Источники бесперебойного питания (UPS)

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Реферат по предмету: Интерфейсы периферийных устройств

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Pins 2 and 5 are connected to Common when they are true.  
On pin 6, an rs-232 high level (>9V) will shutdown, when running on battery.  
On pin 8, shorting to ground will shutdown.  
          3.6  PowerCom

3.6.1 PowerCom King UPS cable    Software - UPSMon-II

AC_Fail and Bat_Low - normally open (shorted to GND when active).  
3.7  Exide/Deltec/Fiskars

3.7.1 Fiskars PowerRite Max / PowerRite Pro Cable

3.7.2  Fiskars PowerRite UPS Port Configuration Table

    Pin # Signal Type Function
    1 Basic Modem Mode;  
    Input: RS232 high pulse 4 to 5 seconds wide 
    Remote UPS off: In presence of  AC, Output will turn off for 15 seconds after conditionaldelay. In absence of AC, output is kept off until normal AC returns 
    1 Serial Data Mode;  
    Input: RS232 data 
    RS232 serial communication input. 1200 baud, 8-bit, no parity, one stop bit, one start bit, Xon/Xoff 
    2 Basic Mode;  
    Output: RS232 level high 
    AC Input failure 
    2 Serial Data Mode;  
    Output: RS232 data
    RS232 serial communication output. Same as input
    3 Output: Open collector transistor ON, 50 mA. 40 VDC rating AC Input failure
    4 Signal Common Signal Common
    5 Output: Open collector transistor ON. SO mA. 40 VDC rating  Impending low battery
    6 Input: RS232 level low (-12V) Plug and Play software enable trigger
    7 Input: Relay contact or RS232 level  Remote output OFF/ON: UPS total output can be kept off with low signal or closing relay contact 
    8 Output: 8 to 25 VDC, 5 W constant power (0.63 A max. @ 8V) Auxiliary Control Power
    9 Chassis  Connection to chassis

3.8  Hewlett-Packard PowerWise

3.8.1  HP PowerWise L600/L900/L1250 interface pinout

    Pin# Signal Type Function
    1 RS-232 Earth Ground Signal Common for all RS-232 port signals (earth ground referenced)
    2 RS-232 Transmit Output  Serial communication mode - output signal line. 
    3 RS-232 Receive Input / Shutdown Serial communication mode - input signal line. Contact Closure mode - shuts down UPS if signal is held high (RS-232 level) for 200 milliseconds while UPS is operating in battery mode.
    4 AC Line Fail (normally closed) Contact Closure mode - opened when AC line fails and UPS is operating in battery mode (breaks connection between Pin#4 and Pin#5).
    5 Contact Closure Common / RS-232  Common Signal Common for all Contact Closure group / RS-232 Signal Common line.
    7 Low Battery (normally open) Contact Closure mode - closed when remaining "on-battery runtime" drops below the under-defined time limit (makes connection between Pin#7 and Pin#5).
    9 AC Line Fail (normally open)  Contact Closure mode - closed when in battery mode (makes connection between Pin#9 and Pin#5).

3.8.2  HP PowerWise L600/L900/L1250 cable

Hewlett-Packard Part# - 201-471-09    , Software - HP PowerWise Assistant


         3.9  Optiquest/Viewsonic

3.9.1  OptiUPS-650E/420E Cable

Optiquest Part# 730-02024-00    , Software - OPTI-SAFE+

3.10  Liebert

3.10.1  UPStation-GXT interface pinout  

      Pin# Function
      1 Low Battery (Optocoupler Collector: +V)
      2 UPS TxD
      3 UPS RxD
      4 Remote ShutDown (+5..12VDC, 10 mA max); on battery operation
      5 Common
      6 Remote ShutDown (Short to pin 5); any mode operation
      7 Low Batery (Optocoupler Emitter: -V)
      8 Utility/Mains Fail (Optocoupler Emitter: -V)
      9 Utility/Mains Fail (Optocoupler Collector: +V)

Maximum voltage and current on pins 1,7,8,9 shall be 80 VDC, 10.0 mA max  


 3.10.2  UPStation-GXT dumb cable

Software - SiteNet Multilink.

3.11 Invertomatic-Victron (IMV)

3.11.1  Victron UPS "intelligent" (serial communication) cable

Victron Part#  VIC-23/2   ,  Software - PowerFLAG

           3.11.2  Victron UPS to modem serial connection cable

Victron Part#  VIC-32


3.11.3  Victron contact closure (dumb) cable

Victron Part#  VIC-25 (VIC-28)   ,  Software - PowerFLAG

Кабель VIC-28 отличается от VIC-25 только отсутствием сигнала "Shutdown". Этот кабель также может  быть использован для pаботы с WinNT UPS Service в конфигуpации: Power_Failure - Negative, Low_Battery - Negative, UPS_Shutdown - Positive.  

3.11.4  Victron 19" UPS (RJ45) intelligent cable

Victron Part#  VIC-45A   ,  Software - PowerFLAG


3.11.5  Victron 19" SNMP-box (RJ45) to UPS cable

Victron Part#  VIC-45   ,  Software - PowerFLAG


Источник  информации:

1.WEB сайт  www.ups.miem.edu.ru

Информация о работе Источники бесперебойного питания (UPS)