Problems of ecology

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Января 2011 в 12:26, реферат

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We live in toxic times. Never before in recorded history have human beings been packed so closely together, under such toxic and stressful conditions, as in our cities today. Never before have we exposed our planet and our bodies to so many different kinds, and increasing quantities of toxins (poisons). This includes chemicals, heavy metals, toxic fumes, radiation, and other poisons in our air, food, and water. No one knows the full consequences of all these different toxins building up and interacting inside human bodies. But we can see some of the effects in bodies around us, or by looking in a mirror.

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     And here How Essential Fatty Acids Ensure Your Immune Health

     Why Your Immune System Needs Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

     Two essential fatty acids (EFAs)* are the most important fats that you need to include in your daily diet. You can safely reduce some other fats in your diet, but not these. They are linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Their best sources with the highest, unaltered concentrations are unrefined vegetable oils. Your body cannot make LA or ALA, but must have them for many vital body processes. That is why they are called essential and must be supplied in your diet. These fatty acids help prevent and correct several degenerative diseases. Following is a list of some symptoms of EFA deficiency.

     EFAs Are Essential for Cell Life

     EFAs are the highest source of energy in nutrition. EFAs stimulate fat metabolism, and speed up your metabolic rate by bringing more oxygen into your body cells. Sufficient EFAs in your diet combined with regular exercise--oxygen--will help burn off excess fat. An EFA deficiency, too many refined sugars and starches,and lack of exercise, however, will cause your body to gain weight.

     EFAs help remove excess cholesterol. Your cardiovascular system must have sufficient dietary EFAs to prevent fatty deposits in your arteries. EFA supplementation is proven to reduce blood cholesterol levels by 15% to 20%. Heart muscle tissue also requires LA for a strong, regular heartbeat.

     EFAs help build your brain. Both LA and ALA are essential for normal brain development and balanced nervous system function. An ALA deficiency in early infancy, for example, can cause a permanent learning disability. Lack of sufficient ALA may also be a contributing cause of mental illness. LA and ALA are essential for production of prostaglandins (described below), which regulate several vital biological processes throughout your entire body.

     EFAs are essential for your cells to produce prostaglandins, which help regulate all cellular processes. The prostaglandins consist of three groups that include about thirty different substances which have been isolated and identified so far. When your cells lack these important, hormone-like substances made from EFAs, you expose yourself to the toxic conditions which they relieve or prevent. Some functions of prostaglandins are summarized in the chart below. Symptoms of deficiency are the conditions they prevent.

     EFAs Build Cell Membranes

     EFAs build the main structural, and most biologically active components in all cell membranes. They perform many vital purposes in membrane function. EFAs are an essential ingredient in phospholipids. These form the double-layered, self-sealing membrane structure of every cell in nearly every living organism. Inside cells, they also help form the membranes around interior cellular organs. These include the cell nucleus which contains the DNA and the lengthy membranes of the energy-producing mitochondria. Phospholipids* create the cell membrane barriers which determine what is allowed inside and what stays outside each cell. Molecules of protective vitamin E, for example, fit exactly into cell membrane spaces created by the shape of the EFA-based phospholipids.

     EFAs carry energy in the form of extra electrons. These electrons make cell membranes “come alive” with electrical energy. This “membrane electricity” assists the passage of nutrients and oxygen into cells, and helps carry wastes and carbon dioxide out of them. Working collectively in tissue and organ membranes, this electrical energy propels toxins to the surfaces of the skin, intestinal tract, kidneys, and lungs to be expelled. EFAs are therefore essential in your diet for removing toxins neutralized by antioxidants, stopping their build-up in your body, and preventing cellular damage.

     EFAs Transport Oxygen

     These electric charges also make EFA-based phospholipids behave like "oxygen magnets." This feature makes them indispensable in oxygen transport. Their presence in cell membranes brings oxygen all the way from the membranes in your lungs, through capillary walls, into red blood cells and back out again into every cell of every tissue and organ in your body. EFA deficiency, therefore, creates oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency creates stress headaches, fatigue, and weight gain by slowing down fat metabolism (the burning of fats to produce energy). Oxygen deficiency is a major contributing cause of cancer. This becomes more clear when we look at the unique characteristics of cancer cells.



     I want to tell that having read this book you may be free from danger, may have ease of physical well-being, may have peace and happiness of mind and heart and you have an awake, aware, and energized spirit!

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