Контрольная работа по « Иностранный язык»

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Января 2014 в 06:37, контрольная работа

Описание работы

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно. Выпишите предложения, относящиеся к правилу согласования времен, и переведите их письменно на русский язык.
The Job Interview
Jack Smith had a job interview a few days ago at the Insurance Company. The interview lasted almost an hour and Jack had to answer a lot of questions.
First the interviewer asked Jack where he had gone to school and if he had had any special training. She also asked him where he had worked. Jack answered that he had graduated from a specialized mathematical school and a financial college and had worked for some bank. Jack also mentioned that his German was good. He answered all the questions well and he hoped he would get the job at the company.

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Федеральное бюджетное государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический  университет 

имени академика М.Ф. Решетнева


Контрольная работа по дисциплине:

« Иностранный язык»




                                                                                              Выполнил: студент гр.УЗУ-01

                                                                                      II курса  Шелешко А.А                                   

                                                                                                           Факультета  ФЗДО    

                                                                           Проверил: Суслова О.И






Красноярск 2012





1. Прочитайте и переведите  текст устно. Выпишите предложения,  относящиеся к правилу согласования  времен, и переведите их письменно  на русский язык.

The Job Interview

Jack Smith had a job interview a few days ago at the Insurance Company. The interview lasted almost an hour and Jack had to answer a lot of questions.

First the interviewer asked Jack where he had gone to school and if he had had any special training. She also asked him where he had worked. Jack answered that he had graduated from a specialized mathematical school and a financial college and had worked for some bank. Jack also mentioned that his German was good. He answered all the questions well and he hoped he would get the job at the company.


Собеседование при приеме на работу.


Пару дней назад в страховой  компании Джек Смит проходил собеседование  при приеме на работу. Собеседование  длилось почти час, и Джеку  пришлось ответить на много вопросов.

В первую очередь его спросили о том, где он учился и проходил ли какое-либо дополнительное обучение. Также его спрашивали, где он работал. Джек рассказал, что он окончил специальную  математическую школу и финансовый колледж и что работал в  банке. Джек также отметил, что он неплохо говорит на немецком. Он хорошо ответил на все вопросы и надеется получить работу в этой компании.




2. Выберите правильную  форму глагола. Переведите предложения  письменно на русский язык.

1. If I have / will have enough time, I finish / will finish the report tonight. 2. If the machine will break down / breaks down, we contact / will contact your service engineer at once. 3. If your guarantee is / will be still valid, any repairs are carried out / will be carried out free of charge. 4. If they had made a lower bid last month, we would accept / would have accepted it immediately. 5. What would you do if you see / saw a colleague stealing substantial quantities of stationary from your office? 6. If you knew / had known how angry my boss gets, you would realize how I feel. 7. If they refuse / will refuse to pay up, we would send / will send them a threatening letter. 8. If I foresaw / had foreseen the extent of the damage, I would have checked all our insurance policies.


1. Если  у меня хватит времени, я  закончу доклад сегодня. 2. Если  оборудование сломается, мы сразу  же позвоним вашему инженеру  по техническому обслуживанию. 3. Если гарантия действительна,  ремонт будет бесплатным. 4. Если  бы предложение цены не было  таким высоким  в прошлом  месяце, мы бы сразу ее приняли. 5. Что бы ты сделал, если бы  увидел, как твой коллега большое  количество канцелярской продукции  из твоего офиса? 6. Если бы ты  знал, каким злым становится мой  начальник, ты бы понял, что  я чувствую. 7. Если они откажутся  выплатить сумму вовремя, мы  отправим им предупреждение. 8. Если  бы только я знал, насколько  большой будет ущерб, я бы  проверил все наши страховые  полиса.


3. Выберите правильный  вариант продолжения предложенных  предложений. Переведите получившиеся  ситуации на русский язык письменно.


1. I don't have anything to smoke. 2. I don't have much time.      3. My computer is old and slow. 4. I'm lonely. 5. My job is really boring. 6. I don't understand English as well as I want. 7. My job pays really badly. 8. I don't like working late at night.

А. I wish I earned more money. B. I wish I finished earlier. С. I wish I had a cigarette. D. I wish I had a more powerful one.  E. I wish I had an interesting one. F. I wish I had more friends.

G. I wish I had more time. H. I wish I knew more people. I. I wish I knew something about cars. J. I wish I lived in a hotter country. K. I wish I lived in Paris. L. I wish I saved more money. M. I wish I understood it better. N. I wish I wasn't working. O. I wish I were a better cook. P. I wish it were possible as it is a country I love.

1-С, 2-G, 3-D, 4-F, 5-E, 6-M, 7-A, 8-B.

1. Мне нечего курить. Хотел бы  я, чтобы у меня была сигарета. 2. У меня немного времени. Хотел  бы я, чтоб его было больше. 3. Мой компьютер старый и медленный.  Я бы хотел более мощный. 4. Я  очень одинок. Я бы хотел, чтобы  у меня было больше друзей. 5. У меня очень скучная работа. Я бы хотел себе более интересную  работу. 6. Я не понимаю английский  достаточно хорошо. Хотел бы я  понимать его лучше. 7. У меня  очень низкооплачиваемая работа. Я бы хотел, чтобы мне платили  больше. 8. Мне не нравиться работать  допоздна. Я бы хотел заканчивать  работу пораньше.


