Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Марта 2016 в 11:30, реферат
In recent years transnational organized crime has grown. Criminal organizations are becoming stronger and more diverse. They are engaging more and more frequently in systematic forms of cooperation designed to further their criminal activities. In the investigation and prosecution of crime, particularly the more serious and complex forms of organized crime, it is essential that witnesses, the cornerstones for successful investigation and prosecution, have trust in criminal justice systems.
Entering a protection programme requires the informed consent of the witness. Witness protection authorities should clearly and realistically explain to witnesses the measures to be taken and the limitations to their personal life that participants in the programme need to accept. Voluntary participation in the programme on the basis of complete and informed consent is ensured by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the witness and the protection unit. Participation entails the obligation to actively support all protection measures undertaken and to abstain from compromising the security of the programme by, for example, discussing related matters with third persons or the media.
Upon admission to the programme, witnesses are required to conclude with the witness protection unit a memorandum of understanding, which, in most cases, is understood to be a document that defines the actions of the witness protection authority on the one hand and of the witness on the other, in detail and in advance. It is not considered an agreement or contract and cannot be challenged before a court of law. However, the memorandum of understanding is, in some countries, legally binding and its method of implementation, or the lack thereof, by the protection unit can be subject to judicial review. Whether a memorandum of understanding is to be considered a contract or not also depends on whether witness protection units are liable for damages or harm caused to protected witnesses because of weak or ineffective measures.
Regardless of whether the memorandum of understanding is legally binding or not, protection units still need to establish procedures for handling complaints by witnesses regarding the implementation of the memorandum of understanding, especially the type of measure applied and the abuse or misuse of power by the witness protection unit. Any kind of investigation into such complaints or allegations should be conducted outside the public domain in order to ensure both that the individual or systemic problem can be corrected and that sensitive information about the witness is not divulged.
A memorandum of understanding usually includes:
Both the witness and the persons accompanying the witness in the programme are required to conclude a memorandum of understanding with the protection unit. For security reasons, they are not usually provided with copies of the signed document, which is kept safe by the protection unit so that it cannot be found by someone searching for the witness.
In urgent cases, warranted by the level and immediacy of threat, witnesses may be placed provisionally under protection before a memorandum of understanding is signed and while their admission to the programme is still under consideration. The length of this period ranges from several days to much longer periods (three months in Slovakia, and as long as it takes for the witness protection authority to gather sufficient information to reach a decision on the matter in Italy). Such temporary urgent measures can often be expensive and require coordination with special police units.
They usually consist of:
Provisional protection does not necessarily lead to inclusion in a witness protection programme. If the witness is not regarded as essential to the prosecution or if the level of threat is not significant enough to warrant relocation and a change of identity, witnesses will not be offered the possibility of participating in such a programme. Final acceptance to the programme is conditional upon signature of a memorandum of understanding [5, с. 3-7].
Identity change is an exceptional measure applied only when the threat against the witness’s life cannot be averted through temporary relocation or other measures. It consists of the creation of a new personal profile for the witness, hiding his or her original identity by issuing personal documents under a new name, resettling him or her in a new area and creating a substitute life history.
The witness’s previous status is mirrored, to the fullest extent possible, in his or her new identity. The fundamental principle is that the witness protection programme should be neither of benefit nor detrimental to the witness. The extra effort to mirror the witness’s original particulars is made to minimize the risk of exposure inherent in providing a new personal history and to facilitate ownership of the new identity by the witness. Furthermore, it provides a safeguard against recidivism. The witness’s criminal record is transferred to the new name but in a manner that makes it impossible for third parties to trace the original conviction or identity of the witness.
The number of personal details altered varies in different countries. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, the authorities do not completely reinvent the witness’s life but only change what is necessary. In other countries, such as Italy, New Zealand additional items are changed. In all cases, however, there must be no connection between the old and new identities so that, no matter what resources are at the disposal of a criminal group, it is impossible for it to trace the witness.
In that respect, a series of measures should be taken to resolve practical problems, such as leaving as a forwarding address a post office box number belonging to the witness protection unit for any correspondence related to the witness’s old identity and address. The unit could also seek a court order prohibiting the publication of the witness’s old photographs to further lessen the chance of identification.
Despite advances in biometric identification, ordinary physical characteristics are those most used to identify people. In some countries, the law allows plastic surgery to be used as a means of giving a witness a new identity by altering his or her facial features. Such provisions usually refer to the removal of distinguishing marks on the face or body such as tattoos, moles and birthmarks.
The witness protection unit can decide when to issue a new identity, but in most cases that is done after the trial has ended. Until the new identity emerges, there should be no interruption of the security and support services provided to the endangered witness.
