Travelling and Transport

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Декабря 2010 в 11:55, лекция

Описание работы

Задачи урока:

1.Обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала.
2.Учить использовать знания умения и навыки в устной речи.

Практическая - развитие коммуникативных навыков

Образовательная – развитие грамматических навыков

Развивающая – развитие фонетических навыков

Воспитательная – повышение интереса к стране изучаемого языка

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План-конспект открытого урока

   Дисциплина-английский язык

   Тема: Travelling and Transport

    Задачи урока:

    1. Обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала.
    2. Учить использовать знания умения и навыки в устной речи.


     Практическая - развитие коммуникативных навыков

     Образовательная – развитие грамматических навыков

     Развивающая – развитие фонетических навыков

     Воспитательная – повышение интереса к стране изучаемого языка

   Тип урока: обобщающий

   Оснащение урока: доска, проектор, оборудование Mimio, компьютер, раздаточный материал (ксерокопии с упражнением).

   Время: 45 мин.

   Ход урока

   I. Организационный момент

    1. Приветствие
    • Good morning dear boys and girls!
    • Good morning, good morning, good morning to you! Good morning dear teacher I’m glad to see you!
    • I’m glad to see you, too. Sit down please!
    1. Постановка целей
    • Today we will make a conclusion to our theme: “Travelling and Transport”. So, we will do some phonetic exercises, review words, review prepositions, and listen to the story.
    1. Фонетическая зарядка
  • Let’s start with the phonetics. Please look at the blackboard. Today Allex Belem will introduce us with the sounds [i] and [i:]. First listen, then you will repeat. Video.

   Who felt the difference between these two sounds? [i] – is a middle sound between ‘и’ and ‘ы’ ; [i:] – is the same like Russian ‘и’. Now repeat after the speaker, please!

    • Very good! Thank you!

II. Основная часть урока

    • T.: Let’s remember what have we talked about last lessons? Who can tell me?
    • P.: About transport and travelling! (We’ve talked about kinds of transport and kinds of travelling.
    • T.: Excellent! Thank you very much! You know, it’s a very long distance from Kazan to London. Think and tell me please, how can we get to London from Kazan? By which transport?
    • P.: by plane! (we can get to London by plane, plane can take us to London, we can take a plane.)
    • T.: Exactly! And where can we catch a plane?
    • P.: we can catch a plane at the airport!
    • T.: Very good! And what should we buy before the flight?
    • P.: we should buy tickets!
    • T.: Of course! And tell me please, what kinds of transport can you name else?
    • P.: train     - P.: bus        - P.: car
    • P.: taxi       - P.: plane
    • T.: Very good! And now, let’s remember the places where we can catch these kinds of transport!
    • P.: we can catch a train at the railway station.
    • P.: we can catch a bus at the bus stop or bus station.
    • P.: we can catch a plane at the airport.
    • T.: Thank you! Excellent! Let’s check how did you know the translation of the following words! I have the English words and their Russian equivalents. Your task is to match them! But first let’s read them. Repeat after me , please!

    Mimio. (Travel, transport, plane, train, railway station, bus, airport, ticket, luggage, fly, single, return)

  • Please, look at the blackboard. I have some sentences for you with gaps. You have to put right preposition in each sentence.

      Power point presentation.

    1. He arrived … London last night.

      On       at       by      in

    1. Alice goes to school … bus.

      By       on      at      in

    1. Our lessons start … 8.30.

      By       on      in     at

    1. We have day off … Sunday.

      On      at     by      in

  • Good job! And the last task for today is audition! You will listen to the story about Robby’s grandfather 2 times. There are some questions that I will ask you to answer finally!
    1. Where is Robby’s granddad from?
    1. How old is he?
    2. How does he get to school?
    3. Does he have to change?
    4. What does he like most of all?
    5. Where did he travel last month?
    6. What did happen there?
  • Please listen carefully, and don’t put down anything. Try to find answers.

      The text for audition

     Robby’s grandfather.

   My grandfather lives in the north of England. He is nearly sixty but he is strong and he still works. He is a Maths teacher. My grandfather is very kind and his pupils like him a lot. They say he is an excellent teacher and they are never tired in his class. He never forgets anything and explains his subject very well. He always speaks in a friendly voice, they enjoy his lessons.

   My granddad lives in the country and every morning five days a week gets the bus to school. He doesn’t have to change as the bus takes him right to the school. It’s a through bus. He gets off the bus at half past 8 or there about.

   My granddad likes to do many things but he likes travelling most of all. He often goes to different cities. Perhaps once or twice a month and sometimes he goes to other countries, too. He travels by sea, by train or flies. He likes voyages very much and often takes pictures on the board of ship. He likes the sea and the wind.

   Last month he travelled to Scotland it was not a lucky trip. He nearly missed his train, because he arrived late at the railway station. On the train somebody stole his favourite silver box. There was no bus or taxi to take him to the hotel where he wanted to stay and so he had to go on foot. When he arrived at the hotel, he was tired and went upstairs. However his luggage was not there. So granddad went downstairs again but couldn’t find it. When he did it was midnight and the lift didn’t work. So he was very unhappy that night and slept badly. However in the morning the sun begun to shine again and life seemed brighter. “There is nothing like travelling,” my granddad says. You will always enjoy it when you look at the bright sight.

  • I’ll give you a few minutes to answer the questions. Now, we will listen to the text once more. Are you ready?
  • So, please, full your answers. I’ll give about 5 minutes. Time is up! Give me your works, please!


  • Please, open your diaries and put down the home task: p.50 ex.1, p.51 ex.7. Thank you for the lesson! You may have a break! Good bye!

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