The language of the Internet

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Декабря 2014 в 02:16, доклад

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The Internet has a huge influence on people nowadays, if you haven't the access to the Internet, you are cut from the world. But let's find out more about the language of the Internet. Of course many different languages are used there, but the most popular and wide-spread will be English. And I can explain why.

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The language of the Internet

The Internet has a huge influence on people nowadays, if you haven't the access to the Internet, you are cut from the world. But let's find out more about the language of the Internet. Of course many different languages are used there, but the most popular and wide-spread will be English. And I can explain why.

First of all, The English language is considered as a universal language, mainly because it is the most spoken language worldwide.

One of the reasons why it’s the universal language is because it’s the ‘business language’. For example if a company is dealing with a foreign company with a different mother tongue, they will use the English, the universal language to communicate to each other.

According to the statistics, it is said that the English language is one of the easiest languages to learn, if we compare it with languages like Chinese, Russian, German, French and even Spanish.

About 80% of the information that we find in the internet is in English, take this into consideration because the internet is also one of the most used and effective sources of communication across the world.

But it’s also very important to have a multilingual site if you are going to conduct your business online. By having your site accessible to potentially thousands of people you are showcasing your company across the globe. For non-English speaking users looking for your product or service, you automatically capture their attention. It will help you to attract new customers all over the world, and as a result you may have a success.

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