financial operations, as well as the impact of many economic decisions, is achieved in the process of financial planning and forecasting. These two very similar concepts in the economic literature and in practice often identified. In fact, financial forecasting and planning must precede carry out the assessment of numerous variants (respectively, to determine the possibility of managing the movement of financial resources at the macro and micro levels). Through financial planning are specified forecasts, identifies specific ways, indicators related tasks, the sequence of their implementation, as well as methods that contribute to the chosen target.
Financial planning is necessary to protect the company from the effects of negative externalities, to ensure financial stability, achieve high results of financial and economic activity. In a market economy where competition is developed, where the tax laws in their harsh rules, planning to protect the company and to protect against unexpected deterioration in the financial condition and perhaps even bankruptcy.
The main tasks of financial planning of the company in the marketplace are:
1.1 The essence and types of products of production
Product is the result of the production in informational or real form, it is often measured in physical and monetary terms in the objective form, quantitatively.
The products are manufactured in the company can be in the form of work in progress, semi-finished or finished products at different stages of the process.
Finished products - are products of industrial enterprises which finished by production, correspond to the state standards or specifications, adopted by the technical control department, equipped with the documents certifying the quality and intended for sale on the side.
Semi-finished products - a semi-products, the technical processing of which is completed in one of the production facilities (plants) of the enterprise, but requires further processing or in the adjacent production (another shop) of the same company or that can be transferred for further processing to other companies.
Semi-finished products - a semi- products, the technical processing of which is completed in one of the production facilities (plants) of the enterprise, but requires further processing or in the adjacent production (another shop) of the same company or that can be transferred for further processing to other companies .
Work in progress products - this production, has not received a complete species within production as well as products which are not tested and not delivered to the warehouse of finished products.
Labor products fall into the means of production (labor agents and objects of labor) and consumer goods (food and non-food products).
Meter volume of production in kind are specific physical units - pieces, tons, meters and the like. In the practice of planning and accounting of volume of production in some cases, using conditional natural (eg, conventional banks canned conditional letter of slate and bricks) and double physical indicators (eg, production of steel pipes can be measured in tons and meters, textiles ~ shoulder straps and square meters) .
The degree of satisfaction of needs of the market characterized by a certain amount of goods range and assortment.
The set of all product groups of goods manufactured by the company, defines the so-called product assortment. It is characterized by:
• width (number of manufactured product groups);
• depth (number of SKUs in the product group);
• saturation (number of SKUs in all assortment groups);
• harmony (the degree of proximity of the goods of different product groups from the point of view of the consumer, or some other indicators).
Commodity nomenclature - a collection of all manufactured and offered by the company for the sale of goods and services. Considering the totality of this, the individual product groups can be distinguished, similar in its consumer characteristics and designed to meet a specific need. These groups are called goods assortment groups. They are, for example, for perfume and cosmetics company may be: cologne, perfume, lipstick, etc. If the range of products manufactured by the enterprise is broad, it is more convenient to express its amount in monetary terms.
1.3 Cost parameters of production volume
Cost parameters of volume production:
Commodity products - all made in the planning or previous periods of production, corresponding to the standards, specifications, packaged and prepared for implementation.
where TП-commodity products, UAH .;
ГP-finished products, UAH .;
H semi-finished products that come on the side, UAH .;
П - services of industrial character, UAH .;
T - commodities, USD .;
Ра - works on capital construction, which are carried out owners, UAH .;
II - products subsidiary farms, designed to implement "on the side", UAH .;
Sold products- cost of released product paid by buyer during the reporting period.
According to the current legislation of Ukraine with the purpose of realization of tax date is the date of transfer of ownership for the specified products irrespective of the timing of the payment. Consequently, the legislation of Ukraine established the concept of products, which includes the payment for the product signs, t. E. Transfer to the purchaser is considered sold products without regard to whether it is paid or not. This indicates that such a concept of sales is established "for the purpose of taxation." In this situation, companies are forced to not ship the product without advance payment.
Commodity and sold products in its composition uniform. Quantitatively, they are distinguished by the amount of unrealized changes in balances of finished goods at the beginning and end of the plan period.
where: РП - products sold;
TП - commodity products;
ΔНРП - changes in the balance of unsold goods (remainder of NPF at the beginning of the period minus the remainder of NPF at the end of the period).
Gross product - is the sum of the cost of all types of products produced now, and except for the elements that make up the marketable products, including changes in the balance of work in progress during the settlement period, the cost of raw materials of the customer and other elements.
Gross output is calculated as follows:
where: ВП - gross output;
TП - Commodity products;.
ΔНП - to change the volume of work in progress for the period
ΔПВ - change in the volume of its own production of semi-finished products intended for use on the enterprise (PF at the end of the year minus the PF at the beginning of the year);
ΔI - Change the value of the instrument and equipment of its own production intended for use within the enterprise (and at the end of the year and negative at the beginning of the year).
Net products characterizes the newly created value as a result of industrial-production activity of the enterprise for a certain period. It is determined by subtracting the volume of gross output of material costs and depreciation;
Work in progress at the beginning of the planning period is taken into account for its actual value.
