Дилма Руссеф Политический портрет

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 15 Ноября 2011 в 23:32, творческая работа

Описание работы

Dilma Vana Russeff — the Brazilian politician, the selected president of Brazil since October, 31st, 2010 (will enter a post on January, 1st, 2011); the Minister of Energy in 2003-05, the head of presidential administration in 2005-10, a member of a left-wing party of workers.

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       Белорусский государственный университет

       Гуманитарный  факультет 

       Кафедра международных отношений 

       Дилма Руссеф 

       Политический  портрет 

       Близнюк Анны Александровны

       студентки 3 курса отделения 

       международных отношений 


       О. П. Вертинский 

       Минск – 2010 

Political portrait of Dilma Russef.

    Dilma Vana Russeff — the Brazilian politician, the selected president of Brazil since October, 31st, 2010 (will enter a post on January, 1st, 2011); the Minister of Energy in 2003-05, the head of presidential administration in 2005-10, a member of a left-wing party of workers.

    Dilma was born in a family of Bulgarian emigrant Peter Ruseva. Her father, an active member of the Bulgarian communist party, has emigrated from Bulgaria in 1929; some time lived in France where has started to write down the surname as Rousseff, and then lived in Argentina.

    Dilma has actively become interested in a policy after a military coup d'etat of 1964 in which course was dethroned President Zhuan Gulart. In 1967 it has joined the youth organization of Socialist party of Brazil, and then to its radical fraction «Command of national exemption», the armed struggle defending idea against military dictatorship. Some years Dilma was in a railroad train of the underground armed organizations, but didn't participate in operations. In 1970 Dilma had been arrested and committed to prison where had undergone to tortures.

    In the end of 1972 she left prison and had departed from radical political activity. Subsequently had ended Federal university Riu-Grandi-du-Sul and was engaged in legal political activity in the oppositional political organizations. In the late eighties worked as the treasurer in the mayoralty to Port-alegri, in 1990 headed nonstate Fund of economy and statistics and worked in a Department of Energy of the state of Riu-Grandi-du-Sul.

    Дилма long time consisted in the Democratic workers' party, and has  passed in the Batch of workers in the late nineties. After crisis with supply of electricity in the south of Brazil in the end of presidential term to Fernando Enrike Kardozu the theme of power questions became actual, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has used experience of Dilma in the election campaign. After election as the president da Silvy Dilma has been appointed the Minister of Energy of Brazil (January, 2003). On June, 21st, 2005 has headed Presidential Administration of Brazil, and in 2010 it has been declared its promotion on a post of the president of Brazil on elections on October, 3rd, 2010. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has completely supported a nominee of Dilmy. As the platform it has sounded continuation of a policy of a present office. In the election campaign of Dilma supports carrying out of agrarian and political reforms, supports racial quotas, religious liberty and the homosexual civil unions, opposing the death penalty and legalization of soft drugs.

    In the first round of presidential election which has passed on October, 3rd, 2010, Dilma has typed more than 47,5 million (46,9 %) voices and has passed in the second round (has taken place on October, 31st) where it was resisted by José Serra's social democrat. According to preliminary data, in the second round of Russeff has typed 55,96 % of voices and became the new president of Brazil, the first woman in the history of the country on this post.

    The relation to Byelorussia Dilma states as benevolent and hopes for cooperation in that direction which bases have been pledged at Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

    She loves history and is interested in an opera. Fernando Montenegro's its favourite actress. Dilma has deserved reputation of the workaholic and the authoritative specialist; it is marked by the big ability to listen.

    In 2009 Dilma has recovered from a cancer of lymph nodes at an early stage; because of the conducted chemotherapy it some months wore a wig. Dilma was married twice, and it is now dissolved. From second marriage at it one daughter who in September, 2010 has given birth to the grandson of Dilma.

    Freely knows English, French and Spanish languages.

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