Global economic crisis and its impact on Russian economy

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Июля 2011 в 16:39, реферат

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Economical crisisses are an integral part of world economy developing. They have an important impact on economical, political and social spheres of our life. Economical crisisses in some sense represent the points of bifurcation, when are defined potential directions of civilization developing (as a rule to many decades in advance).

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     Stable situation is in a social sphere – as a result of held anticrisis policy they could shorter the growth of social tension.  In comparison to January of  2010 in February the situation has improved.

     Total number of unemployed lowered to 6,4 mln. people and unemployment rate was  8,6%  from economically active population (against 9,2% - in January). Moreover there is growth of a employer’s need in workers, this need was declared to governmental organizations of placing services27.

     In the same time, positive trends still not  have constant character.  Russia as the other world economies is in difficult economical conditions.

     External factors have an active impact to the Russian economy. This is caused by circumstances that while temps of economical growth are high during last ten years, structure of our modern economy is still not ideal and it is not able to correspond to demands of dynamically developing country. 

     It differs from structure of economy in developed countries where specific weight of education, science and medicine is very high. 




     World economy crisis begun from USA, came to Russia at the end of summer – beginning of the fall an 2008. The last 2009 was difficult for Russian economy, it touched all the spheres.

     In the beginning of  2010 Russia is still situating in hard conditions of a great number of great number of indefinite world economical factors. According to estimations of regional economical commissions UNO Russia (due to data of  16.02.2010г.) is still near to the ending crisis stage , therefore Russia is did not reach the bottom after which economy rise will follow. 

     In the end of 2008 – beginning 2009 Russian economy entered the new developing phase: production, public income and capitalization of companies are lower than earlier. 

     Crisis made to re-view the priorities in budget and finance-crediting policy to make some changes into legislation. 

     In a budget message of Government of Russian Federation about budget policy in   2010 - 2012 years (from 25.05.2009 г.) it was noted that budget policy should be oriented to adoption of budget system to changed conditions and to preparing the backgrounds for stable social and economical development of the country during after-crisis period. Conservative budget policy supposes control of governmental expenses, but harming strategic purposes of development. 

     In a middle-term perspective there appear limits to a budget expenses for the concrete directions of governmental expenditures. Moreover Ministries in charge should be interested in growth of expenditures productivity and not their rise.

     There is no information in message regarding concrete offers, but there was mentioned that purpose of budget policy is not only to shorter the expenditures but also to create an active instrument for exiting from crisis and public producing support.   


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