The decision through diplomatic channels Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Января 2017 в 15:43, контрольная работа

Описание работы

The Arab-Israeli conflict - confrontation between a number of Arab countries and the Arab paramilitary radical groups, supported by a part of the indigenous Arab population controlled by Israel of the Palestinian territories, on the one hand, and the Zionist movement, and then the State of Israel, on the other. Although the State of Israel was created only in 1948, in fact the story of the conflict spans nearly a century since the end of the XIX century, when it was created by the political Zionist movement, marked the beginning of the struggle of the Jews for their own state.

Содержание работы

1Arabo-Israel conflict
2 Positions of the parties
3 Critical contradictions
4 International Security
5 Basic approaches to security understanding
6 International agreements

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Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages


Project work




Theme: The decision through diplomatic channels Israeli-Palestinian conflict



Сomplied: Suindikov Syrym 446 group

Faculty of Economics and Law

International law



Almaty 2016


 1Arabo-Israel conflict

2 Positions of the parties

3 Critical contradictions

4 International Security

5 Basic approaches to security understanding

6 International agreements

    • The Arab-Israeli conflict - confrontation between a number of Arab countries and the Arab paramilitary radical groups, supported by a part of the indigenous Arab population controlled by Israel of the Palestinian territories, on the one hand, and the Zionist movement, and then the State of Israel, on the other. Although the State of Israel was created only in 1948, in fact the story of the conflict spans nearly a century since the end of the XIX century, when it was created by the political Zionist movement, marked the beginning of the struggle of the Jews for their own state.


    • After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire as a result of its defeat in World War I conflict between the Zionist Jews and the Arab population of Palestine was limited mainly to the territorial claims of both sides in the British Mandate of Palestine. During the heating situation in the second quarter of the XX century to the geopolitical component added as a religious and cultural, reinforcing ethnic hatred [citation date 2492]. In 1948, the neighboring Arab countries declared war on the newly established Jewish state. Thus, the conflict went beyond Palestine and turned into a conflict between Israel and all other Arab states in the region. With the signing of the peace treaty with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (in 1994) the number of states hostile to Israel decreased. As part of a large-scale Arab-Israeli conflict, it decided to allocate the regional Israeli-Palestinian conflict, due to, first of all, a clash of territorial interests of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine. In recent years, it is this conflict is a source of political tension and open armed clashes in the region.

Positions of the parties


    • Position supporters of Israel


    • The Zionist movement, on the basis of which was created by the State of Israel sees the Palestinian historic homeland of the Jewish people and is based on the assertion that this nation has a right to their own sovereign state. This statement is based on several basic principles:
    • The principle of equality of peoples: Like other people who have their sovereign state, the Jews also have the right to live in their country and manage it.
    • The principle of the need to protect Jews from anti-Semitism: the phenomenon of anti-Semitism culminated in purposeful genocide against the Jews (the Holocaust) is carried out by Nazi Germany in the first half of the 1940s, forcing the Jews to organize themselves in self-defense, and to find the territory that would have served as a refuge in case of recurrence of the disaster. This is possible only with the creation of the Jewish state.
    • The principle of historic homeland: as numerous anthropological and archaeological research in Palestine since the XIII century BC. e. Jewish tribes lived, from the XI to VI century BC. e. a Jewish state. The overwhelming presence of Jews in the area persisted and after the conquest of the last of the Jewish state of antiquity, the Jews, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II of, over the next centuries, with alternate land transfer from hand to hand, and until the Bar Kochba revolt in 132 BC. e., after which a significant number of Jews were expelled from the country by the Romans. But even after this exile to the V century BC. e. It remained in Galilee Jewish majority. In Judaism, this area is called the "Land of Israel", which means "Land of Israel". She was promised to Jacob (Israel) God as the Promised Land, which he intends to Jews. Since the inception of the Jewish people and one of the fundamental ideas of Judaism preached it is the relationship of the people to the land of Israel.
    • Group non-governmental organizations representing the interests of the Jews expelled from Arab countries in the 1948-1970-ies., Whose descendants make up 40% of Israel's population, believes that the territories acquired by Jews in Israel, disproportionately smaller than they lost during the expulsion of property and material losses evicted from their lands the Palestinians is also less than the loss of the exiled Jews.
    • The position of the opponents of Israel
    • The Arab States and the local Arabs were initially strongly opposed the establishment of Israel in Palestine.
    • Radical political and terrorist movements, as well as some governments fundamentally deny Israel's right to exist.
    • With the trend of strengthening of fundamentalist sentiment in the Arab world since the second half of the XX century, the Arab position is complemented by the spread of religion dictated by the conviction, according to which the territory is part of the native Muslim lands
    • Opponents and critics of Israel believe that the policy of this state in the occupied territories turned into racism and apartheid, gradually depriving the Palestinians of their land and in flagrant violation of their rights.
    • In 2002, the League of Arab States (LAS) has adopted a program known as "the Saudi peace initiative," conditionalities final peace with Israel