Work in progress at the end of the plan period (HB) is calculated based on the volume of output in the planning period (B), the duration of its production cycle, in days (Д), the coefficient of availability of work in progress (Ka) and the duration of the planning period, in days.
The value of work in progress in terms of value (at production cost) can also be calculated based on the average daily production output in kind production cost manufacturing cycle time in days and the coefficient of increase of expenses.
The coefficient of increase of expenses - a ratio of the average product cost of work in progress to the cost of the finished product. It is understood that the cost of the basic material and the subsequent costs are increasing at the beginning of the production cycle.
The degree of satisfaction of the market demand in the produced one or the other company's products do not discourage the sheer size of its production in volume and value terms, and the volume actually sold (sold) products, provided that they are competitive in quality (technical level) and the corresponding prices. In view of this important fact is to identify and control as planned (expected) and actual volumes of sales. Planned (expected) rate of sales is determined based on the volume of marketable production provided by the production program of the enterprise for the relevant year, taking into account the changes in the unrealized balance at the beginning and end of the billing period, and the actual - after paying the cost of the resulting consumer (customer) production and income respective sums of money to the bank account of the supplier.
2.1 Бюджет продаж
Данный бюджет составляется с использованием прогноза продаж, цен на продукцию предприятия и коэффициентов инкассации.
Бюджет продаж объединяет информацию об объемах реализации, ценах и, соответственно, о валовом доходе от операционной деятельности.
Для предприятий, работающих в рыночных условиях, такие показатели как цена и объем продаж имеют решающее значение. Показатель объема продаж определяет величину прибыли, требуемую производственную мощность, используемые производственные ресурсы.
На основе краткосрочных прогнозов принимаются тактические решения в отношении программы маркетинга, маневрирования ограниченными ресурсами, загрузкой оборудования и т.п.
С учетом прогноза объема продаж отдел маркетинга уточняет программу продаж по отдельным видам продукции и единичные цены. На этой основе разрабатывается бюджет продаж и график поступления денег от клиентов. Расчет бюджета продаж (коммерческого бюджета) в упрощенном варианте заключается в умножении запланированного объема продаж на единичную цену каждого товара.
В общем случае коэффициент инкассации выражает процент ожидаемого поступления денег от продаж в текущем месяце по отношению к общей сумме валового дохода того периода, когда согласно действующему законодательству продукция была признана реализованной.
В случае предоставления кредита покупателю над ним необходим
контроль. Контроль необходим также для того, чтобы предотвратить излишнее увеличение дебиторской задолженности, которая приводит к снижению притока денежных средств. В этом случае единственным способом держать ситуацию под наблюдением является правильный выбор и применение системы контроля оплаты счетов к получению.
Таблица 1.1 - Бюджет продаж
Таблица 1.2 - График поступления денег от клиентов, тыс грн
2.2 Бюджет производства
Бюджет производства определяет номенклатуру и объем производства продукции в бюджетном периоде. Он исходит из бюджета продаж, учитывает производственные мощности, увеличение или уменьшение товарных запасов готовой продукции на складе, а также возможности и целесообразность закупок части продукции на стороне.
Производственный отдел приспосабливает программу производства к заданиям по объему продаж, принимая во внимание изменение начальных и конечных запасов готовой продукции на складе и незавершенного производства. Бюджет производства показывает, сколько продукции или услуг необходимо произвести, чтобы обеспечить запланированные продажи и требуемый уровень запасов.
Таблица 2.3 Бюджет производства,тыс штук
Бюджет затрат на основные материалы состоит из двух частей: расчета объема закупок сырья на производство продукции (таблица 2.4) и графика погашения кредиторской задолженности перед поставщиками (таблица 2.5)
Расходы по погашению кредиторской задолженности поставщикам сырья планируются на основе бюджета закупок (таблица 2.5). При этом нужно учитывать согласованные с поставщиками сроки и условия платежа. Желательно, чтобы кредиторская задолженность поставщикам была примерно равна или превышала дебиторскую задолженность покупателей.
Таблица 2.4 Бюджет закупок сырья на производство продукции
Продолжение таблицы 2.4
Таблица2.5График погашения кредиторской задолженности за сырье, тыс грн
2.4 Бюджет прямых затрат на оплату труда
Бюджет прямых затрат на оплату труда составляется исходя из принятой на предприятии системы оплаты труда. В бюджетировании на основе условных исходных данных используется простейшая сдельно-премиальная система оплаты труда основных производственных рабочих. Согласно данным задания известны нормы трудоемкости продукции для каждого вида и ставка основной и дополнительной заработной платы с отчислениями в социальные фонды. Для определения трудоемкости производственной программы объем производства каждого вида изделия умножают на заданную норму трудоемкости единицы продукции. Затем определяются затраты на заработную плату по каждому виду продукции и в целом за каждый месяц. Дополнительно к бюджету затрат на оплату труда составляется график погашения кредиторской задолженности по заработной плате. Выплата задолженности по заработной плате производится по той же схеме, что и задолженности по материалам, то есть 50 % погашается в текущем месяце, а оставшиеся 50% - в следующем.