The power of Russia will grow with the youth

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Марта 2015 в 06:40, сочинение

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"The youth is the future of Russia". This phrase, probably, sounded in our Fatherland, and not only, throughout all historical eras. The senior generation always sought to see in children and grandsons their successors of the ideas and undertakings. Still Aristotle claimed: "Everybody who reflected on skills to manage people is convinced that destinies of empires depend on education of the youth".

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The power of Russia will grow with the youth 

  "The youth is the future of Russia". This phrase, probably, sounded in our Fatherland, and not only, throughout all historical eras. The senior generation always sought to see in children and grandsons their successors of the ideas and undertakings. Still Aristotle claimed: "Everybody who reflected on skills to manage people is convinced that destinies of empires depend on education of the youth".

This thought sets us thinking on what we can do for our descendants to be better than us, wiser than us, to give then opportunity to construct happy and fair life for themselves and the children. The current state of the youth environment is very disturbing; it demands judgment of the mistakes, miscalculations in their education allowed by us, the adults living in very hard time.

Young people have special freedom as they still have no settled templates; there is no restrictive framework which would be defined by wisdom, life experience. Therefore the youth possesses this most distinctive feature from which the determination results, some jealousy, "burning of spirit".

The future of Russia depends on today's youth. I’ll try to define qualities which today's youth should develop to be useful for prosperity of our Motherland.

The youth has to be intellectually developed, physically strong, patriotic, good-natured, purposeful, reasonable, highly moral, wishing and able to work, bring benefit.

The modern youth is seemingly involved in achievements of high technology (the Internet, mobile communication, video and audio equipment). They are able to use them, but often they don’t even know how all this equipment works. In life such youth is absolutely noncompetitive.

Without knowledge and abilities they won’t earn much money. Therefore life of such youth is unpromising. Poverty and boredom are the reasons for their wish for an extreme and adrenaline in blood. They start to revolt. Such revolts beneficial for unscrupulous politicians, and the youth becomes a pawn in their hands.

Recently there were a lot of aggressive youth groups which are throwing down a challenge to society, morals, their parents, at last.

Spiritual impoverishment of the youth is not a private, unusual occurrence. It is impossible to leave education of the youth till the best times: they grow today. Therefore if we want Russia to be great, we must immediately correct all our mistakes in the youth’s upbringing. It is impossible to borrow other education systems. Today the imperfect legislation regulating the relations of children and parents works. Though in this area of the human relations laws of moral which don't need to be invented have to work: they are checked by time.

The civilization sometimes harms to the person and young people in particular. However we won't be able to refuse achievements of the civilization anymore, so we have to teach young people to distinguish what is good and what is bad. And it is necessary to begin with the senior generation ideas of the good and evil. Proper education and revival of moral principles of life will help the youth to be the key element in the power of Russia.

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