Foreign borrowing in the Russian language

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 31 Декабря 2015 в 18:57, реферат

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Borrowing - is up (usually incomplete and incorrect) words or expressions of one language into another. Borrowing is also called itself borrowed the word. Borrowing in languages is an important factor in their development. Depending on the language from which the word was borrowed, such words are called «Anglicisms», «Arabisms», «Germanisms» and so on. P. In this paper, we are more interested in it, «Anglicisms». The influx of loans in Russian language from English (or American English) is particularly increased in 90 years.

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Foreign borrowing in the Russian language

Borrowing - is up (usually incomplete and incorrect) words or expressions of one language into another. Borrowing is also called itself borrowed the word. Borrowing in languages is an important factor in their development. Depending on the language from which the word was borrowed, such words are called «Anglicisms», «Arabisms», «Germanisms» and so on. P. In this paper, we are more interested in it, «Anglicisms». The influx of loans in Russian language from English (or American English) is particularly increased in 90 years. This is due to changes in political, economic, cultural and moral orientation of society. There has been unprecedented borrowing of foreign vocabulary in all areas. She has taken a leading position in the political life of the country, to get used to new concepts: the inauguration, speaker, consensus, image, public relations and so on. D. Foreign-language terms have become dominant in the most advanced fields of science and technology :, display, file monitoring, player, scanner etc. In the financial business - the business, the auditor, Broker, barter, etc. In the cultural sphere invade bestsellers, westerns, thrillers, hits, pop. This led to the aggravation of the struggle with borrowings. The newspapers and magazines are published discussions on the use of foreign words. Academician Yevgeny Chelishev, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences actively working at the Council of the Russian Language under the President of the Russian Federation, in his article says: "It is one thing - economically viable, natural drawing, gradually learns the language and did not destroy its national base, and quite another - aggressive , its total "Americanization." For example, it is unacceptable came from the English language the word "killer" in which the blurred negative assessment contained in Russian the word "murderer." The man said, "You - the killer" - is to make him a harsh sentence and call him a killer - as it were easy to identify his profession: "I - the dealer, you - killer, we both kind of thing to do." Young people have always been the engine of progress. Currently, they are increasingly began to visit the English-speaking countries, to communicate with foreigners, listen to songs (most of them performed in English), watch movies. Thus, young generation can not use English words in his speech. Enhancing information flows, the emergence of a global computer network, the development of the global economic market, international tourism and cultural relations - all this led to the emergence of new loan words that really attract young people.  

Speaking about the current situation, many philologists and linguists note that the intensity of borrowing foreign language has reached alarming rates. Of particular concern is the fact that in everyday speech of Russian-speaking young people more and more often borrowed from the English slang and their derivatives. Young people find it easier to express their thoughts and feelings by the means of a foreign language. Perhaps for the first millennium of existence of the Russian nation there is a real separation between fathers and children. The older generation does not always understand what he is talking teenager or student. Anglicisms - borrowing from the English vocabulary. Anglicisms began to penetrate into the Russian language from the beginning of the 19th century, but the influx into our vocabulary remained weak until the 1990s, when the indiscriminate borrowing of how words without relevant concepts - in computer terminology (shredder, overhead, Potter) and business vocabulary (default, marketing, dealer, offshore) and replacement of Russian words of English to express a positive or negative, absent in the original word in the receiving language (beer - pub Killer - killer).