4. Найдите вторую часть  каждого предложения. Запишите  получившиеся предложения и переведите  их письменно на русский язык.

1. If they hadn’t expanded so quickly, … 2. If they don’t install a new computer, … 3. If the software had been tested, … 4. If orders were not constantly delayed, … 5. If the phone lines were not overloaded, … 6. If there were not so



many problems, … 7. If their products had been excellent, … 8. We are unable to supply the goods … 9. The machine should not be modified … 10. I’d feel very upset … 11. The fax machine wouldn’t have broken down …

a) customers would be able to get through. b) customers wouldn’t complain. c) customers wouldn’t look for a more reliable supplier. d) if I lost my job. e) if it had been cooled down in time. f) many customers would have remained loyal. g) the system wouldn’t have broken down. h) they would have been able to cope with the volume of orders. i) things will get worse. j) unless a service engineer is present. k) until we receive payment in advance.

If they hadn’t expanded so quickly, they would have been able to cope with the volume of orders. Если бы они так быстро не расширялись, они бы справились с большим количеством заказов. 2. If they don’t install a new computer, things will get worse. Если они не установят новый компьютер, все будет еще хуже. 3. If the software had been tested, the system wouldn’t have broken down. Если бы программное обеспечение было заранее протестировано, система бы не вышла из строя. 4. If orders were not constantly delayed, customers wouldn’t look for a more reliable supplier. Если бы заказы все время не задерживались, покупатели не искали бы более надежного поставщика. 5. If the phone lines were not overloaded, customers would be able to get through. Если бы линии не были перегружены, покупатели смогли бы дозвониться. 6. If there were not so many problems, many customers would have remained loyal. Если бы не было столько много проблем, многие покупатели работали бы с этой компанией. 7. If their products had been excellent, customers wouldn’t complain. Если бы товары были высочайшего качества, покупатели бы не жаловались. 8. We are unable to supply the goods, until we receive payment in advance. Мы не можем поставлять товары без предварительной оплаты. 9. The machine should not be modified, unless a service engineer is present. Оборудование не должно


использоваться, пока не придет специалист по техническому обслуживанию. 10. I’d feel very upset, if I lost my job. Я бы очень расстроился, если бы потерял свою работу. 11. The fax machine wouldn’t have broken down if it had been cooled down in time. – Факс не сломался бы, если бы был вовремя охлажден.


5. Поставьте глаголы, данные  в скобках, в нужную форму.  Переведите предложения письменно  на русский язык.

1. If we changed the packaging, people (not/recognize) the product. 2. If we give the product a new name, it (sound) more interesting. 3. If we (lower) the price, it would reduce our profits too much. 4. If we (print) a better brochure, we will attract more interest. 5. If we (offer) free gifts, we will get more customers. 6. If we recruited more staff, we (be able) to sell to more outlets. 7. If we (advertise) more, it would increase our costs too much. 8. If we cut their commission, our sales people (not work) so hard.

1. If we changed the packaging, people wouldn’t recognize the product. – Если бы мы изменили упаковку, люди не узнали бы товар.

2. If we give the product a new name, it will sound more interesting. – Если мы дадим товару новое имя, это будет звучать более интересно.

3. If we lowered the price, it would reduce our profits too much. – Если бы мы понизили цены, это слишком сократило бы наши доходы.

4. If we print a better brochure, we will attract more interest. – Если мы напечатаем новую брошюру, мы привлечем больший интерес.



5. If we offer free gifts, we will get more customers. – Если мы предложим бесплатные подарки, мы получим больше клиентов.

6. If we recruited more staff, we would be able to sell to more outlets. – Если бы мы набрали больше работников, мы бы смогли продавать большему количеству торговых точек.

7. If we advertised more, it would increase our costs too much. – Если бы мы рекламировались больше, это слишком увеличило бы наши расходы.

8. If we cut their commission, our sales people not work so hard. – Если мы урежем их комиссионные, наши продавцы не будут работать так энергично.

6. Выберите причастие,  которое необходимо вставить  в предложения. Переведите текст устно.

Proposition 215

Proposition 215 is a two-year-old law (1) ________ (intending/intended) to allow seriously ill people in California to use marijuana as medicine. Such ill people carry a doctor's note (2) ________ (verifying/verified) that they suffer from chronic pain or serious disease.

Steve McWilliams is a person who uses marijuana daily to deal with constant pain (3) ________ (resulting/resulted) from several car accidents.

