Internet security

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Мая 2010 в 01:34, Не определен

Описание работы

What a virus is?
A virus is a self-replicating program that spreads by inserting copies of itself into programs or documents that already exist on a computer. The name comes from an analogy with biological viruses. These cannot reproduce by themselves but make use of the functions of infected cells to spread. Similarly, a computer virus makes use of the executable code in legitimate programs to carry out its purposes. A virus may be designed to be destructive to a system or to be a prank. In either case, the virus will rapidly reproduce itself until the system may be overwhelmed. Viruses spread to other systems when infected programs are copied to another machine. Documents with executable code like Word macros can also be vectors of infection. A very common method of spreading viruses is by attachments to email . Today a variant of a virus known as a worm is more often used.