Words borrowed from the English began to appear in many languages ​​of the world, because people began to travel more, there was the Internet, develop ties between the countries, increased cultural exchanges, English language becomes an international language of communication. It has become fashionable to use Anglicisms - of youth tends to imitate the Western culture, although in everyday speech they are not so much. So do not be afraid of the influx of anglicisms - this phenomenon is likely temporary. Watching all the sad consequences of "total Americanization" of the Russian language, it is difficult to maintain objectivity in the ongoing debate about the appropriateness of foreign-language borrowings in the modern Russian language. Yet words are heard in defense of the non-Russian words, entrenched in the language. New vocabulary in the language appears to indicate some sort of a new concept. People we quickly mastered them, because these words are used constantly. New words appear in different ways: one modeled on the words that already exist in the language (autobench, Kinopanorama etc.), Others are borrowed completely. Thirdly occur semantic conversion, so that a new word is a result of the use of the old portable, which increases its ambiguity, enriching language. Borrowed Words can perform not only the nominative, but also an expressive function. Some of the words designate objects, concepts, events have moved to their evaluation. For example, redefining the word outsider, boom, knock in a journalistic style. We can say that because of the progressive globalization, languages are mixed, the process of borrowing becomes widespread. For the appearance of loan words in the Russian language should be any reason. The study of the causes of borrowing foreign words were engaged in many linguists in the early twentieth century. For example, the main reason for the borrowing of words is considered necessary to name things and concepts. There are other reasons, different in nature - linguistic, social, psychological, aesthetic, and so on. N., The need for new forms of language, the need for the dismemberment of the concepts in a variety of means and in their entirety, in the brevity and clarity, convenience and m. There are two large groups of causes of borrowing. It is extralinguistic, in other words, vneshneyazykovye reasons and vnutrilingvisticheskie, ie due to the peculiarities of the language itself.

"Extralinguistic reasons are the following:"

Historical contacts peoples. When there are inter-ethnic communication, it inevitably leads to mutual penetration of certain words in the language.

the need for the nomination of new objects and concepts.

Innovation nation in any particular field. If a particular country is a provider of products, unparalleled, the linguistic snobbery. By vnutrilingvisticheskim reasons include:

lack of native language equivalent word for the new object or concept. For example: Player, heping impeachment and others. As a rule, this is the main reason when borrowing.

trend towards the use of borrowed words instead of descriptive turnover. For example: hotel sleeper - bed and breakfast, a short press conference for journalists - briefing skating skiing - freestyle or "sniper" instead of "good shot", "tour" instead of "traveling along a circular route", "sprint" instead of " sprint ", etc.

the need to detail the respective values ​​indicated by a foreign word of a special form of objects or concepts which until then were called by a Russian word.

The reasons for the penetration of anglicisms in the Russian language:

- Increased knowledgeable and English speaking

- Kudos to the English language is growing every day.

- English-language international

- The emergence of new terminology

- Tribute to fashion

- The expressiveness of novelty

However, identifying the causes of borrowing was conducted without sufficiently clear differentiation of language and external, non-linguistic, reasons. Thus, the LP Rat indicated that E. Richter, the main reason for borrowing the words believes need to name things and concepts. Lists and other reasons, different in nature - linguistic, social, psychological, aesthetic, and so on. N., The need for new forms of language, the need for the dismemberment of the concepts in a variety of means and in their entirety, in the brevity and clarity, convenience and t. e. The process of linguistic borrowing them considered in close connection with the cultural and other contacts between the two different language communities and as part of the result of such contacts. But there is still such a thing as a youth sleng.Chasto young lyudim like to use anglitsizmy.Im think it's fashionable. Accordingly, it is possible to put forward the following hypothesis: in the Russian language in communication of young people with their peers is widely used Anglicisms, draws from the Internet, music and media, losing its true meaning.      

To identify the reasons for the use of anglicisms and the confirmation of the hypothesis was organized and conducted the study: was compiled profile of the eight questions. The subjects of the study were students of the 1st course, which have a large circle of friends who knowingly use the Internet, listen to music of different directions today, watch movies, play computer games, and carefully

watching the world news. In addition, they are well aware of the English language, at least, they choose to study it that they are interested in and enjoy.      

Following the results of the survey concludes:

The overwhelming majority of young people enjoying anglicisms in communication (84%);

The main sources are the words computer technology, media and training discipline "English" (36%, 27%, 21% respectively);

Meaning of English words used most often corresponds to the proper meaning of this word (90%);

Reasons to use Anglicisms - facilitating conversation, maintaining conversation and learning English (40%, 28%, 27% respectively).       

