Current situation of banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Марта 2011 в 14:33, курсовая работа

Описание работы

The transition period during which old and new bank structures coexisted, has appeared rather short. As a result in Republic there was the two-tired bank system which first-tire represents National bank, and the second or bottom level is represented by the state, commercial, joint and foreign banks. The national bank is the main bank of Kazakhstan and is in its property. On the one hand, it is the legal body which is carrying out certain civil-law transactions with commercial banks and the state.

Содержание работы

Introduction 3

Chapter I. Concept of bank and banking system 5

Chapter II. The current situation of banking system

of the Republic of Kazakhstan 12

Chapter III. Problems and perspectives of development

of banking system of the Republic of Kazakhstan 19

Conclusion 25

References 27