Critical contradictions 


    • The main issues on which the parties can not reach a mutually acceptable agreement:


    • Section Jerusalem
    • Jerusalem for Jews - a central place in Judaism, were built first and second temples, here is the Western Wall. The principle of "Jerusalem - the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish state," approved by a law enacted by the Knesset, and no Israeli leader can not make the decision to give this town to the Arabs. In Arabic, the city called Al-Quds (in the lane. "Noble") and is the third of its sanctity city after Mecca and Medina for all Muslims. The Arab leaders also can not give up the claim to Jerusalem.


    • Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in 2001 offered an unprecedented compromise: he actually agreed to the division of Jerusalem and Palestinian sovereignty over most of the old town and even a part of the Temple Mount. It was assumed that the capital of the Arab states will be in the suburbs. However, the Arabs refused such an agreement.


    • The refugee problem
    • About 3 million Arabs - those who fled or were expelled from the territory of Palestine since the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as their descendants. The Arabs insist on the unconditional right of these people to return home, but Israel can not agree to the addition of a million Israeli Arab citizens still 2.5 million Arabs, since, according to estimates of experts, in the Palestinian territories no more than 500 thousand can be resettled in a decade human. This change in demographics mean the end of Israel as a Jewish state and no Israeli politician it will not go

International security 



International security - a world order in which the favorable international conditions for the free development of the states and other subjects of international law


The international security environment every state has the best conditions for the implementation of policies aimed at improving the material standard of living of people, the free development of the personality, the full implementation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.


International security is understood in the broad and narrow sense of the word.










International security in the broadest sense includes a set of political, economic, humanitarian, informational, environmental and other aspects of security.


International Security Law - branch of international law, which is a system of principles and rules governing the military-political relations between states in order to ensure international peace and security1. The norms of the industry focused on providing both international and national security.

The sources of international law are international

People contract, international custom, binding decisions of international organizations, especially the United Nations Security Council.


The basis of the international security rights are universally recognized principles of contemporary international law, including the non-use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity of states, inviolability of frontiers, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, peaceful settlement of disputes, cooperation between States

The components of MB rights are universal security, regional security, disarmament and confidence-building measures.


1. Contracts constraining nuclear arms race in the spatial relation. They include the Antarctic Treaty (1959), the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968), the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of state-in on (the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1967) Treaty on the Prohibition of the placing on the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof poison weapons and other weapons of mass destruction (1971), the Treaty on the Prohibition of the poison weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco, 1967), the Treaty on a nuclear-free zone in the southern Pacific (Treaty Raraton-A1, 1985), and others.


2. Agreements restricting arms buildup in quantitative and qualitative terms. This Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water (1963), the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (1996), the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques ( 1977), the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States on further reduction and Limitation of strategic offensive arms (1993).

3. treaty banning the production of certain types of weapons and prescribing their destruction. These are the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (1972), the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (1993), the Treaty between the USSR and USA on the Elimination of their Intermediate-range and Shorter-range missiles (1987).


4. Contracts intended to prevent accidental (unauthorized) of war. This agreement on the lines of direct communication between the USSR and the USA (1963, 1971). (Similar agreements have been concluded with the USSR FO in 1967, Frederick in 1966, Germany in 1986), the Agreement on Measures to Reduce the risk of war, poison between the USSR and the USA (1971), the exchange of letters between the USSR and Frederick on the prevention of accidental or unauthorized use of poison weapons (1976), the Agreement between the Government of the USSR and the Government of the FO on the prevention of accidental poison war (1977), the Agreement between the the USSR and the USA on the notification of the launch of an intercontinental missile submarines (1988) and others.

    • The problem of security - in the classic Westphalian political system of the world. State since its inception concern for the preservation of sovereignty, ie, of its national security, it was originally conceived primarily as preventing external aggression. In modern conditions, and this includes issues related to the danger of internal destabilization. With the increasing interdependence of the world problem is further developed in the framework of regional and international security


    • This starting point is a provision under which is necessary for the implementation of national interests and influence on the international situation the power of the state is determined primarily on the basis of its military forces, or, by analogy with computer terminology, based on the "core power" and not on the basis of culture , the authority of the power in the world and another kind of "software". As a result, the problem of military force has been central in international relations and in practice, and in the research plan.

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