The system of the education in France

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Декабря 2010 в 12:47, контрольная работа

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System of the education in France has been survived many reforms for the last 30 years, and they have been continuing nowadays. In connection with entering France in European alliance and Bolon’s agreement, education in this country are realized correspond to European rate. System of the education in France is considered one of the best systems of the education.

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      System of the education in France has been survived many reforms for the last 30 years, and they have been continuing nowadays. In connection with entering France in European alliance and Bolon’s agreement, education in this country are realized correspond to European rate. System of the education in France is considered one of the best systems of the education.

     Main principles of system of the education in France exist since 1880-1890. Education is free and without religious contents. Education is obligatory for children 6-16 years old. French pupils study about 13 years. Boys and girls study together. There are so little separate schools.

     After Primary school French pupils enter in College which is considered first step of Secondary education. In College classes are named in inverse order. For example, pupils enter in sixth class and in 4 years they finish third class. Education in College is divided into 3 cycles.

     Lyceum is complete link of system of the education. It is considered connect step to Higher education. Lyceum of general or technological educations is prepared pupils for bachelor exam during 3 years. Second class is considered «vague» class because it hasn’t certain specialization. First class has got a lot of directions – branches of the education, which lead for different types of the bachelor. Extensive education program in Lyceum allows pupils to choose subjects, which correspond to interest and ability of pupil. Some Lyceums offer subjects like astronautics or aeronautics. Pupils execute test of French language after first class. Grade for this test are taken into account for bachelor exam. Last class of Lyceum is named «Terminal’». When pupils finish that class they pass bachelor exam.  

Education before school

(ecoles maternelles)

Before 6
Primary school 6-11
Secondary school (College) 11-15
High school (Lyceum) 15-18
Higher education 18-23


     School’s year consist 3 trimesters.


  • After French school you can study in French university almost without pay.
  • Studying in Secondary school is quite cheap.
  • You can have studying in English language.


      There are about 80 universities in France. Universities in cities have more broad specialization than universities in provinces, but regardless of site, guarantee high quality of the education. For small universities is typically variety of discipline and large number of students of first cycle of the education. Universities of large provincial cities are typically large number of students of second and third cycle. Quarter of all French students is concentrated in Parisian county.


  • A reception of foreign student is the oldest tradition and French people try to save it.
  • There is not profession which you can’t get in French universities.
  • Each tenth student is foreigner.
  • System of the education in France is more mobile and more flexible than system of the education in Russia. University education is divided into 3 cycles, on completion each of which student gets respective diploma.
  • Studying in French university cost about 500 per year. Students have a lot of discounts, for example, discount on transport and discount on museums, and so on.

      Parisian university Sorbonne is the most known in Europe. It is founded in 1215.  In 1968 Sorbonne was divided into several autonomous universities: Paris I (Pantheon- Sorbonne); Paris III (New Sorbonne); Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne); Paris V (University of the name Rene Descartes). They have united infrastructure and general administrative authorities.

      The education year lasts from October until June and is divided into 2 semesters.


      In France exist Specialized High Schools. These schools are leveled to universities. There are about 300 these schools. They are created on the initiative state powers and quotient of the businessmen for preparing specialists in concrete spheres of economic activity or officials, for example, High Pedagogical Schools prepare teachers, National School of management prepare high skilled state employees. Specialized High Schools more prestigious educational institutions than State Universities. In change from universities Specialized High Schools have their own rules of the acceptance. 

                         DIPLOMAS AND DEGREES

1 cycle 2 years Diploma about general (DEUG) or scientific-technical (DEUST) university formation
2 cycle 1 year

2 years

3 years

Lyceum diploma

Diploma of the master

Diploma of the engineer

3 cycle From 1 year Diploma about special high formation (DESS) or deepened formation (DEA)



      Students can live in student dormitory or in withdrawable flat. 

     Work during studying

     Students can’t work during the first year of studying. On the second year of studying students can get permission for temporary work. Students can work if amount of work watch don’t exceed 20, or 10 if it is teaching. To get this permission is difficult for people of the countries which not entering in ES. Students can work maximum 3 months during university vacations and during Christmas and Easter holidays. 

     Prospects after completion of the French university

     In technological universities for students are given periods of trial on industrial enterprises in obligatory order. For graduates of agricultural educational institutions hiring on work is realized in very short periods. A lot of students settle down on work before completion of studying. The number of certificated specialists in sphere of protection of environment more than the number of work places in four times. Support for graduates of High Schools is provided and state, and not state organizations, for example, Association of assistance to graduates of High School in job placement (AFIJ). AFIJ conducts conferences, meeting with professionals, conducts presentations of enterprise, burn-in conversations, creates technical shops on searching work, gives facilities for the thousand of young people, and so on.  


                                     Work has executed by Turchina Ekaterina

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