Since their initial establishment in the 1970s, witness protection programmes have undergone several changes, mostly as a result of experience gained, to make the systems more effective. The changes have included tightening the admission criteria, allowing persons close to the witness to participate and making the conditions for leniency stricter [4, с. 15-18].
It is generally recognized that the State has an obligation to provide assistance and protection to persons who are likely to be harmed because of their collaboration with the criminal justice system. There are different means of protection.
The kind chosen in each case depends to a large degree on the type of witness (victim, vulnerable witness, justice collaborator etc.), the type of crime (crime within the family, sex crime, organized crime etc.) and the level of threat or intimidation.
Witness protection programmes are considered to be a last-resort response in providing security to threatened witnesses. They were established to address the inability of regular police protection measures to provide a secure environment for witnesses willing to testify against powerful criminal defendants, such as members of the Mafia.
Over the years, witness protection programmes have developed sophisticated practices allowing the change of identity of threatened witnesses and their relocation to a safe place as the only effective means of protection. The success of those operations has had a positive impact on securing crucial evidence and has made witness protection a key element in efforts to effectively fight organized crime.
A |
1 |
ability |
способность | |
2 |
additional items |
дополнительные элементы | |
3 |
address |
адрес | |
4 |
admission |
прием | |
5 |
adopting |
принятие | |
6 |
agreement |
соглашение | |
7 |
allow |
разрешить | |
8 |
alternative |
альтернатива | |
9 |
ammunition |
боеприпасы | |
10 |
appropriate measures |
соответствующие меры | |
11 |
assessment |
оценка | |
12 |
assist |
помощь | |
13 |
attempts |
попытки | |
14 |
authorities |
власти | |
B |
15 |
birthmarks |
родимые пятна | |
16 |
bodily injury |
телесные повреждения | |
17 |
body |
тело | |
18 |
box |
коробка | |
C |
19 |
car |
автомобиль | |
20 |
careless |
неосторожный | |
21 |
cartels |
картели | |
22 |
central role |
центральная роль | |
23 |
change of identity |
смена идентичности | |
24 |
changes |
изменения | |
25 |
character |
персонаж | |
26 |
characteristics |
характеристики | |
27 |
close protection |
личная охрана | |
28 |
coercion |
принуждение | |
29 |
communications |
коммуникации | |
30 |
complex forms |
сложные формы | |
31 |
components |
компоненты | |
32 |
confidence |
уверенность | |
33 |
conjunction |
вместе | |
34 |
connection |
соединение | |
35 |
consideration |
рассмотрение | |
36 |
contract |
договор | |
37 |
conviction |
приговор | |
38 |
cornerstones |
краеугольные камни | |
39 |
correspondence |
переписка | |
40 |
corruption |
коррупция | |
41 |
counter-terrorism agencies |
контртеррористические агентства | |
42 |
courtroom |
зал суда | |
43 |
covert threats |
скрытые угрозы | |
44 |
criminal activities |
преступная деятельность | |
45 |
criminal group |
преступная группа | |
46 |
criminal justice systems |
системы уголовного правосудия | |
47 |
criminal organizations |
преступные организации | |
48 |
criminal record of spouse |
судимость супруга | |
49 |
criteria |
критерии | |
50 |
critical |
критические | |
51 |
cross-border cooperation |
приграничное сотрудничество | |
52 |
crucial |
решающее значение | |
53 |
custody |
стража | |
D |
54 |
danger |
опасность | |
55 |
decision |
решение | |
56 |
declaration |
декларация | |
57 |
degree |
степень | |
58 |
demotion |
понижение в должности | |
59 |
details |
детали | |
60 |
different |
разные | |
61 |
different means |
разные средства | |
62 |
disposal |
распоряжение | |
63 |
distinguishing marks |
опознавательные знаки | |
64 |
diverse |
разнообразная | |
65 |
document |
документ | |
66 |
drug cartels |
наркокартели | |
E |
67 |
early retirement |
досрочный выход на пенсию | |
68 |
economic loss |
экономические потери | |
69 |
effective |
эффективное | |
70 |
effectively fight |
эффективно бороться | |
71 |
efforts |
усилия | |
72 |
emergency measures |
экстренные меры | |
73 |
emerge |
вырисовываться | |
74 |
emotional suffering |
эмоциональные страдания | |
75 |
enforcement |
исполнение | |
76 |
enforcement authorities |
правоохранительные органы | |
77 |
escort |
эскорт | |
78 |
essential |
эфирное | |
79 |
establishment |
