Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Декабря 2010 в 01:44, курс лекций
LECTURE № 2. History
of Economic Thought
The Economic theory studies
the history of economic thought, political economy, microeconomics,
macroeconomics, international economy, world economics (international
business), international economical relations, game theory, entrepreneurship,
management, marketing and other economic discipline.
Labyrinth of economic thought.
Repeatedly quite differently evaluated the role of government in industrial
development, the importance of trade, the market to increase researchers
interprets differently the same thing: what, say, wealth and in what
ways it is produced?
The economy - as a subject of study over time varies substantially.
Mercantilism (from mercante-trader, a merchant) - the first school of
economic theory, which originated in England, France, Italy and other
countries in the initial period of formation of capitalism. This school
has attempted to determine the shape of the wealth of society and ways
to increase the basis of the features of the era, when the rapidly expanding
international trade. French mercantilist Antuan de Montchretien
in 1615 gave the name of economic theory justifying the policy of the
state - political economy (the Greek politick-statecraft), is the science
of management of the state economy as a science - political economy,
which reveals the role of the state an increase in national wealth.
Classical political economy
Classical political economy,
which has proved in scientific in own failure of mercantilism. Classical
political economy theory, exploring all areas of the economy - manufacturing,
distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services.
Physiocrats-(Greek physics-nature kratos-power, authority) - the school
of political economy, which originated in France in the middle of the
XVIII century. And spread to Italy, Britain, Germany and other countries.
Founder and head of the Physiocrats in France was Francois Quesnay (1694-1774)
English classical political economy
Emerged and developed in XVII-XVIII centuries. The founders of this
theoretical school were William Petty (1623-1687), Adam Smith (1723-1790)
and David Ricardo (1772-1823), who created his theory of the growth
of national wealth.
For the first time the idea that labor is a major source of wealth expressed
B. Petty, who was named by Columbus of political economy. He belongs
to the famous formula: Mother Nature, the work the father of wealth.
Enormous contribution to the classical theory of the direction of Adam
Smith made that transformed the political economy of a scientific system,
after which she began teaching in higher education. In the main work
- "Study on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
- he proved
"Natural order" in economic life. Foundations of this order
were found dominance of private property, free competition and free
trade, laissez-faire in economic activity.
Economic Doctrine of Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Karl Marx in his main economic work "Capital", to which he
devoted 40 years and not had time to complete, largely on new developed
classical theory of value and the theory of surplus value. American
economist W. Leontief, writes that if someone wants to know what was
in effect a profit, salary, and capitalist enterprise, it can get a
three-volume "Das Kapital" is more realistic and qualitative
Neo-classical direction
Emerged in the last third of the XIX century. as opposed to the school
of English classics. First of all within was the result of marginalistical
(Fr. Marginal-limit) revolution. This revolution gave rise to the theory
of marginal utility and the theory of marginal productivity of labor
and capital.
The classic line of political economy have not studied holistic doctrine
of market-based system of farming. This gap in their own way made up
for the Austrian school of economics. She founded a professor of the
University of Vienna, Karl Menger (1840-1921), Eugene Bohm-Bawerk (1851-1914)
and Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926). They put forward a subjective,
psychological concept of value and price of goods, which opposed the
labor theory of value. Marginalist revolution continued the founder
of the American political economy, John Bates Clark (1847-1938). The
concept of marginal utility of consumption goods, he added the theory
of marginal productivity of capital and labor, directly contrasted his
theory of the classical doctrine of surplus value and exploitation of
the working class under capitalism.
Introduction to the theory of limiting values resulted in a mathematical
school in economics (English scientist William Jevons, a Swiss economist,
M. E. L. Walras, Pareto Italian explorer). That limits are allowed to
apply advanced mathematics, operating with such values. With the help
of mathematical methods to open many of the functional (quantitative)
mathematical relations in production, consumption and market, which
allowed to find the best options for the productive use of production
capacity with limited resources.
3. Lecture.
Subject and method of economic theory
Subject of economic theory
Economics is the science of public opinion, which explores the connections
and relations between human beings and human behavior in society.
In contrast to the sociology and philosophy, economic theory does not
consider society as a whole, but only the scope of its economic life,
i.e. economic links and relations and economic behavior.
Specifically, economic theory deals with issues such as organization
and regulation of the economy, prices and incomes, unemployment and
inflation, poverty and inequality, excessive military spending and pollution
and many other issues of social relations in the process of production,
distribution, exchange and consumption of vital goods. All these questions
are a reflection of the main economic problem - getting enough benefits
at minimum production costs.
The center of attention of scientists - finding ways of effective use
of limited resources in the production of material wealth for the maximum
satisfaction of human needs. That is the main subject of economic theory.
That examines the economic theory? This question on the subject of science
experts does not give a definite answer. For the fourth century economic
theorists, split the different directions and at school, often expressed
conflicting views on the economy.
4 function of economic
There are four basic functions of economic theory.
1) Cognitive function. Is to explore and explain the economics of society
and represent their knowledge in a theoretical form, i.e., generalized
and systematized.
2) The second function can be called a theoretical- methodological or
methodological. It appears that economic theory, as already noted, is
theoretical and methodological basis for the entire system of economic
3) Due to the educational function of economic theory, many people of
different professions can master the economic culture.
4) The practical function (or pragmatic or applied) is to develop specific
principles and methods of good housekeeping, as well as the scientific
basis of effective government policy.
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Cognitive methodological and practical education
Methods of economic study
Exploring the economic processes, economic theory applies a number of
scientific methods, which use and other social and natural sciences.
The most important of these scientific methods for the sphere of the
economy is as follows (Figure 2)
Methods of economic research:
• Monitoring and collecting evidence
• Experiment
• Simulation
• The method of scientific abstractions
• Analysis and Synthesis
• Systematic approach
• Induction and Deduction
• The historical and logical
• Graphic
Observation, experiment, simulation
Turning to the first method, we emphasize that, like any science, economic
research is an empirical question, that is based on practical experience.
This observation suggests, that is the perception of economic processes
in their real form, and the collection of facts occurring in reality.
For example, thanks to monitoring and collection of factual information
can be defined as commodity prices have changed over a given period.
In contrast, the experiment involves an artificial science experiment
when the studied object is placed in specially created and controlled