Articulatory peculiarities of vowels in the English and Ukrainian languages

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Ноября 2011 в 20:08, реферат

Описание работы

1.Articulatory peculiarities of vowels in the English and Ukrainian languages
1.1 Articulation peculiarities of English language vowels. Their positional changes and reduction.
1.2. Articulatory peculiarities of vowels in the Ukrainian languages

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Articulatory peculiarities of vowels in the English and Ukrainian languages.docx

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Phonological opposition is the distinction of at least two elements having a common feature and a differentiating one. Within the systems of vowels there are such allom. opp-ns: tense and lax vowels ( the degree of muscular tension of articulatory organs), abrupted-non-abrupted Vs( the force of artic-n at the end of the V), long-short Vs(are opp-ed only in E); opp-ns the stability of artic-n: mon-s ::diphth – bid-beard /i-iǝ/; diph-s :: diphth – bay-boy. Group opp-s the horizontal movement of the tongue (classes are opp-ed, such opp-s are of isom.nature in both lang-s): front-back:  [i:-u:] beat-boot [as-a:] cat-cart, [i-y] 6iK-6yK [i-a] zpiM-zpaM [i-o] cim-com [h-v] Mup-jviyp [h-o] cuh-coh [n-a] jiUHb-naHb. front-retracted-back-advanced: [i-v] kick-cook; front-central[e-3:] bed-bird, central-back[a-o:] tuck-talk, back[a:-o] heart-hot. Group opp acc to the vertical mov of the tongue at the same posotions heights close/high[i:-i] feel-fill [u:-u] pool-pull mid[3:-a]   for eward-forward open/low[o:-o] port-pot. In U There    are    no such oppositions. Group opp.acc to the vertical mov of the tongue at diffr.position heights: close narrow- open broad: seed-sad, close narrow – mid narrow neat-net. In U close-open: /i-e/лід -ледь , /y-a/тук-так, etc


Summarizing its worth saying that phonologically relevant articulatory features should attract attention of a future teacher of English because they form the basis of the pronunciation system of the language. If we want to speak a foreign language in a correct way it is natural we should pay more perceptible than before a lenis voiced consonant or sonorant. All long vowels are free.

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