Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Января 2014 в 19:47, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Tim, Dennis, Adam and Laura were ill last month. Tim had to stay in bed for two weeks and take a lot of medicine. Laura couldn't listen to music for a day. Adam had to drink a lot of hot milk with honey and couldn't eat any ice cream. Dennis had to stay in bed for two days. His mother gave him some nose drops and some cough syrup.
1. What was the matter with Tim?
2. What was the matter with Laura?
3. What was the matter with Adam?
4. What was the matter with Dennis?

Содержание работы

Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the Past Simple.
I _______________________ (move) here nine years ago.
I _______________________ (start) skating four years ago.
He _______________________ (meet) her in June.
You _______________________ (not buy) the present yesterday.
Mr Jones _______________________ (live) here six months ago.
Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
1. He invested all his money _______ stocks and shares.
2. Could you throw that book ______ me, please? I’d like to have a quick look at it.
3. They thanked him ____ being so kind.
4. They invited us _____ their wedding, but we couldn’t go.
5. I warned him _____ the dangers of driving without a seat belt.

Describe a picture using the Past Simple

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Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets in the Past Simple.doc

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