создание | |
80 |
ethical issues |
этические проблемы | |
81 |
even |
даже | |
82 |
evidence |
доказательства | |
83 |
evidentiary rules |
правила представления доказательств | |
84 |
experience |
опыт | |
85 |
expert witnesses |
свидетели-эксперты | |
86 |
external review |
внешний обзор | |
F |
87 |
face |
лицо | |
88 |
facial features |
черты лица | |
89 |
families |
семьи | |
90 |
family reunions |
воссоединение семьи | |
91 |
fear |
страх | |
92 |
fear of intimidation |
страх запугивания | |
93 |
fight |
бой | |
94 |
financial support |
финансовая поддержка | |
95 |
forward |
вперед | |
96 |
frequently |
часто | |
97 |
from |
от | |
98 |
fundamental rights |
основные права | |
G |
99 |
gang |
банда | |
100 |
general police |
генерал полиции | |
101 |
generally |
вообще | |
102 |
growing tendency |
растущая тенденция | |
H |
103 |
harassment |
домогательства | |
104 |
house |
дом | |
I |
105 |
identity |
личность | |
106 |
identity change |
изменения идентичности | |
107 |
identity details |
паспортные данные | |
108 |
illicit manufacturing |
незаконное изготовление | |
109 |
immunity |
иммунитет | |
110 |
implementation |
реализация | |
111 |
importance |
значение | |
112 |
impossible |
невозможно | |
113 |
incarceration |
лишения свободы | |
115 |
increasingly |
все чаще | |
116 |
ineffective measures |
неэффективные меры | |
117 |
informed decision |
осознанное решение | |
118 |
inmate monitoring programme |
заключенный программы мониторинга | |
119 |
innocent bystanders |
невинные прохожие | |
120 |
international cooperation |
международное сотрудничество | |
121 |
interruption |
прерывание | |
122 |
intimidation |
запугивание | |
123 |
investigation |
расследование | |
124 |
irresponsible |
безответственный | |
J |
126 |
judge |
судья | |
127 |
judicial review |
судебное рассмотрение | |
128 |
judicial setting |
судебное разбирательство | |
129 |
justice |
справедливость | |
130 |
justice collaborators |
справедливость коллаборационистов | |
K |
131 |
key element |
ключевой элемент | |
132 |
knowledge |
знания | |
L |
133 |
large |
большие | |
134 |
large percentage |
большой процент | |
135 |
last-resort |
последней инстанции | |
136 |
law |
закон | |
137 |
law enforcement |
правоохранительные | |
138 |
law enforcement investigations |
расследования, проводимые правоохранительными органами | |
139 |
legally sanctioned procedure |
юридически закрепленная процедура | |
140 |
legislation |
законодательство | |
141 |
length |
длина | |
142 |
leniency |
снисходительность | |
143 |
level |
уровень | |
144 |
level of intimidation |
уровень запугивания | |
145 |
level of threat |
уровень угрозы | |
146 |
life |
жизнь | |
147 |
limitations |
ограничения | |
M |
148 |
majority |
большинство | |
149 |
majority vote |
большинство голосов | |
150 |
make |
делать | |
151 |
marital status |
семейное положение | |
152 |
marks |
метки | |
153 |
matter |
дело | |
154 |
measure |
мера | |
155 |
members |
члены | |
156 |
memorandum of understanding |
меморандум о взаимопонимании | |
157 |
mental injury |
психические травмы | |
158 |
method of implementation |
метод реализации | |
159 |
method of operation |
метод работы | |
160 |
modern |
современные | |
161 |
modern communications technology |
современные коммуникационные технологии | |
162 |
moles |
кроты | |
163 |
money-laundering |
отмывание денег | |
164 |
motorcycle gangs |
мотоциклетные банды | |
165 |
multidisciplinary |
многопрофильный | |
N |
166 |
necessary |
необходимые | |
167 |
new |
новые | |
168 |
non-disclosure of information |
неразглашение информации | |
169 |
number |
число | |
170 |
number of children |
количество детей | |
O |
171 |
obligation |
обязательство | |
172 |
obstruction of justice |
воспрепятствование осуществлению правосудия | |
173 |
often though |
хотя часто | |
174 |
ordinary |
обычные | |
175 |
ordinary physical characteristics |
обычные физические характеристики | |
176 |
organizations |
организации | |
177 |
organized crime |
организованная преступность | |
P |
178 |
participation |
участие | |
179 |
people |
люди | |
180 |
period |
период | |
181 |
personal data |
личные данные | |
182 |
personal details |
личные данные | |
183 |
personal sacrifice |
личная жертва | |
184 |
physical |
физические | |
185 |
physical protection |
физическая защита | |
186 |
physical safety |
физическая безопасность | |
187 |
physical security procedures |
физическая безопасность процедуры | |
188 |
plastic surgery |
пластическая хирургия | |
189 |
police |
полиция | |
190 |
