The down of British History

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Primitive society on the territory of the British Isles

At the down of their history the peoples on this planet lived in primitive societies. These primitive peoples, wherever they lived, began their long path of progress with stone tools, but they didn’t reach the same time level of civilizations at the same time in different countries.

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milk for English industrial districts as well as the towns of North Wales. Oats root crops are drown here mainly for fodder.

      Despite the small coalfield, industrialization has had little effect on North Wales. Recently two nuclear power stations were built: one in V, the other in Anglesey. They both supply power to the national grid system. Tourism is mainly concentrated in the northern coastal strip. On holy Island, which lies off the coast of Anglesey, is Holyhead, terminus of road and rail routs from London and chief ferry port, for services to the Irish public-via Dun Loaghaire (pronounced dunleary), near Dublin.

      In general, Wales, which is the national outlying region of GB, faces serious social and economic problems, caused by the depression of its traditional industries. Unemployment remains high and the future of many miners and workers remains very uncertain.

5. Бақылау сұрақтары:

1. Geographical position of regions

2. The main industry

3. Big cities of regions

4. Climate 

6. Лекция тақырыбына сәйкес  СӨЖ тапсырмалары:

“Agriculture of regions” 

7. Қажетті әдебиеттер:

1. Электрондық  оқулық

2. Burlacova V.V. “The UK of GB and Northern Ireland” 

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Лекция 10 

1.Лекция тақырыбы: A Nation of Immigrants

2. Лекция жоспары:

    1. Geographical position of the USA

     2. Native Americans

3. Лекция мақсаты:  Аумақтық құрамын таныстыру. Ірі көлдер мен өзендер туралы мәлімет беру. Америка ұлтының қалыптасуы.

4. Лекция мазмұны:  Америка халқының өзгешілігін, өмір сұру ерекшеліктерін айтып өту. АҚШ дамуының әртүрлі деңгейлеріндегі иммиграция. 

                1.Geographical position of the USA 

   The   main   landmass   of  the  US   lies  in  Central   North  America, with   Canada   to  the  North, Mexico   to the  South, The   Atlantic  Ocean  to  the  East   and  the   Pacific  Ocean  to  the  West.  The two newest   states, Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the continental US: Alaska borders the North western Canada and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.

     The   diversity   of  the  country  stems  from   the  fact   that  it  is  so   large  and   has  so   many   kind  of   land ,climate and  people .

   The  USA   stretches  2,575  kilometers   from  North   to  South,4,500 kilometers  from  east   to  west. The  deep green  mountain  forests  of  the   northwest  coast  are  drenched  with  more  than  250  centimeters  of  rain  each  year.

      A  traveler  from   almost  any  other  country   can  find  points   of the  USA  that  remind   him  of  home. There  are  pine   forest   dotted  with  lakes ,and  mountain  peaks  covered  with  snow. There  are    meadows  with   brooks   and  trees and  sea  cliffs ,and  wide  grassy  plains, and  broad   spreads  of  grapevines and  sandy  beaches.

   The  USA  is  too  large  and  varied country   to sum  up   in  a  short   explanation. To  understand   some  of  its   differences, it  can  be   divided  into   six  regions. Each   regions  is    distinctive   from  the  others   economically, geographically, and ,in some  ways, culturally

SIX  REGIONS: The  Northeast, The   central  basin ,The  Southeast ,The  Great   Plains ,The  mountains  and  Deserts, The  Coast Valleys


This  is  the  part  of  the  US  which  most  visitors  see ,and  the  part  that  is  most  often  described. The  skyscrapers  of  New  York, the  steel  mills  of  Pittsburg, the automobile  assembly  lines  of    Detroit-these  symbols  of  industrial America  belong  to  this  region. Into  this area   of  industry  came  millions  of  Europeans  who   made  of  it  what  became  known  as  the ”melting  pot” the   fusion  of  people  from  many  nations  into  Americans.

    More  than  any   other  part  of   the  country , this  section  reflects European    culture  and  tradition .New  York  is  the   largest  city, was  bought  from  the  Indians   for  a mere  $24 worth  of  trinkets.