In accordance with the results of the study, it is necessary to make the following conclusion: the main reason for the use of Anglicisms is to facilitate communication of young people with each other. As for the semantic meaning of words in the translation into Russian, definitely can not say that it changes. Most of the words in the translation takes the same meaning as Anglicism. It should also be noted that a significant part of the English word "moved" in Russian and English equivalent is replaced, which carries its meaning. Methods for forming Anglicisms.



      We can distinguish the following groups of foreign borrowing:



     Direct borrowing. The word is found in the Russian language in approximately the same manner and with the same meaning as in the original language. It's words like a weekend - a weekend, mani - money Face - face offtopic - chatter.     

Hybrids. These words are formed by joining the Russian suffix foreign roots, prefixes and endings. In this case, often several changes the value of the foreign words of the source, for example: buzz (busy - busy, fussy, restless), din (game - play).     

Tracing paper. The words of foreign origin that are used to keeping their phonetic and graphic appearance. It is words like menus, password, disk virus. Polukalka - words in grammatical development subject to the rules of Russian grammar.     

Exoticism. Words that characterize specific national customs of other nations and are used in the description of non-Russian reality. A distinctive feature of these words is that they do not have Russian synonyms. For example: chips (chips), hotdog (hot-dog), a cheeseburger (cheeseburger), a sandwich.      

Foreign-language blotches. These words are usually lexical equivalents, but stylistically different from them and are fixed in a particular field of communication as a means of expression, which gives a special speech expression. For example: ok (OK); wow (Wow); lol (Lol) - very popular these days.     

Composites. Word composed of two English words, such as second-hand - shop selling clothes, second-hand; video room - a room for watching movies. But the use of Anglicisms related to his sphere of activities. Spheres of human activity.


Ekonomika and finances.


At the end of the 80s of last century in our everyday language included many economic and financial terms, and almost all of them - foreign-language origin: barter broker voucher, dealers, investors, etc. The situation in the country at that time was that economic issues have become relevant not only for professionals but also for ordinary people. Special economic and financial terms included in obscheliteraturnogo language flashed on the pages of the press, sounded on the radio and on TV.


All the economic and financial terms - the result of influence on our economy prevalent in the West, methods and mechanisms of economic and financial management. However, new concepts came to us new words and terms. Is it possible to replace them with Russian correspondences and call, say, barter - exchange, broker - a mediator of the investor - an investor?


Let's try to take a closer look to each one of used foreign words and his possible replacement of similar meaning Russian nouns.


Barter - words borrowed from English, where the noun '' barter '' means' exchange, barter, barter trade, or exchange of goods. " It entered the Russian language as a special economic terms, and originally recorded mainly terminological dictionaries and the dictionary of foreign words. But none of the dictionary word "barter" are not used with the help of some Russian synonym (for example, exchange or transaction); to accurately convey the meaning of the term required qualifying words: trade, barter, natural. This means that the meaning of the term "barter" is different from the word "exchange" or "deal": it is obvious that the exchange can not assume the availability of goods, and the transaction is not always associated with commodity relations. So, if we talk about replacing foreign word "barter" their, Russian words, as the equivalent of the phrase must be chosen (commodity exchange etc.), not a single word. And in the language of the current trend to replace multiword names-word. Use of the word "barter" instead of the phrase "commodity exchange without money", "barter deal" is consistent with this trend and, therefore, this word has a chance to survive in our language.





The computer and the internet.



     You can safely say today in the lives of virtually every Russian entered inconsiderate brothers: the computer and the Internet. And in the late 70's there were no signs that it will soon buzzwords like "chat", "avatar", etc. will enter into use. Today, the Russian language without any of these words is no longer possible to imagine. Of course, no one blames not know what the connection or pic - not a shame, but this is the last bell that you fall out of the rhythm of time.