police commissioner |
комиссар полиции | |
191 |
police force |
сила полиции | |
192 |
possible sanctions |
возможные санкции | |
193 |
post office |
почтовое отделение | |
194 |
potential perpetrators |
потенциальные преступники | |
195 |
practical problems |
практические проблемы | |
196 |
practice |
практика | |
197 |
pressure |
давление | |
198 |
prison gang |
тюремные банды | |
199 |
problems |
проблемы | |
200 |
procedure |
процедура | |
201 |
profile |
профиль | |
202 |
prominence |
известность | |
203 |
prosecution |
обвинение | |
204 |
prosecution of crime |
преследование преступности | |
205 |
prosecutor |
прокурор | |
206 |
prosecutor’s office |
прокуратура | |
207 |
prosecutorial authorities |
органы прокуратуры | |
208 |
protection |
защита | |
209 |
protection measures |
меры защиты | |
210 |
protection purposes |
в целях защиты | |
211 |
protection unit |
блок защиты | |
212 |
protective incarceration |
лишение свободы в целях защиты | |
213 |
providing a police escort |
предоставление полицейского эскорта | |
214 |
provisional protection |
временная правовая охрана | |
215 |
provisions |
положения | |
216 |
psychological fitness |
психологическая пригодность | |
217 |
psychological profile |
психологический профиль | |
218 |
public prosecutor |
прокурор | |
219 |
public sector |
государственный сектор | |
R |
220 |
reach |
достичь | |
221 |
recent |
последние | |
222 |
regardless |
независимо от | |
223 |
regular |
регулярные | |
224 |
regular surveillance |
регулярные наблюдения | |
225 |
relevant ministries |
соответствующие министерства | |
226 |
relocation |
переезд | |
227 |
removal |
удаление | |
228 |
reprisal |
репрессии | |
229 |
resettlement |
переселение | |
230 |
respect |
уважение | |
231 |
result |
результат | |
232 |
retaliation |
возмездие | |
233 |
risk |
риск | |
234 |
rule |
правило | |
S |
235 |
safe |
безопасный | |
236 |
safe place |
безопасное место | |
237 |
scope |
область | |
238 |
secure area |
охраняемая зона | |
239 |
security |
безопасность | |
240 |
sentence reduction |
смягчение наказания | |
241 |
separation |
разделение | |
242 |
series of measures |
ряд мер | |
243 |
services |
услуги | |
244 |
setting |
установка | |
245 |
several |
несколько | |
246 |
similar action |
аналогичные действия | |
247 |
simple |
простой | |
248 |
single official |
один чиновник | |
249 |
situation |
ситуация | |
250 |
smuggling of migrants |
ввоз мигрантов | |
251 |
social environment |
социальная среда | |
252 |
sophisticated practices |
изощренные практики | |
253 |
spouse |
супруга | |
254 |
street |
улица | |
255 |
strength |
прочность | |
256 |
stressful |
стрессовый | |
257 |
strict |
строгий | |
258 |
subsequently |
впоследствии | |
259 |
substantial impairment |
существенное обесценение | |
260 |
success |
успех | |
261 |
successful |
успешный | |
262 |
successful prosecution |
успешное судебное преследование | |
263 |
suffered harm |
причиненный вред | |
264 |
support |
поддержка | |
265 |
systematic forms of cooperation |
систематические формы сотрудничества | |
T |
266 |
tattoos |
татуировки | |
267 |
technology |
технология | |
268 |
temporary resettlement |
временное переселение | |
269 |
temporary residence |
временное проживание | |
270 |
terminate |
расторгнуть | |
271 |
termination |
прекращение | |
272 |
terrorism |
терроризм | |
273 |
testimony |
свидетельство | |
274 |
though |
хотя | |
275 |
tightening the admission criteria |
ужесточение критериев приема | |
276 |
trafficking in firearms |
оборот огнестрельного оружия | |
278 |
transfer |
перевод | |
279 |
transnational organized crime |
транснациональная организованная преступность | |
280 |
transportation |
транспорт | |
281 |
trial |
судебный | |
282 |
type of crime |
тип преступности | |
283 |
type of witness |
тип свидетеля | |
U |
284 |
uncomfortable relationship |
неудобные отношения | |
285 |
undisclosed place of residence |
нераскрытые места жительства | |
286 |
unit |
блок | |
287 |
unmarked cars |
машины без опознавательных знаков | |
288 |
usually |
обычно | |
V |
289 |
victim-witnesses |
жертвы-свидетели | |
290 |
videoconferencing |
видеоконференцсвязь | |
291 |
violence |
насилие | |
292 |
violent street gangs |
жестокие уличные банды | |
293 |
voluntary |
добровольное | |
294 |
vulnerability |
уязвимость | |
W |
295 |
willingness |
готовность | |
296 |
without |
без | |
297 |
witness intimidation |
запугивание свидетелей | |
298 |
witness protection |
свидетель защиты | |
299 |
witnesses |
свидетели | |
Y |
300 |
years |
лет |