English Idioms

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Апреля 2012 в 20:21, реферат

Описание работы

I want to improve my knowledge of idioms in English. Idioms are fixed expressions whose meaning is not immediately obvious from looking at the individual worlds in the idiom. I often come across a great many idioms when I listen to and read English. So it is important to learn about the meaning of idioms and about how they are used. Sometimes in the past, teachers used to argue that it was a waste of time for learners to study idioms

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English Idioms.









I want to improve my knowledge of idioms in English. Idioms are fixed expressions whose meaning is not immediately obvious from looking at the individual worlds in the idiom. I often come across a great many idioms when I listen to and read English. So it is important to learn about the meaning of idioms and about how they are used. Sometimes in the past, teachers used to argue that it was a waste of time for learners to study idioms


























































































































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