Prevention Childhood Obesity: Connection to Breastfeeding and Other Contributing Factors

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Февраля 2011 в 02:41, статья

Описание работы

This paper is based on 3 articles: “Anticipatory Guidance for Prevention of Childhood Obesity: Design of the MOMS Project” by Judith A. Groner, MD and colleagues, “Breastfeeding and the Risk of Childhood Obesity” by Alan S. Ryan and “Childhood Obesity: What’s Health Care Policy Got To Do With it?” by Charles Homer and Lisa A. Simpson, The authors undertook a research study to examine the results of multiple studies on relationship between breastfeeding and obesity. My examination systematically focuses on aspects of the articles in terms of effects of educating our population about breastfeeding and it’s positive effects.