The Financial Markets

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Мая 2012 в 06:29, курсовая работа

Описание работы

The financial market represents very difficult mechanism which isn't described yet by any theory up to the end. And despite some uncertainty and set of methods of market research, share values – "goods" most attractive for today for set of investors. By means of financial markets the interbranch, international modulation of capitals is performed. Mechanisms of these markets are in this respect much more effective than direct investment of means and allow to optimize structure and dynamics of public reproduction.

Содержание работы

Chapter 1
1.1 Concept of financial market.
1.2 Stock market structure.
1.3 Classification of securities and their property.
Chapter 2
2.1 Features of stock market in Russia.
2.2 The market of government securities.
2.3 The market of corporate securities.
Chapter 3
3.1 Prospects of the international financial market.
3.2. Prospects of the Russian financial market.
The list of literature

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14. Kommersant-daily

15. Economy questions

16. The financier



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