Сборник контрольных работ

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Октября 2009 в 16:24, Не определен

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Kindliness is the basis of the most pleasing humour. There you have the secret of a good conversationist’s success. He thinks about his hearer. He has a warm heart, as well as a clear head. Instead of parading himself, he tries to build a bridge of friendliness between himself and others.


  1. How do we know that the art of conversation was important long ago?

    Four thousand years ago, schoolboys in Egypt were copying maxims on conversation from a book called “The instructions of Ptah – Hotep”. It is spoken of as “ The oldest book in the world”. So we know that long ago people realized the importance of conversation, and that studying the technique of conversation is nothing new.

  1. Is it important now? Why?

    Talking has been one of man’s chief occupations and one of his most significant activities. Conversations is the means by which we draw near to one another with sympathy and pleasure. A person’s character and tastes are revealed by his conversation.

3.In what way is information helpful?

 The best talkers of all ages appear to have had a lively affection for, and a warm interest in their fellow creatures; a curiosity about the world in general ( not a petty curiosity about people’s affairs); some powers of observation and reflection; respect for their own opinions and tolerance for those of others; and tact, which comes from ready sympathy and quick thinking. And they talked for the fun of it, not to show their knowledge. A fund of information the talker needs, of course. But you can get interesting topics to talk about by watching ants, as well as by reading newspapers and books. Finding out a great deal about one thing is helpful, because a person usually talks well about the subject he knows. That is why having a hobby may make one a better talker.

4.What role does humour play in conversation?

To be an interesting talker, you also need the ability to see the humour in everyday incidents and to tell about them in a way that will amuse others. Amusing things take place around you constantly – in the street, the bus, the yard, the schoolroom; you have only to observe them to have amusing stories to tell. But remember that the champion joke teller is a pest. Jokes help to season conversation, but like any seasoning, they are not good for a steady diet.

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