How do you think rulers should be educated?

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Марта 2011 в 23:31, сочинение

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Plato development issues, education, training and education of offspring attached the utmost importance, as always, he painted in great detail the types and ways of training future guardians and rulers (members of the upper classes) and thoroughly substantiated his views.

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How do you think rulers should be educated? 

  "The object of education is to turn the eye which the soul already possesses to the light. The whole function of education is not to put knowledge into the soul, but to bring out the best things that are latent in the soul, and to do so by directing it to the right objects. The problem of education, then, is to give it the right surrounding. "(Plato's Republic, Book vii, 518)

   Plato development issues, education, training and education of offspring attached the utmost importance, as always, he painted in great detail the types and ways of training future guardians and rulers (members of the upper classes) and thoroughly substantiated his views. Furthermore, he outlined his advice on the application of theoretical calculations on the device of an "ideal state" in practice in contemporary historical conditions. And to begin with, he suggested that "... all who are in town for more than ten years, they (the rulers - the true philosophers - approx. Mine) will send to the village, and the remaining children to protect them from exposure to modern manners, peculiar parents, raised on their own way, in those laws that we discussed earlier. So that's that way most easily and quickly establish the system of government, we talked about, the state will flourish and the people, from whom it arises, to extract ourselves a great favor. "This quote shows once again that Plato believed that the state is constructed to "correct" the upbringing and education of its citizens, and to begin the process to the very birth of the child. Plato did not occur in a vacuum. It is rather a method of education and training, used in ancient Greece in classical times.

  The main task of his philosophical and pedagogical activities Plato believed the ideal state to create a project and education of the philosopher, able to state activity. In its ideal state by its main pedagogical principle: the different human natures should receive different training. The basis of teaching beliefs of Plato is his belief in the immortality of the soul and reincarnation. This explains the exceptional value that Plato gives care and education: Only those who properly brought up and taught to distinguish between good and evil, may in the future birth to choose the right lifestyle. For Plato, and education determine not only correct the social organization of people, but also give a person a true spiritual freedom and the ability to orient in the world of timeless spiritual values.

  Knowledge is something that instills a teacher. It is connected with the concept of justice. The question of justice - is the question of how to live, and this in turn depends on knowledge. It would therefore be pertinent question: "what is justice?" To answer this question, we take the whole society. The main assumption here is that we need other people in order to fully satisfy their desires. Therefore, we need to produce not only for myself, but mostly for others. Hence there is a problem of money. But an abundance of knowledge will make money unnecessary. This assumes, of course, that knowledge has become a material force. The level of civilization can be measured by the development of knowledge as a material force. Education begins with the birth of the child. Especially careful to refer to what toys give a child, and tell some tales. This is to "settle" in his mind the quality of that wish. And this: the desire to learn, courage, temperance, justice. Willingness to learn is when the conditions are created when everyone is free to ask for knowledge. Anyone who can provide this knowledge will be loved by many. They will accompany him everywhere.

  According to Plato, courage - is the preservation of beliefs about what is good and what is bad in all conditions, including pain. Therefore, the courage - is an application of mind to extreme conditions. Moderation - it is. Justice - it is such a social organization that is best to develop the productive forces of society. The rapid development of productive capacities makes unnecessary boring work and enhances the ability to be creative. In the days of Plato, justice means that "everyone should do the job for which his nature has created," ie, everyone must become an expert. Division of labor can lead to the creation of machines.

  How to achieve a just society? The first condition - that is what the philosophers, or those who aspire to general knowledge, to be rulers. Plato believed that either philosophers become rulers or rulers become philosophers. Today we see how teachers become the rulers of their own species because they have power over the minds of those whom they lead. This is especially clearly expressed when the teachers are parents. What are the qualities of a good teacher? Teachers or philosophers should be moderate, not greedy, stingy is not compatible with the contemplation of space and time. Discussion and language are the main means of philosophers, so they must develop communication skills. However, a person who governs a modern society should also be ready for war, and therefore he must develop himself physically. In a just society, everyone owns productive resources. Plato believed that "a better society in which most people use the expression" mine "and" not mine "in the same way." Bad is what contributes to the division of society, the good is that it helps bring people of different ages and sexes. In well-equipped society, women play the same role as men. Therefore, they should have a similar education.

  Early education should emphasize the music and dancing - everything that is connected with the rhythm. Plato believed that "music education is the most important, because rhythm and harmony find their way in and contribute to the gracious soul." Gymnastics - this is another important form of education. This body workout, while the music trains the soul. However, the exercises need to be addressed for the overall development of young people, and not for the outstanding results. Plato wrote: "gymnastics necessary to develop the manly part of our nature, rather than just for the development of force, as in ordinary athletes who are considering a diet and exercise as a means of muscles."

      Education - this is not a means to enter an image in mind, but rather turn the mind to the fact that he was able to contemplate their own good. Therefore, education should develop in a person the skills of independent education. The main objective of education - is learning to learn without help, and only a secondary goal of education is to convey specific information about the subject matter. In other words, the main goal of education - is to "learn how to learn" rather than memorization of some facts. Education - a process that lasts a lifetime, and for every age have stages. First, a person learns to physical exercises which are used in war and in labor. Then, it is necessary to teach subjects that can see through the mind. This is a mathematics and astronomy. Classes in mathematics contribute to developing the ability to philosophy. Here the main issue is "what is good and what is bad." Then, a man must learn to communicate with other people in order to teach him to lead the society for good. Periodically, the man returned to the study of philosophy, and so an alternative is both a leader and a philosopher.

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