Контрольная работа по "Английский язык"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Февраля 2013 в 12:52, контрольная работа

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Перепишите предложения, употребляя правильную форму глагола в Present Simple и наречие частотности в скобках.
Tina sometimes misses the bus to college.
We usually have a holiday in August.
Jim and Helen often go to the bar.
I often sing in the shower.
Ted sometimes plays football on Sunday.
You never finish your work.
Our boss always wears a tie.

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Контрольная работа № 3


по дисциплине: Английский язык





                                                                 Выполнил студент_Тд101з__группы

Мавроди Ольга Юрьевна________





(должность,  ученая степень)











Регистрационный номер__________












Контрольная работа 3


  1. Перепишите предложения, употребляя правильную форму глагола в Present Simple и наречие частотности в скобках.
  1. Tina sometimes misses the bus to college.
  1. We usually have a holiday in August.
  2. Jim and Helen often go to the bar.
  3. I often sing in the shower.
  4. Ted sometimes plays football on Sunday.
  5. You never finish your work.
  6. Our boss always wears a tie.


  1. Перепишите текст, употребляя глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или в Present Continuous.

The Inditex group owns six fashion chains including Zara. It has around 1,500 stores worldwide. It operates in 44 countries. Inditex employs 27,000 people and has more than 200 fashion designers. Currently, the fashion designers are working on next year's designs. The Inditex group is doing very well at the moment, and it is trying to become a global fashion leader. Amancio Ortega, the founder of Inditex, also invests in property and hotels. Most of this year's investment stays in Spain.


  1. Переведите текст из упражнения 2 письменно.

Группа  Inditex владеет шестью сетями магазинов модной одежды, включая магазин Zara. Она имеет около 1,500 универмагов по всему миру. Группа Inditex работает в 44 странах, также она дает работу 27000 человек и располагает более двухстами модельеров. В настоящее время модельеры работают над проектами следующего года. Группа  Inditex очень преуспевает в данный момент и пытается стать глобальным лидером моды. Амансио Ортега, основатель Inditex, также вкладывает свой капитал в недвижимость и отели. Большую часть своих инвестиций в этом году он оставил в Испании.


  1. Поставьте следующие глаголы Past Simple.

Be-was/were, begin-began, become-became, bring-brought, buy-bought, cut-cut, do-did, eat-ate, fall-fell, feel-felt, find-found, found-founded, give-gave, go-went, have-had, read-read, rise-rose, set-set, sing-sang, wear-wore, win-won, write-wrote, want-wanted, stay-stayed, marry-married, put-put, stop-stopped, drop-dropped, carry-carried, play-played.


  1. Поставьте предложения с глаголами в Past Simple в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
  1. We went down "Alphabet Street" to Ginger Street.

«?» Did we go down "Alphabet Street" to Ginger Street?

«-»We didn’t go down "Alphabet Street" to Ginger Street.

  1. He did a lot of work.

«?»Did he do a lot of work?

«-»He didn’t do a lot of work.

  1. They carried out a big survey.

«?»Did they carry out a big survey?

«-»They didn’t carry out a big survey.

  1. There were a lot of disasters in the 20th century.

«?»Were there a lot disasters in the 20th century?

«-»There weren’t a lot disasters in the 20th century.

  1. The actress gave a great performance in the Aldwych in London.

«?»Did the actress give a great performance in the Aldwych in London?

«-»The actress didn’t give a great performance in the Aldwych in London

  1. Hobbs was a founding partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets.

«?»Was Hobbs a founding partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets?

«-»Hobbs wasn’t a founding partner in the Atlantic Financial Markets.

  1. They got out of the place.

«?»Did they get out of the place?

«-»They didn’t get out of the place.


  1. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect и Past Continuous. Переведите исходные предложения на русский язык.

Example: I am eating my breakfast. (Я завтракаю) – (Present Perfect) I have eaten my breakfast. (Past Continuous) I was eating my breakfast.