     Now, almost all the students are working with the computer, immerse them in the ocean wide range of information internetskogo world. They are well known to computer terms. But it is unlikely they are quite familiar with their history. Meanwhile, knowledge of the history of these lexical units allows even deeper into the mysteries of the virtual space of the universe.


Already in the middle of the last century, after the emergence of the computer, computer language in Russian there are many borrowings listed linguistic wind from the English language. A large number of computer equipment imported from different countries, forcing a programmer as soon as possible to translate the technical documentation. Market conditions forced to use ready-made English terms without worrying about them finding an adequate match in the Russian language. After victories in the new computer were terms such as scanner, printer, monitor. Began wandering the web, "peeping into the windows of the Universe" - brouzering, navigation, surfing the gateways of information flow.

In 1972, Cerf and B. B. Kant was organized by the project "Enthernething". In this project we have been developed all the theoretical principles of the modern global information network. 20 years later, in 1993 AD Engelbard made a number of outstanding technical inventions. Among them is the "mouse", multi-window interface and functional keyboard.

In the late 90's there and the first text-based browser. The emergence of new realities in our lives, thanks to new victories computer gains, making their new designations in the language.          

The word "Internet" came into the Russian language at the same time with the word "network"; translated to English it means "internetwork," or "combined network."     

The first part of the word - an inter - inter - has long been "Russified" and does not require interpretation (cf. .: international). The second part - no - net - in the English language has several meanings: a network mesh node cobweb trap.     

In the context of a language disorder and incidents occur most often tautological character. These include phrases Network - Internet and network online - in each pair of these examples, one word clearly unnecessary. Word on-line - one of the "dark" places the Internet. His writing and interpretation in the Russian language is very ambiguous. In English it is connected. Computer dictionary gives us several meanings of the word network: working in the system, the non-autonomous; at a pace of information flow; interactive, interactive, operational; under the control of main equipment; directly under the control of the CPU. Generally speaking online, we put in a word, depending on the situation, one of the following values. But sometimes its use seems unjustified. Thus, the "Russian line" named one of the reference and information sites, online systems devoted to articles and online media advertising, we offer a glimpse. In fact, in all these cases, the authors say zines. Other their name - electronic, but more accurately convey the specifics of this concept is the phrase zines.     

The emergence of new realities in our lives, thanks to new victories computer gains, making their new designations in the language. Technical progress.     

Only one cellular communications in the past five years has enriched the Russian language almost hundreds of new terms. "The mobile phone», «SMS», «roaming", "pin" - these words and knows almost everyone uses.     

Automobile boom threw their "five cents", "tuning", "restyling". Not that the USSR did not have a car. There were. But there was avtoyazyka. What is now called the "clearance", then called "clearance" and say one word is always easier than two. As a result, "skylight" went into the shadows. Over the past 30 years, scientists have invented so many things, that the Academy of Sciences does not have time to make changes to the dictionary. Tehnomir extremely complicated. And the language with him.     

Often found in newspapers and magazines, the following terms:

1) Parking is not possible because of the jeep, blocked the passage (the journal "Successes and failures» №10, 2009, p.6).     

Jeep - American passenger car off-road for transportation of small loads.

2) Send an «SMS» with the word ... ("Moskovsky Komsomolets", 24-31 October 2010)    

SMS - short text message, with the help of which users can exchange information. 4.Sport

The word "sport" - a word of English origin. It is an integral part of the physical culture, means and methods of physical education, the system of organization, preparation and conduct of the various physical exercises. With sports in the Russian language it is, and many other sports concepts of the English language. For example: football, volleyball, match, penalty, time, etc. Without all of these words no longer held any sporting events, competitions, any sports game. We are used to them, and now almost no one thinks that these words came to us from the English.      

Often found in newspapers and magazines, the following terms:

1) Today, the opponent has been appointed two pure penalties, not to mention the offside.

Penalties - in football penalty kick at goal, hockey with the ball - twelve-; in ice hockey - a free throw in the opponent's net.

2) A "Beam", on the contrary, all the moments created from an offside position.