Now it  is  the   financial  center    of  the  USA .New  York  is  the   welcoming   port   for  most  of the  immigrants   who  saw ,as  they  sailed  into  its  harbor ,the  immense  statue  of  liberty   holding  high  her  torch  of  freedom.

There  are  three  other  major  seaports in the  Northeast. All, like New  York ,are  great  financial ,commercial and  industrial centers. They  are  Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Boston  was  one  of  the   first   settlements  and    major   cities  and  is  the  heart  of  the  new  England  States.

PHILADELPHIA is  where  the  Declaration  of  Independence  and  the  constitution   were   drawn   up   and  signed  and  where   Benjamin  Franklin, statesman  and  scientist ,lived ,Baltimore  is  a   commercial  and  industrial  center  and  important  seaport.


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  The  gently  sloping land  of  the  central  Basin  was  once  the  frontier  to  those   who  crossed  the  Appalachian  Mountains. In  Illinois  these   pioneers reached  the  end  of  the  great  eastern  forests .Before   them  was  a rich  grass  land .The  fertile  soils  and  the  long  hot summers   with  enough  rain  were   a  farmer’s  dream. There  the  states as  Ohio , Indiana, Illinois ,Iowa  and  Nebraska   which are  known as  the  Corn  Belt. The  North   part  of  this  region is in  Wisconsin  and  Minnesota   which are cooler  and  more   moist states in this region. There  dairy  farming  flourishes. On a typical  farm  in  the   Central   Basin  the   farmer   will  own  about  87  hectares  and  plant  one  main  crop. He  will   also  have  a  large  herd  of  livestock. All  planting ,cultivating, fertilizing, spraying  and   harvesting  he  will  do  himself.

 THE  SOUTHEAST( land  of  change)

This   Southeast  region  is  changing   more  rapidly   than  any   other  part   of the  US-not  because   the land is new, but because  the area’s old, exhausted  land  is  being  given   new  life.

  The  region  is   blessed  with   plentiful    rainfall and   a  mild  climate .On  most  of   its  farmlands ,crops   can be  grown  without  frost  at  last   six  month  of  the  year .A  transportation   artery , the  Mississippi River  and  its  southern  branches, runs  through  the  heart  of  the  area ,and  other  rivers  are  found   near  its  coast. Crops  grew  easily  in  its  soil, which  is  brown on  the  coastal  plain, red  on  the  low  hillsides, and  black in  east  Texas .The  mountains  contribute   coal ,water ,and rich   valleys .  Florida is a   garden  for   subtropical  fruits. Some  of  the  nation  largest  fields  lie  in  the  states  of  Louisiana  and  Texas .The  region  is   naturally rich  in forests  and  minerals.

       Before  the  US  declared  its  freedom  from  Great   Britain   in  1776,the  economy  of  the  colonies (both  north  and  south)was  predominantly  agricultural.

      The  geography  of  the   northeast  did  not   fit  well  into  this  pattern  and,  with    independence ,the   northern  states   broke  away  from  it. But   the  South, with  its  rich  soil  and  ideal  climate  found  its  wealth in  agriculture  with  such  crops  as  tobacco, rice  and  indigo.

   Industrial  power, the energy  that  turns  machines is being  developed, at last ,for human use. For  example ,natural  gas  is  a  great resource  for  industrial  power, but it  must  be  transported after  it  is  taken  from  the  ground .Today South  has  built  new   pipeline underground  which  carry  this  resource  from  the  gas  and  oil  fields  to  mines  and  mill  sites.


  The  Great  Plains   begin  with  he  50  centimeters   rainfall  line  which  runs  north  and  South  almost  through  the  center  of  the   country .The  traveler  becomes  aware  of the difference  in  the  atmosphere once  he  crosses  this  invisible  line .This is a  land  of  extreme  heat  and   extreme  cold. It  is  a land  where  water  is  worth  more  than   property. It  is almost flat, rising  imperceptibly   for  640 kilometers  until it  suddenly  meets  the   mountains  to  the   West.

