The system of heating

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Апреля 2010 в 17:16, Не определен

Описание работы

Besides masonry, a brick work, any engineer must know about heating and ventilation. They are two branches of engineering which are very closely connected. Both they are treated(1) as a dual subject. Heating is to prevent(2) too rapid loss of heat from the body. The rate of heat lost from the body is controlled. Some old concepts of heating have been gradually(3) changed since engineers obtained more precise knowledge about how the body loses heat. Insufficient(4) attention was paid formerly to loss by radiation, which is the transmission of energy in the form of waves from a body to surrounding bodies at a temperature. The human being also loses heat by conduction (through his clothes) and convection.

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