The Role of Grammatical Transformations While Translating

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Марта 2011 в 15:18, дипломная работа

Описание работы

The present thesis focuses on the Role of Grammatical Transformations on the basis of the novel “For Whom The Bell Tolls” by Ernest Hemingway. It comprises the introductory part, three subject chapters – lexical, morphological and grammatical transformations, and the conclusion.

Содержание работы

Abstract (English/Russian) 2
Introduction 3
Chapter 1 7
1.1. Overview of Basic Terminology and Aims 7
1.2. Levels of analysis and synthesis in translation 9
1.3. Preserving the meaning structure of the source text 10
1.4. Author’s Style and Its Significance for Translation 11
Chapter 2 17
2.1. Lexical Transformations 17
2.2. Morphological Transformations 25
2.2.1. Article 25 Indefinite Article 26 Definite Article 27
2.2.2. Unconformity of the Category of Number 28
2.2.3. Grammatical Gender 29
2.2.4. Change of Parts of Speech 30
2.2.5. Unconformity of the Tense 32
2.3. Syntactical transformations 34
2.3.1. Transposition of sentence members 34
2.3.2. Transformation of Simple Sentence into Complex Sentence 35
2.3.3. Transformation of Complex Sentence into Simple Sentence 36
2.3.4. Sentence Fragmentation 39
2.3.5. Sentence Integration 40
2.3.6. Transformation of Two-Member Sentence into a Mononuclear Sentence 41
2.3.7. Transformation of the Type of Syntactic Cohesion 42
2.3.8. Change of Actual Sentence Fragmentation During Translation 43
2.4. Summary on Different Types of Transformations 47
2.4.1. Table on General Types of Transformations 53
Conclusion 55
Bibliography 59

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