  1. We are waiting for the negotiations to start. (Мы ждем начала переговоров) – (Present Perfect) We have waited for the negotiations to start. (Past Continuous) We were waiting for the negotiations to start.
  2. He is offering to the company some interesting ideas. (Он предлагает компании некоторые интересные идеи) – (Present Perfect) He has offered to the company some interesting ideas. (Past Continuous) He was offering to the company some interesting ideas.
  3. You are putting the new machines into operation. (Вы запускаете в действие новые машины) – (Present Perfect) You have put the new machines into operation. (Past Continuous) You were putting the new machines into operation.
  4. They are having a meeting. (Они проводят встречу). – (Present Perfect) They have had a meeting. (Past Continuous) They were having a meeting.
  5. She is doing research in IT. (Она проводит исследования в области информационных технологий) – (Present Perfect) She has done research in IT. (Past Continuous) She was doing research in IT.
  6. The employees are demanding a pay rise. (Служащие требуют поднятия зарплаты) – (Present Perfect) The employees have demanded a pay rise. (Past Continuous) The employees were demanding a pay rise.
  7. The students are earning money as part-time workers. (Студенты зарабатывают деньги, как работники, занятые на неполный рабочий день). – (Present Perfect) The students have earned money as part-time workers. (Past Continuous) The students were earning money as part-time workers.


  1. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого и переведите предложения.

      Example: The fact is that last month our compressors ... in greater demand than this month. – Дело в том, что в прошлом месяце наши компрессоры пользовались большим спросом, чем в этом.

    1. have been; b) had been; с) were

1. The inspectors ... already ... all the matters and can sign the documents now. – Инспекторы уже выяснили все вопросы и сейчас могут подписать все документы.

a)  have ... clarified; b) clarified; c) had ... clarified

2. I ... not ... the contract yet, so I must consult my people to give you a definite answer. – Я еще не видел контракта, поэтому я должен проконсультироваться со своими людьми, чтобы дать вам определенный ответ.

a)  did ... see; b)   ... saw; c) have ... seen

3. The British company ... to sell the goods FOB English port and it suited our Sales Manager. – Британская компания согласилась продать товары фоб (с погрузкой на судно) английский порт и это утроило нашего менеджера по продажам.

a)  has agreed; b)  agreed; c) had agreed

4. ... you ever ... contracts without studying the terms of delivery? – Подписывали ли Вы когда-либо контракт не изучая сроки доставки?

a) did ... sign; b) had ... signed; c) have ... signed


  1. Выберите правильный перевод сказуемого в страдательном залоге и переведите предложения.

Example: Our partners informed us that they were offered a 3 per cent discount off the price. – Наши партнеры сообщили нам, что им предложили 3% скидку.

a) они предлагали; b) им предложили; c) они предлагают

1. The suppliers agreed to deliver the goods at once if they were given 50% of the contract price in advance. – Поставщики согласились поставить товар сразу, если бы им заранее дали 50% скидку в цене.

a) они дадут; b) им дали; c) им дадут

2. The importers stated in their letter that they hadn't received the goods on time. – Импортеры заявили в своем письме, что они не получили товары вовремя.

a) не получают; b) не получили; c) не получат

3. The sales representative asked the secretary if she would reserve accommodation for him at a hotel. – Торговый представитель спросил секретаря, закажет ли она ему отель.

a) закажет; b) заказала; c) заказывает

4. We didn't know when the letter would be posted. – Мы не знали, когда письмо будет отправлено.

a) отправлено; b) будет отправлено; c) отправляется


  1. Выберите правильный перевод герундиального или инфинитивного оборота.

Example: On receiving the invitation, I called the Director at once.

