Контрольная работа по «Деловой английский язык»

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Марта 2015 в 10:45, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Read and translate the text:
A company is also called a firm or a business. While it is producing goods or trading, it is said to be in business. A firm which is just starting up is going into business and a company which stops operating goes out of business. If a company gets bigger, it expands. The expansion of a firm means it can produce more goods or sell more of its products. A manufacturer (or manufacturing company) produces goods. The goods it makes are its products. When a manufacturing company expands, it usually increases production. If one year it produces 110 tones, it has increased production by 10%.

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Санкт-Петербургский государственный

университет сервиса и экономики






Контрольная работа

по предмету: «Деловой английский язык»












Студент(ка)  2 курса  

Направления: 080100(62) «Экономика»

Ф И О: Абдухаирова О.В.










  1. Read and translate the text:


A company is also called a firm or a business. While it is producing goods or trading, it is said to be in business. A firm which is just starting up is going into business and a company which stops operating goes out of business. If a company gets bigger, it expands. The expansion of a firm means it can produce more goods or sell more of its products. A manufacturer (or manufacturing company) produces goods. The goods it makes are its products. When a manufacturing company expands, it usually increases production. If one year it produces 110 tones, it has increased production by 10%.   

A company which sells goods in large quantities (in bulk) is called a wholesale distributor (or wholesaler). A company or person buying goods in bulk (or wholesale) and selling them in small quantities is a retailer. Most local shops are retailers and sell goods retail.

Two or more companies which sell or manufacture the same products are competitors (or rivals). They are in competition and they compete for customers. In order to sell more goods than its rivals, a company must be competitive. It is important to keep ahead of the competition by selling at competitive prices. If a company has an advantage over its competitors (for example a cheaper or better products) it gives them an edge on the market.

An area where there is a demand for certain goods is called a market. A company which markets (sells) goods locally caters for the local market. Goods sold in the same country as they are produced are sold on the domestic (or home). A company which starts selling goods overseas is said to go into exporting (or to go into the export business). An importer buys goods abroad and imports them into his own country. The goods are then called imports and the process of importing is called importation.


Основные понятия бизнеса. 
        Компанию    также   называют  фирмой   или   предприятием.  При производстве товаров или торговли, говорят быть в бизнесе. Начинающая фирма входит в бизнес, а компания, которая прекращает работу, выходит из бизнеса. Если компания становится больше, она расширяется. Расширение фирмы означает, что она может производить больше товаров или продавать больше своей продукции. Производитель (или производственная компания) производит товары. Товары, которые она производит являются ее продукцией. Когда производственная компания расширяется, она обычно увеличивает производство. Если в год она производит 110 тонн, она увеличила производство на 10%. 
        Компания, которая продает товары в больших количествах (в натуральном выражении) называется оптовым дистрибьютором (или оптовик). Компания или человек, покупающий товары оптом (или оптовая торговля) и продающий их в небольших количествах является розничным торговцем. Большинство местных магазинов являются розничными торговыми предприятиями и продают товары в розницу. 
        Две или более компании, которые продают или производят одну и ту же продукцию являются конкурентами (или соперниками). Они находятся в конкуренции и они конкурируют за клиентов. Для того чтобы продать больше товара, чем конкуренты, компания должна быть конкурентоспособной. В конкуренции важно быть впереди, путем продажи по конкурентоспособным ценам. Если у компании есть преимущество над своими конкурентами (например, дешевле или лучше продукция) это дает им преимущество на рынке. 
        Область, где есть спрос на определенные товары, называется рынком. Компания, которая торгует (продает) товар локально обслуживает местный рынок. Товары проданные в той же стране, где они производятся продаются на внутреннем рынке (или дома). О компании, которая начинает продавать товары за границу, говорят, что занимается экспортированием (или вошла в экспортный бизнес) . Импортер покупает товары за рубеж и импортирует их в свою собственную страну. Товары тогда называются ввозимые товары и процесс импорта называется ввоз товара.


  1. Answer the questions:  
  2. Does the term “company” have the same meaning as the words  “firm” and “business”?

A company is also called a firm or a business

  1. What do they say about the company if it is producing goods or trading ?

While it is producing goods or trading, it is said to be in business.

  1. What does it mean to go into business?

A firm which is just starting up is going into business.

  1. Explain the expression “to go out of business”?

A company which stops operating goes out of business.

  1. What does a company do if it gets bigger?

If a company gets bigger, it expands.

  1. What does the expansion of a firm mean?

The expansion of a firm means it can produce more goods or sell more of its products.

  1. What company produces goods?

 A manufacturer (or manufacturing company) produces goods.

  1. What units of measurement define the expansion of a manufacturing company?

When a manufacturing company expands, it usually increases production. If one year it produces 110 tones, it has increased production by 10%.   

  1. What company is called a wholesaler?

A company which sells goods in large quantities (in bulk) is called a wholesale distributor (or wholesaler).

  1. Who can sell goods retail?

A company or person buying goods in bulk (or wholesale) and selling them in small quantities is a retailer.

  1. What companies may be called competitors?

Two or more companies which sell or manufacture the same products are competitors (or rivals).

  1. Why must a company be competitive?

They are in competition and they compete for customers. In order to sell more goods than its rivals, a company must be competitive.