    Nowhere  is   the  rainfall  more  unpredictable   or  the  climate  more   violent. For  two  or   three  years   there  may  be   enough  rain .Then  there  is  a  year  when  no  rain  falls, when  the  streams  from  the   mountains  dry  up   and  their  channels  are filled  with  sand .The  wind   blows  constantly .It is  very   hot  from  July  to  September ,but it  the winter   snow   covers houses.

      The  Great  Plains  is  a  hard   country. The  heat of  the  summer  is  scorching (hot),the  winter  is   freezing .The  wind  blows  fiercely  with  few  hills  or  forests to   stop  it , from  Montana  on the  Canadian  border   to  the  Mexican   border   state  of  Texas .Water    is  precious. Its scarcity  drove  the   settlers  on   across  the  plains  as  far  as   they   could  go .Only  Red  Indians   knew  how  to  survive  here.  They  captured  the  wild  horses, descended  from  those  that  escaped  from  Spanish  explores  in  the  16th  century ,and  hunted  the   buffalo, that  provided  them  with  most  of  their  food, clothing and  tools. 

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THE  MOUNTAINS  AND  DESERTS  region  like  the  Great  Plains  did  not  attract   settlers  at  first. It  was  a   fearful  area, to  be   crossed  as  quickly  as  possible  to reach  the  Pacific  coast. Seeking  land  and  gold , the  settler  at  first   found  neither  until  they reached the Pacific  slopes .But  then  gold  was  found  at   Pikes  Peak  and  in a   few  other  parts  of  the  Rocky  mountains. Clearly ,there  was  gold in  the  Rockies  and  men  hurried  back ,faster  than   they  had   hurried through.

      The  Majestic  Rocky  mountains  stretch  all  the  way  from  Mexico to the  Arctic, like the  Alps, they  are  high , sharp and rugged. Compared  with  the  Appalachians  in  the   East ,they  are   young   and  their   faces of    bare  rock  are  capped  with  snow ,even  to the  south. In the  high  valleys, there  are  remains of  the   glaciers, while below them there are clear, icy lakes.

     The Rocky  mountains  are  the  long  backbone  of  the  continent –over 4,200 meters  high  and  560  kilometers  wide  in  Utah  and  Colorado ,because  of   its  unusual  and  varied   natural  beauty, much  of  this  mountain  and  desert  region  has  been  preserved   unspoiled  in   national  parks  such  as  Yellowstone  in  Wyoming  and  Death  Valley  in  California.

Today  about  170,000sq.kilometres  of  deserts. In  the  960 kilometers  between  Salt  lake  city ,Utah  and  Peno ,Nevada ,there  is   nothing  but  dead  lakes  ,dry  rivers, snakes  and  small  animal  life, enormous mineral wealth ,and  the  inhuman   beauty  of   the  desert.

Most  of  Rocky  Mountain  gold  is  gone   today . Some  other  minerals also vanished  much   too  quickly  due  to  mining  methods. While  soil can  gradually  be   restored   and  trees  planted  on  bare  hillsides ,the  mineral wealth  of  the  earth  can  not  be  re-created.

   Today  the  nation’s  largest open-hit copper  mining center is Bingham, Utah, in  one  of  the  Great  basin  ranges.

   Modern   industry   demands  more   and  more  of the  nation’s  mineral  wealth.

  Each  new electric   plant  needs  many  kilometers  of  copper  wire: machines  require  iron ,lead  and  other  minerals .Coal, oil  and  natural  gas  must  drive  the   machines.

    States  like  Texas  and  Oklahoma  long   have  been  noted  for  their  oil   production, but the   west  also  has  vast   new  energy  reserves.

  The  West  is  the  site   for  the  development   of  alternative   energy   sources. Wind-power  experiments  conducted  in  New  Mexico  eventually    may  lead   to  installations  providing   two  percent  of the  nation’s  electrical  power.

