On free choice of the Will” (book II) by St. Augustine

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Марта 2011 в 01:03, реферат

Описание работы

St Augustine constructed a hierarchy of the senses (touch-smell/taste-hearing-sight) and a hierarchy of existence (exist-live-understand) with the help of which he proof existence of God. According to these hierarchies, to exist means to be in tangible world, to live means to have brain and senses, to understand means to reason, relying on the physical senses. But St. Augustine also tells about the sixth sense that analyzes all the information that we perceive. So, he implies that there must be something else in a human being higher than his reason: “It is clear that we have a body, as well as a sort of life by which the body is animated and nourished; both of these we find in animals.