  1. What kinds of advantages may a company have over its competitors?

It is important to keep ahead of the competition by selling at competitive prices. If a company has an advantage over its competitors (for example a cheaper or better products) it gives them an edge on the market.

  1. What is a market?

An area where there is a demand for certain goods is called a market.

  1. What’s the difference between  the domestic market and exporting? What does an importer do?

A company which markets (sells) goods locally caters for the local market. Goods sold in the same country as they are produced are sold on the domestic (or home). A company which starts selling goods overseas is said to go into exporting (or to go into the export business). An importer buys goods abroad and imports them into his own country. The goods are then called imports and the process of importing is called importation.


  1. Choose the right tense forms of the verbs to restore the following text:



The Bank of England …(1)… Britain’s central bank. It …(2)… in 1694. It …(3)… privately until it …(4)... in 1946. The Governor, Deputy Governor, and 16 directors …(5)…the Board of Directors. They …(6)… by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Bank of England …(7)… with the control of the banking system in the interests of the nation. The Bank …(8)… money to the Government. The Government …(9)… the sums required by issuing Treasury bills. The style of work of the Bank much …(10)… by the world. 


1. a)were; b) was; c) are; d) am; e) is

2. a) is founded; b) will be founded; c) are founded; d) founded; e) was founded

3. a) owned; b) owns; c) was owned; d) is owned; e)will be owned

4. a) has been nationalized; b) were nationalized; c) was nationalized;

    d) nationalized; e) had been nationalized

5. a) forms; b) are formed;   c) formed;   d) form; e) was formed

6. a) appointed; b) аppoints; c) is appointed; d) are appointed; e) appoints

7. a) is charged;   b) charges; c) charged; d) had been charged;  e) are charged

8. a) does not lend; b) is not lent; c) do not lend; d) will not be lent; e) are not lent

9. a) borrow; b) is borrowed; c) borrows; d) is borrowing;  e) borrowed

10. a) admire; b) admires;   c) am admired; d) is admired;   e) are admired


The Bank of England is Britain’s central bank. It was founded in 1694. It was owned privately until it was nationalized in 1946. The Governor, Deputy Governor, and 16 directors was formed the Board of Directors. They are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The Bank of England is charged with the control of the banking system in the interests of the nation. The Bank does not lend money to the Government. The Government borrows the sums required by issuing Treasury bills. The style of work of the Bank much is admired by the world.


  1. Supply prepositions where it is necessary:


1. _______ years this field of financial management underwent a number of significant changes.

a) in ; b) with; c) after;   d) during

2. Financial capital includes the liquid assets of a company as opposed _______ physical assets.

a) on; b) for ;   c) of ;   d) to

3. The most usual classes of share ________ which the capital of a company can be divided are preference, ordinary and deferred shares.

a) on; b) for;  c) into;   d) in 


4. Preference shares have a fixed rate ________ dividend.

a) of ; b) off ; c) for;   d) -- 


5. The holders of these shares cannot vote _________ the general meetings of the company.

a) for; b) at; c) on;   d) in 


6. The composition ________ a company’s capital is called capital structure.

a) --;  b) off ;   c) of ; d) for





1. With years this field of financial management underwent a number of significant changes.


2. Financial capital includes the liquid assets of a company as opposed on  physical assets.


3. The most usual classes of share on which the capital of a company can be divided are preference, ordinary and deferred shares. 


4. Preference shares have a fixed rate of dividend.


5. The holders of these shares cannot vote on the general meetings of the company.


6. The composition of a company’s capital is called capital structure.




  1. Restore the English text choosing the right word:


Over the past two decades (1-финансовые) problems have (2-ухудшились) the world over. Public (3 - долги) have reached (4 – трудноликвидируемый) level in a growing number of industrial countries. This development and its results – higher  (5 - процентный) rates, lower investment, and slower (6 - рост) in living standards – have stimulated efforts by policymakers to find solution to (7 - раздутый) budget deficit. Central to these solutions is (8 - финансовая) policy adopted by a government for raising (9 - доходы) to meet (10 - расходы).

1. a) financial; b) current;   c) swollen; d) major; e) productive

2. a) exacerbated; b) collected; c) justified; d) refused; e) enhanced

3. a) goods; b) debts; c) notions; d) forces; e) taxes

4.a)impossible;b)unsustainable;c)unpredictable; d) uncontrollable; e) unproductive

5. a) debt; b) term; c) interest; d) power; e) goods

6. a) notion; b) incidence; c) refuse; d) growth; e) power

7. a) multilevel; b) public; c) fiscal; d) medium; e)swollen

8. a) current; b) major; c) fiscal; d) medium;   e) public

9. a) term; b) interest; c) revenue; d) tax;   e) notion

10. a) relation; b) attainment; c) management; d) federal;  e) expenditure



Over the past two decades financial  problems have exacerbated  the world over. Public debts  have reached uncontrollable level in a growing number of industrial countries. This development and its results – higher  interest rates, lower investment, and slower growth in living standards – have stimulated efforts by policymakers to find solution to swollen budget deficit. Central to these solutions is fiscal policy adopted by a government for raising revenue to meet expenditure.









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