Franchising as a device of marketing policy

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Октября 2012 в 20:17, реферат

Описание работы

In recent years, a huge number of enterprises operating under the names of well-known domestic and foreign companies. Since it is obvious that the creation of a network of branches or representative offices would require a longer period of time and considerable investment, we can assume that in this case there is a new way of organizing the business, allowing Russian companies to use the well-known brands. This method is franchising.
Today Russia is no surprise in goods and services designated famous trademarks of such companies as "Coca-Cola", "Adidas", "Xerox", "Shell", "McDonalds" and many others. These marks clearly we associate with certain manufacturer that has a high reputation, and indirectly indicate the high quality of goods and services. One of the most efficient distribution channels through which these goods are distributed within and around the world, is also a franchise.

Содержание работы

Chapter 1. Franchising as a device of marketing policy
The development of franchising…………………………………………………5
Nature and types of franchising………………………………………………….8
Chapter 2. The study of franchising as an example of «Subway»
2.1 Characteristic of the company «Subway»……………………………………...15
2.2 Features franchise in the company «Subway» in Russia……………………….17