The British co-operation with other states

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Января 2014 в 18:42, лекция

Описание работы

1. It was, perhaps, natural that Britain was unable to give proper attention to its relations with Europe until it was no longer an imperial power. Ever since the growth of its trade beyond Europe during the 17th century, Britain had ceased to be fully active in Europe except at moments of crisis. As long as Europe did not interfere with Britain’s trade, and as long as the balance of power in Europe was not seriously disturbed, Britain could happily neglect European affairs.
At the end of the 18th century Napoleonic France drew Britain further into European politics than it had been, perhaps, since the Hundred Years war. In 1815 Britain co-operated with the other European powers to ensure peace, and it withdrew this support because it did not wish to work with the despotic powers then governing most of Europe. For the rest of the century, European affairs took second place to empire and imperial trade.

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