Italian business etiquette

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Декабря 2014 в 20:26, реферат

Описание работы

Italy is one of those countries that can be called « living art gallery", in which is stored a large amount of cultural property. Culture and tradition in Italy is diverse and has been founded since ancient times.

Содержание работы

People's attitudes, their speech………………………………………………..3
The first meeting…………………………………………………………........3
The subtleties of communication……………………………………………..4

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People's attitudes, their speech………………………………………………..3

The first meeting…………………………………………………………........3



The subtleties of communication……………………………………………..4

















Italian business etiquette.


Italy is one of those countries that can be called « living art gallery", in which is stored a large amount of cultural property. Culture and tradition in Italy is diverse and has been founded since ancient times.

Italy is a country living in deep harmony.

It can live bureaucracy and a betrayal of the duties, opportunism and anarchy, wealth and poverty, deep religiosity and scandals. But, despite this, the Italian economy is one of the largest in the world.

The Italians have something to boast in manufacturing, automotive, food and fashion.

The driving motor of the Italian success has always been the institution of the family, the faith in which in Italy is very strong. Loyalty to the family and close friends, the pursuit of understanding and patience, in the opinion of the Italians, will always be able to resolve any contradictions.

The Italians are very resourceful people, energetic, responsive, often use a creative approach. However, the main characteristic of leadership is not considered a person's ability to make decisions, as is customary in most countries, and its position in society, in government. Authoritarianism and authoritativeness - the main characteristics of the Italian style of management. They are widely used in family firms is the most popular in the country economic model. The person who has the most power, it is likely that people who are most trusted by the owner of the firm, regardless of its level of qualification. Such personalized management system implies in Italy and the personal assessment of each employee, and not the Department or the company's management in General.






People's attitudes, their speech.

Although all decisions are made solely by the Director, however, he is expected human relations, interest in his team. According to the Italians, the leader must be charismatic person, persistent, robust, yet attractive, creative and, most importantly, humane.

In business Italians often make decisions based on intuition, reinforcing its various consultations. Personal relationships and personal relationships can play a greater role than the figures of profit and economic benefits, and the risk and use provided opportunities prevail over successive planning. That's why the Italians in business prefer reliable short-term benefits, and not strive to build a long-term strategy.

The Italians - talkers. Their eloquence, and especially expressive gestures, known around the world. But, in business conversations should be afraid of their fiery speeches, as is often more rhetoric and ideas than real facts. Italian can be very friendly, but at the same time from evasive direct answers.

Italians believe by establishing good relations story about yourself, your family and your success. Vivid expressions, feelings, sympathy, confidential tone, and attention to personal problems interlocutors perceived as the norm. The way to overcome disagreements in all cases the Italians are almost always because they are big fans of gentleness and tolerance.


The first meeting.

The Italians it is important that the person with whom they enter into communion for the first time, was something recommended. This can be a business partner, client or Embassy and chamber of Commerce. Official letter best form of the first business contact, but only accompanied by a call or a personal meeting. Do not be surprised that in your letter, written in English, you can get the answer in Italian. It is a common practice among small and medium firms of Italy. So, if  You have the opportunity, in order to reduce response times, the first letter is better to write in Italian. Italian leaders rarely speak English and often negotiate with employee occupying a lower position, but well speaks English. In this case it is necessary to remember what to ask during the meeting you want to the Italian partner, not his assistant.

The Italians attach great importance to the Executive mind and all the things that can highlight social status. Elegant clothing, elegant accessories up to a good ballpoint or fountain pens will be evaluated by Italian-dignity. Everything should be stylish and neat, ranging from clothes to folders for papers. The card of the Italian most often unilateral and less data on it, the more important the person in front of  you.



Inexpensive corporate gifts that can be useful both at work and at home will be pleasant to Italians. Even if they bear the logo of your company, it should not create the effect of gross advertising. Italians love to give luxurious avenues of their firms or small corporate gifts, but always graceful and restrained.


In dealing with the Italians should comply with the formalities. Adopted an official in a business environment forces the Italians often refer to them by title, for example, doctor, lawyer, Professor, or engineer. Also the Italians don't see anything offensive in reference to colleagues by name, even without words "Signore" or "senorita".

The subtleties of communication.

The Italians attach great importance to secular conversation. They will be happy to talk about art, architecture, local cuisine and wines. Sports, football, nature, holidays, movies, family - these topics will gladly discuss any Italian.

In cases when you first meet the Italians don't tend to touch all the business details. Most likely, you will be more to talk about themselves, ask questions about you, your company, family, which once again underlines the importance for the Italians build personal relationships. The official nature is not inherent in the negotiations with the participation of Italians. Here the atmosphere of open discussion, people can talk all at once, the main thing is to give everyone the opportunity to Express their point of view. The agenda, the rules don't play for the Italians large values. Although negotiations with the Italians can end very quickly, but this does not negate their patience. To arrange a preliminary agreement Italians can very quickly, but the discussion of the details may be delayed, resulting in many of the items in the initial agreements may change considerably.




Thus knowledge of the rules of business etiquette helps to avoid failures or reduce them available, in a common manner.

Therefore, the main function, etiquette business person, is to determine how the formation of such rules of conduct in society, contributes to the understanding of people in the process of communication.

If you wish to establish lasting business relations with foreign partners - learn business etiquette of the country you are going to go.

Almost all over the world business etiquette has become the norm activity. This is because the etiquette due to its vitality creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.























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