    1. получив; b) получая; c) получил

1. We are thankful to you for having extended the invitation.

a) за то, что вы продлили; b) за то, что продлено; c) за то, что продлилось

2. While drawing up a draft contract, our manager made a few mistakes.

a) составив; b) составлял; c) при составлении

3. Would you mind my smoking here?

a) если закурить; b) мое курение; c) если я закурю

4. There is no hope of receiving a letter from this firm soon.

a) получить; b) получая; c) получив

5. The importers would like all the required documents to be signed by the Sales Manager.

a) подписали; b) подпишут; c) чтобы были подписаны

6. The Buyers want the guarantee period to be extended to 18 months.

a) чтобы был продлен; b) чтобы продлить; c) продлили

7. The Director expects Mr. Brown to make a good report at the conference.

a) сделать; b) сделает; c) делает

8. The Production Manager wanted the faulty parts to be replaced.

a) заменить; b) будут заменены; c) чтобы были заменены


Прочитайте  статью, адаптированную из Financial Times и выполните упражнения после текста.


Silicon Valley staff tuck into Lunch 2.0


Even the millionaire engineers of Silicon Valley, the centre of computer technology in the USA, like to have a free lunch.There is an interesting new idea in Silicon Valley called Lunch 2.0. Workers go to other companies for free food and the chance to make new contacts. It started with four men trying to get into companies such as Yahoo and Google to sample their free gourmet lunches.But the idea is so successful that several companies now invite anyone for a free lunch. Except, of course, it is not really free. The lunches are partly about networking and eating, but they are also about presenting products and looking for new staff.

In the latest example, more than 100 people turned up for lunch at the offices of Ning, a web company, in Palo Alto last week. They had sandwiches, salad, cookies – and a presentation by Gina Bianchini, Chief Executive. David Kellogg, a Yahoo technician and one of the people who started Lunch 2.0, said: 'There's a business side and a food side to this.' He says lunch at the LinkedIn social networking company is the best so far.


  1. Определите, верны ли данные высказывания (true or false). Исправьте неверные высказывания, как в образце.

Example: Silicon Valley is the centre of computer technology in the USA. – That’s true

Silicon Valley is the centre of computer technology in Europe. – False. Silicon Valley is the centre of computer technology in the USA.

a)  Very rich people always like to pay for their meals. – False. Even the millionaire engineers of Silicon Valley… like to have a free lunch.

b)   Lunch 2.0 is an idea where workers can have a free meal at another company. – That’s true.

c)   The only purpose of Lunch 2.0 is for workers to have a good meal. – False. Workers go to other companies for free food and the chance to make new contacts.

d)  Companies who offer the meals also tell visitors about the company. – That’s true.

e)  Companies use these lunches to find new staff. – That’s partly true: The lunches are partly about networking and eating, but they are also about presenting products and looking for new staff.

f)   Gina Bianchini is the Chief Executive of Palo Alto. – False. Gina Bianchini is the Chief Executive of Ning, a web company.

g)  Ning gives its visitors steak and chips for lunch. – False. Ning gives its visitors sandwiches, salad and cookies.

h) Linkedln is the best place to go for a free lunch. – That’s true.


  1. Перепишите предложения, вставляя подходящее по смыслу слово из данных ниже.









  1. If something is free, you do not have to pay for it.
  2. A millionaire is someone who has more than one million pounds or dollars.
  3. A gourmet meal is high quality, delicious and usually expensive.
  4. If you meet many people for business, you are networking .
  5. If something is successful, it is popular and working well.
  6. The top manager of a company is often called the chief executive.


  1. Письменно переведите последний (выделенный) абзац статьи.

Штат Селиконовой долины «подсел» на Обеды 2.0

Последнее время, например, более ста человек пришли на обед на прошлой неделе в офис компании Ning – веб компании, в Пало Альто. Им предложили бутерброды, салат, печенье – и презентацию исполнительного директора - Джини Бьянгини. Дэвид Келог – специалист компании Yahoo а также человек, который начинал Обеды 2.0, сказал: «В этом есть как деловая сторона, так и продовольственная». Он говорит, что обед в социальной сетевой компании LinkedIn до сих пор считается самым лучшим.

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