International Ecological University

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Октября 2012 в 20:41, доклад

Описание работы

The problem of youth subculture as a social phenomenon is a relatively new topic for philosophical analysis, although its introduction to the social and philosophical questions prepared by many factors. First, the development of such sciences as sociology, cultural studies, history, psychology, education, ethics, showing interest in this subject. Second, a serious backlog, if not absence, understanding the phenomenon of youth subculture in our philosophy. Third, the assumptions by some researchers that the phenomenon of youth subculture is a temporary historical curiosity is not justified. Whether we like it or not, the phenomenon of youth subculture came into our lives and took its place in the social system.

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International Ecological University

Youth subculture as a social phenomenon

The problem of youth subculture as a social phenomenon is a relatively new topic for philosophical analysis, although its introduction to the social and philosophical questions prepared by many factors. First, the development of such sciences as sociology, cultural studies, history, psychology, education, ethics, showing interest in this subject. Second, a serious backlog, if not absence, understanding the phenomenon of youth subculture in our philosophy. Third, the assumptions by some researchers that the phenomenon of youth subculture is a temporary historical curiosity is not justified. Whether we like it or not, the phenomenon of youth subculture came into our lives and took its place in the social system.

Subculture is any system of norms and values, which identifies a particular group of the larger community. In scientific use the term "subculture" was introduced in the mid 30's. American sociologist T. Roszak, who designated the term so-called "cultural grid coordinates", produced by members of a community for orientation in a complex and contradictory world. However, up to 60ies the term is only used by some scientists, and sporadically.

Today the meaning of the existence of subcultures is to acquire a diverse background in the social world view group level. Therefore subcultural diversity of society does not testify crisis processes in the culture of given society but  an indicator of its wealth proving that the community can effectively respond to changes in the environment, to give appropriate answers to the "challenges" that come from the external environment and from within. This fully applies to the youth subculture.

Modern youth subcultures are not isolated entities. Despite the fact that the subcultures that make up the major currents in modern youth movements, significantly differentiated in the ideological and value terms, they share a number of key characteristics. In today's urbanized society consolidating factor for these youth subcultures and movements is not an ideology, but lifestyle characteristics that differentiate people and the atmosphere of this community from all the rest.

The considerable part of the existing youth subcultures has a pronounced counter-cultural component. Mainly this is due to certain socio-psychological characteristics of young people, which is characterised by categorical judgments, maximalism, rejection of the rigid normative regulation, heightened emotional perception of what is happening, irritability, idealization of novelty, the spirit of contradiction. However, this is not the basis for setting the equal sign between youth culture and counterculture because a significant part of youth subcultures based on the values that are basically the same with the values ​​of society.



Youth subculture as a social phenomenon

Although the problem of youth subculture is new to philosophical analysis, it should be paid more attention and studied at a deeper level, because in adolescence young people get the qualities and knowledge needed for modern life.

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