Another person who was (4) ________ (delighting/delighted) when proposition 215 passed was Evan Keliher of San Diego. Keliher said it was (5) ________ (relieving/relieved) to use marijuana legally after thirty years of being a “closet marijuana smoker”. Keliher, who is a former Marine and (6) ________ (retiring/retired) school teacher, was diagnosed with glaucoma in the 1960s. He began to smoke pot in 1967 after hearing that it helped relieve intra-ocular pressure (7) ________ (causing/caused) by glaucoma. He had been using eye drops, but his eye sight was steadily (8) ________ (weakening/weakened). Doctors (9) ________ (treating/treated) him at that time predicted that he would be blind by now. Though he can no longer see in his left eye, his eyesight in his right eye is (9) ________ (amazing/amazed). He is so (10) ________ (satisfying/satisfied) with the results from marijuana that he wrote a book called, “Grandpa’s Marijuana Handbook”. Keliher wants to teach older people who are sick and (11) ________ (suffering/suffered) how to use marijuana.

Still, there are many problems (12) ________ (facing/faced) law enforcement officers in California. Marijuana (13) ________ (growing/grown) for medicinal purposes is legal, but how much is necessary? Law enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medical marijuana law to be (14) ________ (enforcing/enforced) fairly.


Proposition 215 is a two-year-old law intended to allow seriously ill people in California to use marijuana as medicine. Such ill people carry a doctor's note verifying that they suffer from chronic pain or serious disease.

Steve McWilliams is a person who uses marijuana daily to deal with constant pain resulted from several car accidents.

Another person who was delighted when proposition 215 passed was Evan Keliher of San Diego. Keliher said it was relieving to use marijuana legally after thirty years of being a “closet marijuana smoker”. Keliher, who is a former Marine and retired school teacher, was diagnosed with glaucoma in the 1960s. He began to smoke pot in 1967 after hearing that it helped relieve intra-ocular pressure caused by glaucoma. He had been using eye drops, but his eye sight was steadily weakening. Doctors treating him at that time predicted that he would be blind by now. Though he can no longer see in his left eye, his eyesight in his right eye is


amazing. He is so satisfied with the results from marijuana that he wrote a book called, “Grandpa’s Marijuana Handbook”. Keliher wants to teach older people who are sick and suffering how to use marijuana.

Still, there are many problems facing law enforcement officers in California. Marijuana grown for medicinal purposes is legal, but how much is necessary? Law enforcement officers feel it will take time for the medical marijuana law to be enforced fairly.

7. Перепишите предложения  и подчеркните в них все  неличные формы глагола (причастия,  инфинитив, герундий). Переведите  предложения письменно на русский  язык.

1. We would like to contact someone in your company interested in our programme and sharing our ideas. Мы бы хотели сотрудничать с кем-нибудь из ваших сотрудников, кто заинтересован в нашей программе и разделяет наши идеи. 2. While introducing the guests to each other, the manager said a few kind words to each of them. Представляя гостей друг другу, менеджер сказал о каждом из них несколько слов. 3. When planning your daily routine, don’t forget to leave time for rest. Планируя свой день, не забывайте про отдых. 4. Not knowing our partners’ point of view, we decided not to give a definite answer. Не зная точку зрения наших партнеров, мы решили не давать пока никаких определенных ответов. 5. The plant equipped with modern machinery overfulfilled its plan every month. Завод, в котором установлено современное оборудование, перевыполняет план каждый месяц. 6. Having looked through all the documents and letters received that day he called his secretary. Просмотрев все документы и письма, полученные в этот день, он позвонил своему секретарю. 7. The talks between the two countries were conducted behind the closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information. Переговоры между двумя странами переходили за


закрытыми дверями, и были приняты меры о  том, чтобы никто из корреспондентов  не получил никакой информации. 8. The figures mentioned in his report were published in the latest scientific journal. Данные, указанные в его статье, были опубликованы в последнем выпуске научного журнала. 9. The goods having been loaded, the workers left the port. Товары загрузили, и рабочие покинули порт. 10. One of the most noticeable features of air transport development is the big increase in the quantities of goods carried. Главной особенностью развития воздушного транспорта является возможность подъема большого количества товаров. 11. To learn two foreign languages at one and the same time isn’t easy. Изучать несколько иностранных языков одновременно нелегко. 12. To calculate the age of our planet is very difficult. Вычислить возраст нашей планеты очень сложно. 13. To calculate the age of our planet you must have knowledge in different branches of science. Чтобы вычислить возраст нашей планеты, вы должны иметь знания в разных сферах науки. 14. Inkombank was the first in Russia to introduce new types of services.  “Inkombank” первый в России преставил новые виды услуг. 15. A delegation is expected to arrive in the capital of the country to discuss the creation of a shipping line between the two countries. Ожидается прибытие делегации в столицу страны для обсуждения создания новых морских рейсов между двумя странами. 16. The computer is known to be able to do computations in milliseconds. Компьютер может совершать вычисления за доли секунд. 17. Carrying out experiments requires patience. Для проведения экспериментов требуется терпение. 18. They objected to being asked to wait. Они отказались, когда их попросили подождать. 19. Your having written the letter is really no excuse for your not having come on the fixed day. То, что ты писал письмо, это не оправдание тому, что ты не пришел в назначенный день.




8. Переведите текст устно.  Выпишите предложения с пропусками  и заполните пропуски infinitive или ing-form глаголов, данных в скобках. Переведите выписанные предложения письменно на русский язык.

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