Offside - in some team sports games: the position of "offside" in which the player is in violation of existing rules is in a position comfortable for hitting the opponent's goal.

 Criminal offenses     

Many words related to criminal offenses, the Russian language again borrowed from the English. For example: a killer. Interacting with native Russian word "killer", it was assigned to the name of a particular profession - assassin.     

Often found in newspapers and magazines, the following terms:

1) Baklanov, bears the nickname "Killer", only he rubbed his hands. (24-30 October 2010, "Moskovsky Komsomolets", "How much is a pound of Down and Out").

The killer - a professional assassin.

2) That he fools us head with his corruption? ("Life» № 17, 2009, Leonid Shakhov).

Corruption - 1) bribery, corruption of officials, public and political figures; 2) fusion of state authorities with organized crime structures in the world. Household speech, colloquialisms and slang.     

White takes it to the new realities of their non-Russian names: Snickers, Twix, hamburger, Sprite, shopping, etc. Even vernacular and jargon replenish your vocabulary anglicisms, often distorted, mutilated: Gerlach, Bucks, shoes, tin, etc.       

Often found in newspapers and magazines, the following terms:

1) Not available to producers whose thoughts only of profits that will show. (24-31 October 2010, "Moskovsky Komsomolets").

Show - 1) vivid variety show; 2) portable, about anything to attract attention designed for external effect.

2) That is why the actor resolutely masculine refuses directors, beckoning him to star in the series.

Series - serial film combined with one story.

- To act in a tuxedo, I can not.

Tuxedo - Black, strong opening on chest with long jacket, trimmed with silk lapels. Mass media.     

Borrowing, being mostly words bookish or special, are mainly used in the book speech in the texts of scientific and technical nature. In recent years, the main source of linguistic material steel modern media. Leafing through a newspaper or watching TV, every person is inevitably confronted with a lot of words of English origin. As a rule, these words appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines, can be divided into three groups:

The words that are synonyms in the Russian language and often do not understand the people, for example: monitoring - a synonym for "observation". The use of these words, in many cases, is not a necessary part of a difficult perception and understanding of the text.

Words do not usually have synonyms in the Russian language. They have long been accustomed, all clear, and many people do not even think about the fact that these words come to us from the English language, for example: athlete, football problem.

Words printed in newspapers in English, English letters. These words are certainly not understood by most people, such as «non-stop».     

Modern media also reflect the main socio-economic processes in the society and the processes of change in the language. Any phenomenon or event in one form or another is reflected in the pages of newspapers and magazines, on television, in the news Internet portals. It is no secret that the influence of the media on the development of the language sometimes very, very much. Those or other derivation, introduced by the language in the media firmly part of our speech, rooted in it. The media often used the word oligarch borrowed (from c. Oligarchia - government by the few), familiar to us from the history books of the ancient world (cf.. Spartan oligarchic Union) and the works of the classics of Marxism-Leninism (Wed financial oligarchy). Today, the so-called major domestic capitalists of great personal influence on the political process.     

Oligarch (Eng. Oligarchia - oligarch) - a representative of big business, which has a major impact on power, politics and the economy. Earlier this word was not used outside of the works on the history of ancient sire, which meant each of the co-rulers of ancient Sparta separately. Suppose that is used in the last few years in the media the word oligarch, strictly speaking, is not a result of the additional value of the word oligarch, meaning the Spartan ruler, and is derived from a word in the phrase oligarchy financial oligarchy - political and economic domination of a handful of exploiters financiers. The phrase is present in almost every Soviet textbook on modern history, the basics of state and law, political economy, but in the allocation of a special word for the individual members of the financial oligarchy did not need to. Let us assume that this word could be found in some kind of special works, but it was not the fact of social consciousness.     

In connection with the replacement of the bogus Soviet elections to the real electoral system, with the development of democracy in Russia to update and acquire new values, shades of meaning and a new compatibility and words run (Eng. Ballot - vote) Rating (Eng. Rating - evaluation) and populism ( Eng. populist - populist).     

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