  Sunny Colorado ,New  Mexico  and  California ,along  with  numerous  other  states, are   important   testing   grounds   for  solar  energy.


      When  Americans   began  to  move  to  the Far  West-before  any gold  discoveries  in  the  region  the  entire  Pacific  Coast   attracted  them. Why  did  they  come, these  men ,women  and  children  from  the East? Why  did  they   endure  the  frightful   trials  of   the  plains, the  mountains, the  deserts? Why  did  they  want  so  much  to  move  West?

  The  Americans  came  because  they   wanted  more space, free  land ,a  freer  life ,and perhaps  a  fortune, too.

  The  Pacific  Coast ,from San  Francisco  to   Seattle ,was  first  reached  by  English ,Russian  and  other  explorers. Some   established fur   trading posts.

  All  three  Pacific Coast   states-Washington, California  and  Oregon –face  toward  the Orient. Cargoes of  fish   timber  and fruit  are  shipped  from  the  ports  of  San Francisco, Portland  and  Seattle  to  Asia. There  is   a  large   Chinese  Community  in  San  Francisco.

  Quaint  cable  cars   clang   up  and  down  its  sleep  hills and  ships sail from  the  Pacific  Ocean   under   the  sweeping  span  of  the  Golden  Gate  Bridge  in  San  Francisco  Bay, one  of the    world’s  finest  land-locked  harbors.

  Seattle  is  the  gateway  to  Alaska ,the 49th  state. In  order  to  get  to Alaska  a  person  must  take a  boat  or  airplane. 

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The  50th  state is Hawaii, it  is  a  string  of  sun-drenched  islands  over  3.200 kilometers  out  in  the  Pacific  Ocean  from  the  coast  of  California. Pineapple  plantation  of  Waikiki  Beach  are  world famous. People  living  here  speak  of  the   rest  of  the  US  as  the  Mainland. 

5. Бақылау сұрақтары:

    The landmass of the USA

6. Лекция тақырыбына  сәйкес  СӨЖ тапсырмалары:

         Why do Immigrants come to the USA?

7. Қажетті әдебиеттер:

1. Stevenson D.K American Life and Institutions

2. Tomakhin Y.  Across the USA  

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Лекция 11 

1.Лекция  тақырыбы: 1. Geographical position of the USA

2. Лекция жоспары:

1. The river

2. Nation of immigrants

3. Лекция мақсаты:  АҚШ-тың иеліктері, олардың экономикалық маңыздылығын үйрету.

4. Лекция мазмұны:  АҚШ-тың алты бөлшектерін талқылау, олардың географикалық жағдайы туралы әңгіме жүргізу.  







6.Rio  Grande 

      The  Mississippi  is  one  of  the   world’s  great   continental  rivers , like    the  Amazon   in  South   America, the  Congo  in  Africa ,the  Volga  in  Europe, or  the  Ganges, Amur in  Asia .Its  waters  are  gathered  from  two-thirds of the  United  States and, together  with  the  Missouri   (its chief  western  branch),the  Mississippi  flows  some  6,400 kilometers  from  its  northern  sources  in   the  Rocky  mountains  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico, which  makes  it  one  of  the  world’s  longest  waterways.

  The   Mississippi  has  been   called   the “father  of  waters”. Through  all  its  lower  course  it  wonders along ,appearing   lazy  and  harmless.

    Where  the  Missouri  pours  into  the  Mississippi  from  the  West is  colours  the  river  deep  brown  with  small  pieces   of  soil. Father  downstream, where  the  clear  waters  of  the   principal  eastern tributary  the  Ohio  join  the          Mississippi, evidence  of  the   difference  between  the  dry  west  and  raining  east  becomes apparent. For  kilometers ,the  waters  of  the  two  rivers  flow  on  side  by  side, without  mixing. Those  from  the  west   are  brown, they  have  robbed  the  soil in  areas  of vegetation. The  waters  from  the   east  are  clear  and  blue; they come  from  hills and  valleys  where   plentiful  forest  and  plant  cover  has  kept  the  soil  from   being  washed  away.

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